The Marshall Amp that gets no respect (but SHOULD)

  • Thread starter alvagoldbook
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In Memorandum
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Sep 5, 2010
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:) Hey Die, Pass the Popcorn....

:lol::lol: TWIN


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Dec 13, 2011
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To this day that amp doesn't work the way it use to! of course you never told me when it happened! and took it to a shop to get fixxed and replaced the tubes with the cheapest crap you could find!!! I don't think the washing machine hoses ever broke, I think it was from you setting all my amps on fire and someone had the good sense to put it out!

maybe your solos wouldnt have sucked so bad if you could ever afford anyhting better then a squier you damn hippie!

I didn't tell you at the time because you left your amp over at my place and I didn't see you again for another 6 months! Those cheap ass tubes were what the repair shop put in. I didn't even tell them to replace them, and then they upcharged me like a mofo for them.

Man, that whole place got flooded from that washing machine. I had to stay up until 3 in the morning cleaning it up with a wet dry vac. I estimated that I cleaned up 50 gallons. The shitty thing is that my land lady didn't even have the decency to call my cell phone when it broke, and then she avoided me for 2 weeks after it happened.

Hey, those Squiers were just as good as any Japanese Fender. I got them because they were cool and I could upgrade them for cheap.

Of course no one would say boo about upgrading a 300 dollar guitar. You would just buy a '72 Gibson Deluxe and then scrape the finish off with a razor because you thought it looked too dark. And that's when you weren't rubbing bleach all over your speaker cabinets and then trying to paint the grill cloth with your girlfriend's nail polish and hair dye. To this day that one Marshall you have looks like Barney the fucking dinosaur!!!


New Member
Sep 9, 2010
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San Diego
Jeff Bland and Mark Slaughter both use 4100s on tour with Slaughter. Jeff did need to use my 6100 as a backup when we played with them in San Diego a few months ago.


New Member
Sep 9, 2010
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San Diego
There never was a 2x12 30th Anniversary model built. Only a 1x12 model 6101 and a head model 6100.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008
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Northern New Jersey
My MKIII 2500 kills. I've thought about letting it go plenty of times, but can't do it. Very, very close to my 2204 if you don't turn the sensitivity up all the way.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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Tampa, Fl. USA
900's do take and unfair beating.

I had two 100w 900 DR amps. First a head and half stack and later I downsized to a mint condition combo with a gain mod (still had all the original paperwork with it). I wish that still had that combo.

Both were nice amps and had pretty decent tones at both high and lower volumes. Especially the combo with the mod.

After I bought my 800, I manage to sell the 900 combo more than I paid for it used at GC a few years prior.

Not bad considering that this was about the time when the economy started going down the tubes.
Jan 7, 2010
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Discoville, Land of Ice and Snow
The DSL is a great amp, and competent players should be able to sound great on it. The 4100 can be made to sound good too with tweaks and insane volume, but it has its shortcomings, like crappy sound at low volume and the typical SS overdrive that doesn't moderate unless it's played far too loud for too many applications.


Calling bullshit, and base my case on experience on dozens of 900s. A 100W head is not a bedroom amp, that's true. But in a moderate size club and a rock band (average PA volume 100 dB) those things can be dialed for a solid rock tone. My own preference is 800s over 900s over DSLs. But the thing is that DSL's midrange is voiced differently than the "old school" 'shalls.

You need to be in touch with what the amp was designed to do, and not ask them tricks they can't perform. And what people often forget that is that the type of cab you are running is of utmost importance and can make or break your day. For example, a well maintained 2100 or 4100 is going to sound kickass through a '90s JCM900 1960B.

Older (up to JCM900) Marshalls are not plug-and-play. You need to use your EARS and dial in a good tone – which varies from venue to venue, and the other components in your signal chain. And of course you need to have a solid conception of what a good tone is. There are no free lunches when it comes to tone.


In Memorandum
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Sep 5, 2010
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No offense to Ken but, i have to dissagree. I got tremendous tones at all volumes. it's all in the eq. it was stock other than E34L's and GT 12ax7's.

It can do any volume and really any tone (one at a time though) very well if you're patient and can dial it in.

That said, agreed on the DSL remarks. it's a great tone machine. Just not the best build imo.


May 21, 2008
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I didn't tell you at the time because you left your amp over at my place and I didn't see you again for another 6 months! Those cheap ass tubes were what the repair shop put in. I didn't even tell them to replace them, and then they upcharged me like a mofo for them.

Man, that whole place got flooded from that washing machine. I had to stay up until 3 in the morning cleaning it up with a wet dry vac. I estimated that I cleaned up 50 gallons. The shitty thing is that my land lady didn't even have the decency to call my cell phone when it broke, and then she avoided me for 2 weeks after it happened.

Hey, those Squiers were just as good as any Japanese Fender. I got them because they were cool and I could upgrade them for cheap.

Of course no one would say boo about upgrading a 300 dollar guitar. You would just buy a '72 Gibson Deluxe and then scrape the finish off with a razor because you thought it looked too dark. And that's when you weren't rubbing bleach all over your speaker cabinets and then trying to paint the grill cloth with your girlfriend's nail polish and hair dye. To this day that one Marshall you have looks like Barney the fucking dinosaur!!!

Okay this is where I call bullshit. you had 50 gallons of water flood your basement but your damn bass amp (i bought) and your precious 6100 didn't get a drop on it and yet my TSL got soaked! Lets just face the facts. you're just a damn crazy ass hippie with pyro issues!
Of course you didn't set your damn cheap ass plywood strat on fire, the only instrument that deserved to be burnt all to hell! And so what I colored my marshall amp grill cloth purple. I did it when I was 16, and the amp is a damn 80's lead 12 practice amp! might I also mention it was the only amp you could use in your old band cuz the damn fender combo you had you sliced up the damn speaker cone to get more distortion out of it. news flash: YOU'RE NOT IN THE KINKS AND THEY HAVE INVITED DISTORTION PEDALS SINCE THE 1960'S YOU DAMN HIPPIE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Oh man, there are way too many sheep in here mate!!!! but hey it's MAIN stream MArshall! they don't even know what the amp is designed for! SOme were not even born when the 900 came out! they haven't even heard of Bucks Fizz! Mate go down the local swimming pool and chill out!


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Hillbilly Heaven USA
I don't mind the 900 series but there are so many "better" choices out there. 99% of 900 users that try something else like an 800 or JMP prefer those over the 900.

... and DSL's ROCK!
My 800 has more life than the 900,yeah,not as much gain,but thats cool with me.The 800 just has more harmonic life,more magic to me....and the SLX...hhhhmmm,didn't like it ,sold it cheap.'Kinda sterile imo.Can't knock the DSl,no experiance with them.Claiming shenanagins here!


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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WEll the 900 has different valves. its giong to be different. yep they all make bass notes mid notes and treble notes! Is it and active circuit or a passive one? I think active - loads of compression, limiting, fat notes. ( low impeadence )


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Apr 29, 2010
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Who is the necroposter that drudged this one up?


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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I love posts like this. Very entertaining with Monday morning coffee. :)

If you look back at Marshall circuitry in the past, you'll see they tend to get similar from time to time. Back in the JCM900 days you would in general see two circuitry trends: Marshall would NOT use more than 3 12AX7's in most amps (the reason for the diode clippers), and they liked using only one tube in the preamp in some cases (usually as the cathode follower and its gain stage before the tone control).

In that vein, the JCM900 DR, original Valvestates, and JMP-1 preamp all had extremely similar preamp circuits, and probably had similar preamp tone. It has amazed me that the 900 DR's get so much hate, yet the Valvestates are getting some respect, and the JMP-1 is worshipped. If anything a 900 DR is closest to a JMP-1 set to medium gain into a Marshall tube power amp. That should sound pretty good.

Perhaps the bottom line is that Marshall has released very few toneless amps in their history. You just have to run them loud, tweak them a bit, and not try to make them into what they are not (i.e. a JCM900 hi gain cannot be tweaked to copy a Bluesbreaker reissue).


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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New England
Pretty old thread with after life. I checked out Alvagoldbook profile and he has no friends...that's a big fucking surprise. He is a self proclaimed audio engineer that is putting down 2203's. What that tells me is he hasn't got a clue how to EQ any amp which imo makes him a trolling cyber assclown. I have a DSL that gives me back great tone. Another user hits my ignore list due to trolling activities.