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  • Thread starter Blokkadeleider
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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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Twente, the Netherlands
Just a silly shot at the headstock of my squier:

Headstock by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

Villa Serphos in Enschede, the Netherlands. This one has a bit of history to it:

Built in 1910 for the Serphos family, in 1939 it was made the natural history museum.

During the war the (Jewish) Menko family hid in a closet under the stairs. A stuffed Stork was put in front of the closet door which made it look as if there was just a panel, no door.
Later in the war the SS took a villa opposite the street and they came in and walked over those stairs nearly every day as they had put a radio antenna on top of the Serphos villa.
The Menko family were not discovered and survived the war while they must have heard those boots walking up and down the stairs, knowing that it could have been their doom.

Villa Serphos, Tromplaan, Enschede by blokkadeleider, on ipernity



Bear R.

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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N.E. Arizona
My Backyard like 1000ft behind our House..The Little Colorado River..N.E. Arizona very low at the moment and dirty..but lots of fish, Beaver, Elk, Deer, and Antalope..and tons and tons of petroglyphs..There's even a Cable Car that goes from one side to the other..pretty fun, pretty Scary too.ha,ha..they used to check the water level that way..Way back when..I have found 2,000 yr old Anazsazzi Pots full of Beans,stone Beads and even sandels, all stuck in these cliffs..Dinosaur bones, Petrified Shark Teeth, ect..there's an old Calvary Fort right near by also.made out of Sandstone...The Petrified Forest is right down the road from here........You might not believe this, but when it rains real real hard, this canyon fills up to the top of the tree lines..and those Cottonwood trees down there, are between 100 and 200ft tall.that tells ya how deep this canyon really is..and there's a water fall not far from here too..there's only like 4 spots or trails to get down into this canyon in like a 40 mile span.and I know em all.and one of the trails is right here where we live..God's Country, my Friends..God's Country...

oh ya, and were off the grid so to speak,.8 miles from town.we have our own Well, "The Coconino sandstone aquafire" The biggest underground water source in the USA.pure clean water.we have our own Solar, Septic, Burn Pit, ect..Got it made..I can play guitar or music as loud as I like, Anytime!!..only 2 neighbors each a mile or more apart..ha,ha..ya, ya..if we had an emergency we'd be screwed.but 20 yrs of living like this, you learn to adjust..Safety first, and good running vehicles,oh, and a phone for sure..ha,ha..and if I had a choice of city living, or this..well, you can see what I picked..and man, is it nice livin like this...and what I just said, isn't as bad as I make it get used to it..We Love It..God Takes great care of Us too.and too many people wouldn't know how to survive out's nice to know how to survive like gotta know how to live this way at least once in your life..right?., wasn't always cities, supermarkets and wall to wall neighbors...I d live further out if it wasn't for my wife..and I did at one time..i lived 17 miles out, many years ago.
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Bear R.

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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N.E. Arizona
Now, Im gonna tell ya a little story that Happened to me and MoJo our AKITA..about 2 summers ago,right here by this Canyon.I know this is gonna be a long story but you must read this..and if anyone else has seen this too, please let me know..even though there isn't much I can do about it..but somebody else had to have seen something like this in their life.MAYBE..MAYBE NOT!!.anyways,one summer evening, I heard MoJo barking..but it was like a friendly bark.and he didn't bark to often and when he did you knew there was something out there.but this was like He saw a Rabbit..not a Coyote or Cow.ANYWAYS.. I listened for a few minutes and then went to see what the heck was going on..well, as soon as I turn the corner, there's this Creature like animal. lookin at Mo..and it must have been there for awhile cause MoJo just kept talkin to it..anyways, when I came around the corner of our house there it was..I can only say it was like a bad dream, or a good one..this THING was on 2 legs standing straight up up lookin at had the smallest head I have ever seen in my ears, and very short tan had front legs that hung down but it didn't use them, and the tail was about 2 ft in the butt and about 6 ft long coming down to a point.that went to the ground.then curved upward into the air...Kinda like a cross between a Kangaroo and a Coyote..but it wasn't neither.this was NO least not an earthly animal.i thought a Government screw up that got away..but again,as soon as it seen me..and I mean we looked at each other dead into each others eyes..i was only about 30 ft away from this thing..but as soon as it seen me it started to walk WALKED you guys, like a Human walked off over the ridge and I was too scared and or too shocked to follow it..but it just casually walked over this little ridge and out of sight.which took all of about 5 it wasn't afraid at all..i got my wife my brother and got into the truck to get a better look.i wanted to get right beside of it and take pics of it and follow it..maybe call some endangered species guy or Extra terrestrial was that weird looking..well, we get into the truck go around the corner and your talkin wide open spaces as far as the eye can see, in all directions..ALL DIRECTIONS trees what so ever..but it was it went through a porthole or my wife never saw it or my brother..and whats crazy is, I yelled for them for like 5 minutes of watchin this thing WALK AWAY..and they didn't come brother was drawing a picture and my wife was sleeping..i just couldn't believe they didn't come out to see what we would never see again...we did find it's tracks and where it sat watching MoJo for 5 minutes..and the back feet on this thing were huge. but it WALKED like a human..anyways, we never found where it went.the tracks just ended at this shrubbery bush....get that one guys..true story Me and MoJo seen a Creature that we will never see again.I have drawing after drawing of it and will down load one soon ok..this was no wasn't from here..and you needed to see it to believe it..
well, down in this canyon I just showed you is a petroglyph of this same creature..a picture carved in stone..a perfect picture of the same thing I saw..and these petroglyphs are 2 thousand years old..i have those pictures too that I will download guys are gonna freak out..
end of story for still in shock over that day God will tell me what I saw and I cant wait to get to Heaven to ask about it...anyways..thats all I can say see ya soon with pics of my drawing and stone picture down in the canyon ..God Bless ya..Barry

Bear R.

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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N.E. Arizona
Oh and get this guys..I never did find out which way it came from..i couldn't find anytracks leading up to our fence..but I did have markers all the way around it's tracks leading off the property into that bush.and where it was standing watchin MoJo at the fence line..and I was going to get my Dads camera the next morning and take pics of all of this.maybe even plaster casts. no sh>> ha,ha...but the next day the wind was blowing at about 60 to 80 miles per hour and took em shit!!im still PISSED OVER THAT DAY..i mean pissed, cause I yelled for my wife and brother and they didn't come to my aid..what if I had broken my leg or neck.?...I know, to some it may sound like my wife and brother were possibly throwing a quicky on me behind my back..ha,ha,no just kiddin....she was sleeping or napping and my brother was right there drawing a friggin picture.anyways..up here in Northern AZ the wind is called Spring Winds and of COARSE it had to blow severe that next morning..CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT SH%$ pissed just talkin about it right now..super PISSED..i saw a super natural creature and Had no witnesess accept My buddy MoJo..and man, if he could talk..this is a true story but what makes it sad and me angry is that I was gonna get proof of these footprints and Tail dragging along..but the freakin wind blew all my evidence away...H,HA..i should be in a funny farm over this..but im holding it together guys..ha,ha...Son Of a B&^%$...sorry Lord..
ps..It must have come out of The canyon but where were it's tracks leading up to our fence...and when it walked off why did they end at a lone Bush in the middle of the desert.?.
Government screw up and or a Porthole..:io:ha,ha..I know, this all sounds crazier that heck..but it's what happened and that's all I can come up with..I have NOT seen it since..sorry to post this here but it kinda goes along with that pic of the Canyon we live im sorry to post such a long story 3 times here.sorry..But,it had to be told right here right now!!!and this is the 1st time ever of posting this story on the internet..!!.Im sure some of you know that Snowflake the home of Travis Walton.Fire in the Sky...and yes I met him, and barely know him but I do know guy..he has bought a lot of stuff off me and my Wife at our Park n Swap...not that this has anything to do w/it..but I do know the guy..and this area is known for some crazy stuff..and lots of stranger things have happened on the Apache Res. right here in the Sitegreaves National Forest...Ok, im done, I more....ha,ha..
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In Memorandum
Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
When I was living in LA this last time, we had literally thousands of potted cactus plus some huge ones in the ground. They'd bloom anytime between April and July, most probably in June and some were simply amazing.

This first one is a night blooming Cereus peruvianus, about 6-7 feet tall at the time:

This one's an Echinocactus. I don't know the species. It's about 7" across

Another night bloomer, about 4-5" across:

Me, before the word "selfie" was even invented. I was growing my hair out for 2 years at a time then donating it and did that 4-5 times. I'm about a year in on this 2008 photo:



In Memorandum
Mar 22, 2014
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I took many dozens of photos of this guy and never did get one I really liked.


I wish the truck hadn't come by...



Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
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Thanks Rod, Friday the 13th in honor I decided to go explore the oldest cemetery in Los Angeles.....Very interesting indeed,


In Memorandum
Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks Rod, Friday the 13th in honor I decided to go explore the oldest cemetery in Los Angeles.....Very interesting indeed,

Is that Forest Lawn? It's really the only one I recall there. -Rod-


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
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Is that Forest Lawn? It's really the only one I recall there. -Rod-

No, its called Evergreen Memorial park, its in the East LA area, in the Barrio.....:ugh: was established and have been open for business:pirate: since 1877......

That is very old for the west


In Memorandum
Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
No, its called Evergreen Memorial park, its in the East LA area, in the Barrio.....:ugh: was established and have been open for business:pirate: since 1877......

That is very old for the west

Probably explains why I hadn't heard of it. I was raised in Woodland Hills, up on Mulholland Drive, so we didn't get down to that side of LA very often.

Cemeteries are interesting places. There's thousands of small, family cemeteries here in Texas and you can see signs to them about every 10 miles. And around here, on Memorial Day, they fill up with both American and Confederate flags. -Rod-

Bear R.

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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N.E. Arizona
For My Wife on our 3 yr. Aniv.
and a couple w/my 2011 Fender pro 1107


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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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Twente, the Netherlands
This weekend I spent at a metal festival in Rijssen, nearby. Slept at our singer's place.
This comes down to 36 hours of metal, beer and women.

Anyway, today on the way back I bumped into a statue of Quinsy Gario, a Dutch "celebrity" in the village of Enter. (actually one of Netherlands least loved persons and deservedly so)

Quinsy Gario statue in Enter, Twente by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

And on Saturday? Music! This is Portall. A fine and solid Dutch thrash metal band.

Portall, Rijssen 14-02-2015 by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

Bleeding Gods. Excellent band with a superb drummer.

Bleeding Gods, Rijssen 14-02-2015 by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

And here some from an all-girl death metal band, Sisters of Suffocation. They're good too. Very energetic show and yes, they can play.

Sisters of Suffocation, Rijssen 14-02-2015 by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

Sisters of Suffocation, Rijssen 14-02-2015 by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

And here's Grim Ordeal with Otto Donk. Little man, big voice and great presence. Right next to him with the blonde hair and the Sodom shirt, is our own singer Erik Nijkamp:

Grim Ordeal, Rijssen 14-02-2015 by blokkadeleider, on ipernity



*More tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2010
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Twente, the Netherlands
On and on...

This is still from Saturday evening.
Grim Ordeal's Otto Donk. Little man, big voice. Great band too.

Grim Ordeal, Rijssen 14-02-2015 by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

A cover band called The Covering. They play mostly 80's and 90's metal and thrash and do so very well. Female singer that stands her ground.

The Covering, Rijssen 14-02-2015 by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

Dating from 1709 this is the "Hervormde Kerk" in Enter.

Hervormde kerk Enter by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

Couple of shots of the landscape just outside Enter riding towards Bornerbroek:

Outside Enter, Netherlands by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

Outside Enter, Netherlands by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

A monument to the deported Jews of Enter, again outside of the village:

Monument to deported Jews outside Enter, Netherlands by blokkadeleider, on ipernity

