the solid state amps thread

  • Thread starter GibsonMarshallGuy47
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Sep 23, 2022
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I would recommend a Mesa Boogie MkIV Combo. The bias is set the amp is tubes and it can pretty much do everything well.
Great amps for sure, but literally the opposite of SS, which is the title of the thread. All of us could go off on a tangent about great tube amps.

Carl M

Dec 6, 2019
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I have been using and have owned old Marshalls since the week before my 13th birthday when I bought my '67 Super PA head for £120. It was the cheapest 100 w amp I could find at the time and I thought that I needed all that power to be heard...

Since growing up with old small logo Marshalls I have been underwhelmed by most amps I have tried, especially solid state amps.

But my habit of using big Marshalls also meant that I had to spend decades to getting them to sound great at useable volume levels. About 20 years ago I found a distortion pedal called FETTO which could replace the distortion which I lost when turning down the volume of my old 100w Marshall head to usable levels. I had finally found a way to get the sound I wanted at the volume I could use on stage and at band rehearsals.

Last year the FETTO designer and manufacturer Himmelstrutz Elektro Art released a small solid state 8w discrete Class A/B amp - "Himmelstrutz 8". I listened to some demos, I wasn't convinced, but frankly I am rarely impressed by anything demoed on online.

But since I really like the Himmelstrutz pedals I had to try one for myself, so I ordered one even though I didn't really needed another guitar amp. After adjusting the internal settings to suit my speakers I was surprised to hear how it sounded and responded. It felt and sounded like it was full of tubes and was made in England in th 70's. I tried it at the next band rehearsal and the band didn't realize that I didn't use the Marshall I normally use. Not even the other guitar player noticed anything, until I showed them the little pedal sized amp... :)

8 watts isn't much, but since I have different sizes of similar sounding cabs I can just change cab depending on how much volume I need and with a Marshall full stack (2 x 4x12) it's actually louder than I can use in the band. One 4x12 is fine though.

It's really strange because it feels and responds like a good tube amp and it breaks up like tube amp, when it's pushed. It's a great little amp. Too bad that most people will never get to try one.

Himmelstrutz 8 + 1x12.jpg

Himmelstrutz 8