Treble Peaking formula?

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66 Kicks

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Apr 15, 2019
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You can expound on what MDG5 said and also apply it to calculating the cathode bypass cap (or freq, or resistor), but then you should take into consideration the Ra (anode resistance of the given tube...12ax7, etc.) and the anode resistor...and the mu of the tube, too (i.e. 100 for 12ax7). Ra will vary with ...

Upper case letters tend to designate components external to the tube while lower case letters tend to designate internal characteristics.

66 Kicks

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Apr 15, 2019
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The absence of a readily available subscript and superscript key is a little annoying on a forum that discusses mathematics.

R(sub)g was the grid stopper resistor and R(sub)c was the grid leak resistor here in the 'States for a long time, but R(sub)g seems to be used for the grid leak more and more. The resistor that comprises the load on the plate was referred to as R(sub)c2 or R(sub)cf. The resistor from the plate to the power supply still seems to be called R(sub)p.

The internal characteristics at your operating point can be found from the average characteristics graphs supplied by the manufacturer.

You need to know the resistance of the parallel combination of R(sub)p and R(sub)cf in order to calculate the internal cathode resistance r(sub)k. R(sub)p' = [R(sub)p * R(sub)cf] / [R(sub)p + R(sub)cf]

Now you can calculate r(sub)k. r(sub)k = [R(sub)p' + r(sub)p] / [mu + 1]

There are two knees for the frequency response of a partially bypassed cathode. There is the knee where the gain decreases from the maximum gain and there is the knee where the gain increases from the minimum gain. Neither one of these knees necessarily have anything to do with -3dB.

The frequency for the knee decreasing from the maximum gain is:

f = [R(sub)k + r(sub)k] / [2 * pi * R(sub)k * r(sub)k * C(sub)k]

The frequency for the knee increasing from the minimum gain is:

f = 1 / [2 * pi * R(sub)k * C(sub)k]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
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SW Ohio
Upper case letters tend to designate components external to the tube while lower case letters tend to designate internal characteristics.

Until the solidstate era when all that's taught is upper case is relative to DC values and lowercase usually denotes ac values. Much depends on the book you were taught from in regard to circuit analysis.

Now for the important many subs do you need before you get a discount at subway? :)

The bottom line is that, if you understand the theory to begin with, the notation is secondary. You'll remember...and write you were taught. Keep in mind there are many lurkers here that won't understand the variation of super and sub-scripts and where that comes into play.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
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SW Ohio
I don't know, MDG5. I think this forum is "Workbench" and I'd expect anyone wanting to dig into design and it's associated formulas to have put the time in to education at this point. Sure, we take some individuals through some basic procedures, but it's a forum at its roots...not a lab where we're building and writing up lab reports. A strive to be accurate is merited, but I won't lose sleep over a bit of misquote in a media that doesn't support scientific or mathematical notation. It really isn't the intention here.

That's one reason I'll comment with caution on anyone uneducated trying even some basic measurements. Because, as soon as the chassis is exposed, there's another analogy for a "1 inch death punch" besides Bruce Lee. I'll refuse to say,"You can do this." Because, just maybe they can't...yet!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2011
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The middle east of the united states of America
I don't know, MDG5. I think this forum is "Workbench" and I'd expect anyone wanting to dig into design and it's associated formulas to have put the time in to education at this point. Sure, we take some individuals through some basic procedures, but it's a forum at its roots...not a lab where we're building and writing up lab reports. A strive to be accurate is merited, but I won't lose sleep over a bit of misquote in a media that doesn't support scientific or mathematical notation. It really isn't the intention here.

That's one reason I'll comment with caution on anyone uneducated trying even some basic measurements. Because, as soon as the chassis is exposed, there's another analogy for a "1 inch death punch" besides Bruce Lee. I'll refuse to say,"You can do this." Because, just maybe they can't...yet!
Yes, I agree.
Being use to the way I do and think about things through habit keeping it simple as possible I sometimes forget everyone does not think and do the same.
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66 Kicks

Active Member
Apr 15, 2019
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Until the solidstate era when all that's taught is upper case is relative to DC values and lowercase usually denotes ac values. Much depends on the book you were taught from in regard to circuit analysis.

Fine. R(sub)p is upper case and it is the DC resistance of the plate resistor. r(sub)p is lower case and it is the AC resistance of the plate.

South Park

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2019
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When you are talking treble peaking thar is no formula . It is a power roll off . You need to put it on a graff chart. If you combine the resister and the tone cap what information are you getting


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2011
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The middle east of the united states of America
I agree with @myersbw in that various text and documentation indicate different callouts for components and characteristics.
Though most text and manuals I use seem to be in line I have also noticed differences in eras and manufacturers using their own systems to describe particular circumstances.

(no, I am not typing all those subscripts (sub) :))

Also to note I have witnessed the use of Pb for plate and would think the use of Gc for grid would follow suit. Those designations are from specific use in olden days gone by relating to battery supplies as B for plate, C for control grid and A for filament.

66 Kicks

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Apr 15, 2019
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I agree with @myersbw in that various text and documentation indicate different callouts for components and characteristics.
Though most text and manuals I use seem to be in line I have also noticed differences in eras and manufacturers using their own systems to describe particular circumstances.

(no, I am not typing all those subscripts (sub) :))

Also to note I have witnessed the use of Pb for plate and would think the use of Gc for grid would follow suit. Those designations are from specific use in olden days gone by relating to battery supplies as B for plate, C for control grid and A for filament.

Whereas there is a lot of variation in the subscripts (though they cluster around a small number), the convention for upper and lower case is remarkably consistent.

It is actually faster for me to type "(sub)" than it is to track down the "sub" button, place the cursor, type the value, then place the cursor again. Especially after I get the pattern down.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2014
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When you are talking treble peaking thar is no formula . It is a power roll off . You need to put it on a graff chart. If you combine the resister and the tone cap what information are you getting

Ah, so you mean the Bode plots I referred to on page 1. Useful charts from a Dutch-American a bit less well know than EVH!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2011
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The middle east of the united states of America
When you are talking treble peaking thar is no formula . It is a power roll off . You need to put it on a graff chart. If you combine the resister and the tone cap what information are you getting
Ah, so you mean the Bode plots I referred to on page 1. Useful charts from a Dutch-American a bit less well know than EVH!
There most definitely is a formula for calculating cutoff, shelf, knee or whatever anyone wants to call it.
By power roll off I take it you mean attenuation which is why we want to calculate the cutoff.
It can be placed on a chart if you want but that does not make it any more real.
The resistor and the capacitor form a band-stop type frequency filter. That is the information we are getting.
Thar hugo.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
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SW Ohio
I suppose I'd expand that maybe to'll find no "one" particular formula as it takes a series of mathematical equations. For a treble peak or a bright cap, you can look at the RC network in that leg. However, if you want a bit more accuracy then you need to consider the impedance of the stage after, etc. The only times singular equations come into play is when there is, 1 - isolative impedances in devices where the preceding or successive stages are negligible (I was always taught a factor of 10x is close enough to ignore in low voltage circuits.)...or...2 - you string the needed equations together and "fill in the blanks" in a rather large equation...and, one created specifically for the device at hand. This is where a lot of reading & study come into play.

Yet, sometimes the basic equations per a given leg of circuit are just enough to get you in the ballpark. Then, you can sub out values above and below...and manufactured types (carbon film, metal film, foil caps, etc.) get the tone you're seeking.

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