What Marshall amp am I looking for?

  • Thread starter SloeGin
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Sep 3, 2014
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Hey guys,

Currently I have a Yamaha THR10 but i want something better and bigger sounding.
I live in a house but can't play that loud and don't gig.
I play a Gibson SG and mainly play stuff like Hendrix, Slash/GnR, AC/DC, Sabbath, The Darkness, Ozzy stuff.

Is there a Marshall that would be suited for the job or do I better look at digital ( like Fractal Axe Fx)?

Thanks for the help!
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Active Member
Dec 21, 2022
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Full disclosure, I haven't owned either of these (yet)...but the DSL's seem to always get a good rep. In the combo range, you have both the DSL5CR and the DSL20CR...both having a "low power" setting as well.

I'm partial to valve amps, thus the DSL suggestion.

Edit: After looking up the Yamaha, I see that you probably have a speaker cab and thus you might prefer a head instead of a combo. The DSL20 does come in a head as well. And there's also an Origin 20 that has 3 different power settings.


Well-Known Yinzer
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 7, 2020
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Hey guys,

Currently I have a Yamaha THR10 but i want something better and bigger sounding.
I live in a house but can't play that loud and don't gig.
I play a Gibson SG and mainly play stuff like Hendrix, Slash/GnR, AC/DC, Sabbath, The Darkness, Ozzy stuff.

Is there a Marshall that would be suited for the job or do I better look at digital ( like Fractal Axe Fx)?

Thanks for the help!
"Bigger sounding" and "can't play that loud" puts you into the classic volume paradox.
It just can't be done. :shrug:

I have a few 15-50w Marshalls that sound good at any volume, but they only really shine when you're movin' air.
The best solution I've found is to replicate some of the "bigger sounding" tonal characteristics with some simulated ambience by using some pedals.
EQ, reverb and chorus in the loop can go a long way to emulating the "loud" sound at TV volumes.
Big 12" speakers with low sensitivity and power handling ratings can also be beneficial.

With the music you've listed, I'd recommend looking at a DSL20HR to get some high gain tube tone, but I can also get my Origin20H into that tone range with a drive pedal out front.
And as you've stated, going digital is also an option.


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Jul 20, 2008
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You didn’t say how much you’re willing to spend. If it’s $1000 or lower, I’d suggest you look at the Marshall Dsl line. They are one of Marshalls budget line of amps and are versatile, they’ll get you close to the tones of the bands you like.

There’s also the Origin line, but I don’t think that’s a good fit for you, considering the type of music you play. Also the fact that you cannot play very loud. Origin’s are loud amps with no real master volume.

I would definitely suggest you get a master volume Marshall.

If you can spend more $ to get a little more, look at Marshall’s Studio line, there are 4 different models in the line and all of them have great vintage Marshall tone. Great sounding amps all, albeit a bit pricey.

All the Studio amps are 20 watts and they also have a 5 watt mode, they come in combos and heads and cabs and they are made in England. They are,… SC20, SV20, Jubilee 2525, and the brand new JTM20.

They are all smaller versions of the Classic Marshall amps from the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Best of luck on you journey,…
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
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I am rehearsing with this setup in my basement now…😁
Can totally recommend it - ringing ears - but you get the real thing…and perfect for the styles you are into. :dude:

No - get a Marshall combo 1x12 with a master volume and EL34 tubes. They are all good and can sound good at all volumes.

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Jethro Rocker

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Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
OP, frankly, forget about any tube amp, even 1w ones.

THR is a perfect practise modeler, I suggest to match it with a good 1x10" or 2x10" cab in order to "move some more air".
THR has no speaker out.
The newer THR 30 might do the trick at 30 watts. Those amps do sound really good.


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Jan 27, 2023
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DSL20CR. Capable of very reasonable low volumes on the half power 10 watt setting, while still running EL34's and running a 12 inch speaker for the benefit of the tone in a compact combo. Real Marshall EL34 tone in a lower volume. Still capable of playing in a wide variety of settings. Easy to change the speaker and tubes and not many to replace.

Out there used at times for $500 or so.



Well-Known Yinzer
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Apr 7, 2020
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Origin’s are loud amps with NO master volume.
Well. kinda master volume.
They are single channel and have gain and master volume with 3 level power attenuation settings.
And with the cathode bias, 6V6 power tubes on low power can get some decent native overdrive tone at reasonable TV-ish volume.
I was shocked when I tried my O20H with those tubes.
Still, not the same as running wild on a pair of KT66 with a drive pedal out front and EQ goosing the loop. :yesway:


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May 4, 2013
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Well. kinda master volume.
They are single channel and have gain and master volume with 3 level power attenuation settings.
And with the cathode bias, 6V6 power tubes on low power can get some decent native overdrive tone at reasonable TV-ish volume.
I was shocked when I tried my O20H with those tubes.
Still, not the same as running wild on a pair of KT66 with a drive pedal out front and EQ goosing the loop. :yesway:
Definitely master volume , definitely what the OP should go for imo .


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Jan 13, 2022
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Sydney, Australia
If you’re hellbent on a Marshall tube amp, I’d look at either the Marshall 2525 or the Marshall SC20 lines. Both have master volumes and give great tones at reasonable volumes. Otherwise, the SV20 with an attenuator. You can put a volume pedal in the effects loop to “act” as a master if you don’t have an actual attenuator, but an real attenuator is a better option if tone is important to you, which I’m sure it is. All depends on your budget. I have several amps, all too loud to play at levels required for optimal tone without upsetting the family and neighbours, that I run through a KHE switcher which allows my Fryette PS100 attenuator to be applied to all of them, which is awesome. But, not cheap!
At the risk of being crucified on here, and if your next amp doesn’t HAVE to be tube driven, modelling is the way to go. Modellers are pretty incredible these days and will get you the sound you’re looking for, if not necessarily the “feel” (although, they’re getting better at providing this also). Hell, the amp I play through most these days BY FAR is my little Spark Mini! The Positive Grid Spark’s are awesome little things, although you’ll want the full size Spark 40 if you’re looking for bigger than you currently have.

Michael Roe

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2017
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Springfield, Ohio
Hey guys,

Currently I have a Yamaha THR10 but i want something better and bigger sounding.
I live in a house but can't play that loud and don't gig.
I play a Gibson SG and mainly play stuff like Hendrix, Slash/GnR, AC/DC, Sabbath, The Darkness, Ozzy stuff.

Is there a Marshall that would be suited for the job or do I better look at digital ( like Fractal Axe Fx)?

Thanks for the help!
I'm a Marshall amp guy to the core. I live in the same type of environment and situation. I tried all the lower watt heads, the attenuator thing and even load boxes w/IRs. They all work but tone is surely diminished.
I then got an Axe FX III. I have every Marshall tone you can think of in one box and it sounds insanely good! It doesn't sound "as good " as the lower watt and attenuated amps, IT SOUNDS BETTER!
You could take my Axe Fx and delete all the amp models except for a handful of Marshall amp models I use, delete every IR of the over 1000 in the box, even the new virtual cab that was added the last update, and just load up one single IR from York Audio of a Marshall greenback cab and I would be completely fine. I would buy the Axe Fx again for the same price if it only included that above.
With the Axe Fx, I can do the same thing, but with a click of a button as I would do on a real Marshall amp. I can play and tweak the gain and eq to my liking. I can then without any effort, roll some tubes until I find the exact tone and feel I am looking for. Then, bias the power tubes to perfection. Then.......if I would decide I would like to "Mod" that amp......I can deep dive into some parameters and do just that. Do I want to add or adjust the bright cap? Done! Maybe I want an under or oversize output tranny? Done! Maybe I would want to change the tone stack? Done! How about adjusting the input roll off EQ? Done! Hey, could I adjust the negative feedback? Absolutely, Done! ....and much more!
Granted, there is another level of learning curve when it comes to "Mod" that amp model.
Do you have to do so? No.....but you can!
You can leave an amp model bone stock and it will still smoke any low watt/attenuated real life amp tone.
All of that and more and I haven't even mentioned the boat loads of effects that you can add to that already insanely good amp tone.
There is a learning curve to the Fractal gear, but it is so easy to find good support if you have questions. Their forum is stacked with very helpful Fractal users. You can even ask any questions you have here on this forum. There are a few Fractal guys here that can help out.

To sum it up: Do you want cranked Marshall tone at any volume? Get a Fractal Axe Fx III and save a ton of money.