What's wrong with this seller?

  • Thread starter wallythacker
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Oct 27, 2014
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There's a decent looking 800 combo on the market for a reasonable price. . It's the '89 50w dual channel 4212. It's been on the market for a loooooong time, starting out at $1000 and now it's three months later and $650 OBO. I called the vendor on the phone and he seemed OK, not spaced out or anything and made an arrangement to see the amp the next day. Later that night the weirdness began. The first text was about his wife not wanting strangers in the house so we needed to be q uick doing the deal. Then the next text is can we find a place to meet other than his house? WTF? I'm from out of city. Where are we going to meet ?

I foolishly said my van has a 400w inverter wired in and we could set up in that in front of his house and use the van as a rehersal hall on wheels.

He texted back. Ok. An hour later I get a text saying we should meet in a plaza just off the highway instead of in front of his house. What? Seriously, what? I thought about it, I did want the amp, and meeting just of the highway was more convenient. So I OK, BUT, there's an element of weird that's crept in and my spider senses are on high alert. I could cut and run before the meet if I felt it was wrong. He said OK.

So, it's the next morning and we're an hour from the meet. He asks me if I'm still on, affirmative, and asks me what I'm driving and wearing so he can ID me. He won't tell me what he's driving or wearing. So my guts are rolling. Something is all wrong about this deal. I text back a few moments later saying I'm bailing. He texts why, cries he had to re-arrange his schedule, blah blah. I figure I need to talk with guy. I call him, I tell flat out my gut somethings wrong here. This is an amp that's being sold, not high-tech military weapons secrets so why all the hush hush?

He tells me it's all down to his wife not wanting strangers, in or even NEAR their house.

What do you guys think? Is this a hot amp? Some shop or maybe a studio has a lean on it? Maybe for a lot of cash, like $1000. Maybe this amp is someone connected to a bigger crime, like it might have DNA from people who are either killers or have been killed?

Has anyone ever faced weirdness like this when trying to buy gear?


I went to buy an amp and the seller wanted it to go down like a drug deal in a parking lot so I ran away.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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I think he is legit. Its probably just his first semlike
This and him and his wife are nervous as all hell about a complete stranger coming in or around the house. There are so many weirdos these days you almost can blame him, its sad but society is afu these days. I Was nervous as hell the first time I sold something on Craiglist. It was my JVM and I actually had to razor knifes in my pocket and my 45 in the back of my pants just in case and if the Dude pulled up in a suspicious car with any other people at all and/or looked like he was from the Hood, deal off and he wasnt coming in the house. Its a phucked up world out there now days and you can be too careful...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
What MarshallDog said. There's some lowlifes nowadays that will use classifieds for predatory purposes, remember the Craigslist killer? It's made a lot of folks extremely paranoid, we have sold stuff from Craigslist and I don't like strangers coming to my pad either, but I'm always very well-armed. The LAST place a lowlife wants to go is into my house! :naughty: :run:

If you really want to buy the amp and can talk to the guy over the phone, just lay it on the line. Say you're really interested, you're not a bad guy, and does he want to sell the amp or not? It wouldn't hurt to add that you understand his wife's position, you like to be careful yourself, but that you also simply can't buy an amp without trying it out first. You might even want to voice some of your own concerns, like asking him with all the cloak and dagger stuff could the amp be stolen? Although you would want to approach this question tactfully, saying something like "This amp ain't hot is it?" and pay close attention to his reaction.

Is there a friendly music store somewhere in the area where you could meet and try the amp out there? That is often an alternative that is good for both parties, although you should also buy something while there like some picks or strings, since you're using their store for a testing ground . If he wants to balk about meeting at a music store, it may very well be the amp IS hot, in which case the best thing to do is to walk the other way!


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2011
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Lewiston, Maine U.S.A.
The music store option sounds like a good way to go. Just offer up the owner a payment for using his property and power.

The thing about having the meeting place change to a low level location like behind a freeway off ramp gives me pause as to whether when i show up with a $1000 bucks and a car with keys that i am not going to be rolled.

I am all for honest buisness but i am not the one i am worried about.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2011
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Lewiston, Maine U.S.A.
Here's another option that's worked for me. Let them go to your house but keep the deal contained in the garage. Your neighbors should be able to handle a short duration loud guitar especially now in winter when most houses are sealed up. They never get to see your other stuff and it should be cool. Nonchalantly get their plate number, jot it down and if the deal goes good and nothing further happens great. If something does happen you got a story and someone to point a finger at. Chances are nothing will happen.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
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I have bought my share of used gear, but for some reason, it always seems to come from a shop (not that I'm against person-to-person, I just happen to find the used gear I want in stores). It really sucks that it has come to fearing for personal safety simply to buy used gear from another person. I can now see why a lot of people prefer Ebay type transactions.


New Member
Apr 12, 2011
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Houston, TX
I don't blame him for not wanting a CL "customer" coming to the house. Make arrangements to meet at a local music store and do the deal. More comfortable and safe for everyone involved.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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I try not to have CL deals at my residence because you just never know. They could be predators wanting to scope out a place for robbery and I don't want them seeing my vintage amps or computer gear. If they have to come to me, we meet in my almost-empty apartment garage. No real way to figure out which building or unit is mine based on the garage location.

I have no problem meeting people at their place if they're comfortable, but it's understandable why they wouldn't want that.


New Member
Oct 27, 2014
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Wow guys. You opened my eyes. I live in a smaller place and think nothing of leaving the house unlocked all day when I go out. It's not unusual for me to leave tools in my carport and everything is there the next morning.

It never, ever occurred to me people living elsewhere didn't have the same outlook on humanity. Granted, this amp is in an area that is now one I'd make sure my doors were locked all the time.

I've been in everything the last few months, from real, disgusting, bottom of the barrel dumps to $5+ million dollar houses buying the gear in my signature. One day recently I needed help finding someone when I was 100 miles out of my city so I knocked on a door, a woman answered, (good looking too), she asked me in!, and proceeded to leave me sitting in her kitchen with her keys and cell and purse on the table while she went and got a phone book. Wow. Not once has anyone taken any extra precautions (that I know about) for my visit to see equipment.

I get it now. Something may have happened to him or his wife at some time and now they are very cautious about who gets to see them.

Ok, I'm going to suggest to him we meet in front of a busy coffee shop during daylight hours. There's no music store close enough to use that as a meeting place. I'll have my empty van with my 400w inverter. I'll have a cab and guitar or two. I'll check out the amp in the van.


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Jul 9, 2010
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Dixie Hollow
Wow guys. You opened my eyes. I live in a smaller place and think nothing of leaving the house unlocked all day when I go out. It's not unusual for me to leave tools in my carport and everything is there the next morning.

It never, ever occurred to me people living elsewhere didn't have the same outlook on humanity. Granted, this amp is in an area that is now one I'd make sure my doors were locked all the time.

I've been in everything the last few months, from real, disgusting, bottom of the barrel dumps to $5+ million dollar houses buying the gear in my signature. One day recently I needed help finding someone when I was 100 miles out of my city so I knocked on a door, a woman answered, (good looking too), she asked me in!, and proceeded to leave me sitting in her kitchen with her keys and cell and purse on the table while she went and got a phone book. Wow. Not once has anyone taken any extra precautions (that I know about) for my visit to see equipment.

I get it now. Something may have happened to him or his wife at some time and now they are very cautious about who gets to see them.

Ok, I'm going to suggest to him we meet in front of a busy coffee shop during daylight hours. There's no music store close enough to use that as a meeting place. I'll have my empty van with my 400w inverter. I'll have a cab and guitar or two. I'll check out the amp in the van.

he may still balk @ putting his amp in a stranger's van even to test.I know I would. make double sure you don't offer him candy,he might totally freak.:ugh::lol:

Human Steve

Active Member
Jul 20, 2013
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It's like those movies where two people are having a knife fight in the dark and are walk g backwards trying to sneak up on each other and when they bump into each other they jab the other guy in the neck, no winners man

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
I think these are all legit concerns, the last deal I did was indeed in the garage. Wallythacker, let us know how it goes and tell him you have a whole deep freeze full of popsicles in your basement freezer if he wants to come over!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2014
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Swindon, UK
Stay well away. Certainly don't prewarn an oddly behaved stranger that you will willingly meet him in a location of his choice with a thousand bucks cash on you!

Chances are its just a fake, has an intermittent fault, or its stolen, and he doesn't want you to trace him. Either way, I wouldn't go near it.

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