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  1. Kaptain_Krunch

    Bass Guitar

    I love playing bass, got three of 'em now. Latest one is a mid 80's Japanese made fretless Aria with an ebony board. This one is the easiest thing I have ever played to make me sound like ass
  2. Kaptain_Krunch

    Pipe smoking

    Looking forward to it Smokey, long journey home tomorrow for me probably with a sore head ( muchos Ron) so adios amigos! Catch y'all in a day or so
  3. Kaptain_Krunch

    I'm taking the day off

    You enjoy today Vin, you deserve a break. Been off for nearly 3 weeks myself now . Most satisfying :yesway:
  4. Kaptain_Krunch

    Mysterious stuff your gear does when you're not around.

    Damn that is one big burger!
  5. Kaptain_Krunch

    Mysterious stuff your gear does when you're not around.

    The real question is why you still had half a cheeseburger left at all. Unless you made 4 and that's what was left
  6. Kaptain_Krunch

    the temperature

    Thanks! I think... My wife says I have a dirty mind , I've tried to tell her it's a sexy imagination
  7. Kaptain_Krunch

    the temperature

    You're slipping Blues, missed the butt paddling on the right
  8. Kaptain_Krunch

    Pipe smoking

    Found a churchwarden (ta Smokey) with a 14" stem that has my interest and possibly my money soon as well I am Gandalf!
  9. Kaptain_Krunch

    Pipe smoking

    Never smoked a pipe before but I am interested. Only thing that has put me off in the past is the attached stigma of old man syndrome. Nowadays I couldn't give a crap what others think and I'm ready to make the leap. Long long hobbit pipe anyone? Don't know any names or makes so this thread...
  10. Kaptain_Krunch

    Epiphone Explorer

    Never had the cash for a full on Gibson but I know firsthand the epi goth ones are great value
  11. Kaptain_Krunch

    Nothing to say right now - The Official Thread
  12. Kaptain_Krunch

    the temperature

    A very pleasant 34℃ today. Rum , cigar , all is well :yesway:
  13. Kaptain_Krunch

    Happy Valentin's Day - I love you!

    I love you too Vin X
  14. Kaptain_Krunch

    Show me your Squiers

    Thanks Vin! :hug: It now has shiny metal knurled volume and tone controls too :cool:
  15. Kaptain_Krunch

    Show me your Squiers

  16. Kaptain_Krunch

    Strat, LP or Tele. Who is the most loyal?

    A quick trip over to the vintage section of MLP should clear that question right up :yesway:
  17. Kaptain_Krunch

    The Return

  18. Kaptain_Krunch

    Why haven't we organized some MF meets?

    :drool: Gorgeous SV! If it had a seaview it would be my idea of paradise. Care to swap for a crappy 2 bedroom suburban semi-detached WITH a seaview? :hmm:
  19. Kaptain_Krunch

    Any banjo players here?

    Is that a cultural reference to self deprecation? I was told i'd grow hairs on the palm of my hand if i did. Turns out it was a lie. Or so i'm told anyways.... :io: