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  1. D

    Marshall Origin 20H and pedals

    How does that EP work in the loop? Do you kick it in by engaging the loop or is it always on? I have this somewhat unknown pedal called "The Distillery". It can add 20-some db boost but alsp has a tone shaping section. Next chance I get I am gonna try it on my DSL40CR loop, but curious as I...
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    Marshall Origin 20H and pedals

    Gotta agree here, the DSL40CR has more gain than most people need. But it quickly loses all that classic Marshall tone if you push the preamp, at least it does for me. Modern hi-gain Marshall for days but it skips a lot of good low to mid gain Marshall in the process. It's a Marshall amp, and...
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    Marshall Origin 20H and pedals

    What boost did you have good luck with ?
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    Marshall Origin 20H and pedals

    From the very limited playing time I have had with one and the videos I have seen on line I think I wouldn't plan on using the boost either if I pick one up.
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    Marshall Origin 20H and pedals

    Have thought about adding an Origin to the stable. Is the 20 about as loud as a DSL 40 in 20 watt / half power mode? Just wondering the old question about it being able to keep up with a drummer, etc. I think I'd want a head version and either use my oversized 1x12 Mesa cab or score a 2x12...
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    DSL40CR Ultra Channel too compressed

    My AbuniII is a Tube Screamer based pedal and right now it's my favorite pedal in front of the amp's classic channel green side cranked up to edge of breakup. I have never tried an EQ in the loop on any amp. I should to see what I might be missing. I have an old Boss EQ pedal that has a little...
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    DSL40CR Ultra Channel too compressed

    Thanks ! Going to try that when I get some time Wednesday to open it up a bit. I was mostly on my SG with P90's the other day, button in worked by my P90's are fairly low output. Will pull out the humbuckers and see how it works.
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    JVM410h and Line 6 Helix

    I believe GC has a 45 day no questions asked return policy, or they did.
  9. D

    Great boost pedal for the Origin: TC Spark

    How far in the gain department can that Spark push your Origin? I have had an interest in that, the Suhr Koko Boost, and a Wampler Tumnus.
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    New Amp Day (NAD) - Origin 20H

    Have you found a pedal for the Hair Band / early '80's metal sound? Congrats on finding something that works for you. Your tastes run similar to mine. Hair Band and early 80's metal is as hard as I go. Have you tried your Origin with a boost pedal? Like a Suhr Koko Boostor maybe a Klon Klone...
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    Sunday Afternoon Project - Saturday Edition

    That is great work. I am very impressed.
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    DSL40CR Ultra Channel too compressed

    As a matter of fact I did and forgot to mention that I did in my OP. I used to avoid that Tone shift thinking it took all the Marshall out of the amp, but really what it was is that I'd push it in then not give it a lot of time to sink in. When you are used to hearing something for a long time...
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    NAD - 3210 Finally Here

    Now that is an Office I could get into going to every day. How do you like that Katana? Never owned a 3210 but have very fond memories playing a borrowed 3210 with the matching 4x10 cab at one of the first gigs I ever played. Second to be exact. Hard rock originals and covers and I was...
  14. D

    DSL40CR Ultra Channel too compressed

    My comments are not based on the amp not having enough gain. It has tons of gain available in the 4 modes. It's more about how the character of the amp changes from the Classic Channel to the Ultra Channel. Classic side is nice and open sounding and goes from clean to early Marshall JTM45...
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    DSL40CR Ultra Channel too compressed

    So I have been working with my DSL40 CR for a while, and being stubborn. Trying to get a good classic Marshall rock sounds like Back in Black AC/DC type stuff. Nothing too heavy. Classic Channel Green and Red modes work but I wanted just a little more gain than they gave. I spend a lot of...
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    Marshall Lead 100 Mosfet 3210

    Awesome ! You have a great tech there, that is valuable. Can't wait to hear your thoughts once you have had a chance to play it. Glad this turned out to be a better case scenario for you. Another cool amp lives on!!
  17. D

    Marshall Lead 100 Mosfet 3210

    I hope your tech can get this amp running. I don't think waiting for gear to be fixed or shipped is a guitar players strongest attribute !! NEED... GEAR...NOW !!
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    Bad News Tubes: 3/11/2022

    Thanks !! Not an option for me then. But maybe a cool tube amp to look for - one designed for them.
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    Bad News Tubes: 3/11/2022

    KT66 is a direct swap in for EL-34's? How does it change the tone? Asking as a DSL40CR owner.
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    Marshall DSL4CR Tube Upgrades

    Did some work on the DSL40CR over the weekend. I was at home so couldn't crank the amp to rehearsal space levels but I did have the channel volumes around 3 o'clock to all the way up and master volumes around 9 o'clock. Gain on the "classic " channel all the way up and around noon on the...