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  1. khan

    Marshall 2203X low input lacks volume?

    The low gain input is so low, I thought mine wasn't working until my tech guy told me to turn up the volume about half way. Yeah, it's super quiet. Like when my high gain side is at 3 or 4 and it's really loud for just me practicing, I can crank the low to 8 or 9 and feel like it can't fill my...
  2. khan

    Do we still need big wattage amps?

    In all honesty, I can say no, there's a lot of things I don't NEED. But, the truth is, I WANT at least a 50 watter just to have the oomph at hand if and when the situation calls for it. There's plenty of ways to get an amp into the "meaty" range and still work in a moderate sized room.
  3. khan

    cabinet wood

    Thanks for the feedback, folks. This is some really helpful info. The strength issue came up last night. We were talking some more about this and he suggested the idea of building a combo cab with 2x12 but, fit it for my 1x12 combo head. I don't know if that's a good idea so, maybe you could...
  4. khan

    cabinet wood

    Differences I should be aware of between Birch and Pine. A friend has a bunch of Pine left over from other projects and said he would build me a speaker enclosure if I wanted. Plus, I get to watch, help and learn how to do it. Since Marshall uses Birch on most of their higher end stuff, I was...
  5. khan

    Power switch light

    Good point about unplugging. I generally do unplug after practice but, have forgotten on occasion. I'll have to do some research on a brighter on/off switch light and see what's what.
  6. khan

    Power switch light

    Any way to get a brighter light in there? I practice in a brightly (daylight) lit room and am afraid one of these days I'm going to walk off and forget to turn off the amp...leaving it on for a week or so. This amp stays put at home, while I have another amp at the band rehearsal space. Just...
  7. khan

    swapping preamp tubes on jcm800

    Okay. Here's some new news. I have a box of tubes I pulled from an old tube television and tube radio. Found a 12AU7, a 12AT7 and 6L6 in there among a bunch of other tubes. I put in the 12AU7 in V1, it's a sixties if not older Phillips Tung-Sol. Wow! what a remarkable difference that made. It...
  8. khan

    swapping preamp tubes on jcm800

    Thanks, Bloodrock (as in the band from the 60's/70's?) I'm trying the tubes first, since it will be the quickest and maybe cheaper solution, if it works. But the idea of being able to modulate or switch it on/off sounds really attractive as well. Maybe down the road if the tube switch works for...
  9. khan

    swapping preamp tubes on jcm800

    Thanks, American Viking! I will give the tubes a shot first. I'm ordering them now, in fact. I'll report back on the results.
  10. khan

    swapping preamp tubes on jcm800

    damienbeale, Are you saying go through the preamp stages and swap out lower "gain" tubes in each of the stages until I get where I want to be? I was thinking of asking my amp guy if it was possible to make the added preamp tube, place a switch in the stage path that would bypass...
  11. khan

    swapping preamp tubes on jcm800

    Lol! I figured my derelict use of terminology would get me in trouble. Yes, by "dirt" I meant gain. Thanks for gently letting me off on that :-) They're all 12AX7's currently. And I'm sure that extra preamp tube adds to that. Thanks for the info!
  12. khan

    swapping preamp tubes on jcm800

    So, my 800 has an extra preamp tube (got it that way) and gets dirty really fast. I've been toying around with the idea of trying different preamp tubes to see if I can stay cleaner a little bit longer, even though I'm in the High Gain input. Is this the right way to go about this. I'm not...
  13. khan

    Confession to sillines

    Having said all that...if I do run the Low Gain input at volumes necessary to get a good tone, am I burning up the tubes when I run the Master and Pre at such high settings? Is it equivalent to running the volume at those settings on the High Gain input? I didn't think to ask while I was at the...
  14. khan

    Confession to sillines

    Well, my amp tech thinks I've lost my mind. I brought in my amp thinking the Low Gain input had gone out. I took out the chassis but, couldn't see anything so, off to the tech it went. When I went back to pick it up, he said he found no problems. It was me. I wasn't cranking it enough to get...
  15. khan

    Tube combo owners?

    Okay. Thanks for the advice. I will not use Loctite. I appreciate your input. And after giving it some more thought, I guess it would take several screws coming loose simultaneously for it to even come loose. Cheers!
  16. khan

    Tube combo owners?

    There are various types of loctite. I was thinking of the kind that adds some resistance to the bolt. Not a full on sealed for life bond. I mean, the bolts have never been loose between servicing but, I don't want to find out the hard way either.
  17. khan

    Tube combo owners?

    So, just doing routine clean-up and looking around at things. Just struck me, do any of you ever use any type of "loctite" compound on the chassis bolts? Am I just being overly paranoid? It is a pretty significant chunk of weight hanging upside down in an often vibrating cabinet. What are your...
  18. khan

    Amp Covers

    Thanks, Guys! Duh, didn't even think of the sponsors stickies. I'll check the other as well.
  19. khan

    Amp Covers

    I hope this fits this category. If not, my apologies and please move me to the right place. Anybody had any experience with aftermarket covers? I've got a 4010 and want to get something to help protect it as I move it about. Already contacted Marshall and they don't do covers that would fit this...
  20. khan

    How To Tweak Your Marshall JCM 800 Settings vids

    Very well done video. I like seeing these. Even if I'm happy with my tone I might take something they present in vids like this and play around with it. If nothing else, it gets me to twiddle with the knobs a bit and keep 'em from getting to scratchy form sitting in one spot forever. Thanks for...

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