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  1. khan


    This is what I use, along with a $45 tester that does way more than I'll ever need it for. Dual Bias Tester
  2. khan

    Set-up Swap

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I feel a lot more confident in my direction. I'm actually thinking of keeping the combo and just adding the other 2x12 cab and head as well. I'll have to wait a little longer to save up the cash but, I'm really thinking this will be the right way to go. Cheers!
  3. khan

    Set-up Swap

    Thanks! That's kind of how I was feeling but, I like to check that my enthusiasm doesn't blind my critical judgement. There's no rush on the deal so, trust me, I will be checking out the amps until I find one that makes me smile like the combo does.
  4. khan

    Set-up Swap

    What do you think... I'm currently playing through a JCM800 4010. I really, really do like the way it sounds. I plug in a 1922 2x12 cab (w/2xG12K85...btw that's also the spkr in the 4010). I've got an opportunity to pick up another 1922 cab (I like the ease of maneuverability of these cabs, ie...
  5. khan

    DSL Combos

    My first thought would have been to play around w/ low string side pickup adjustments. I'd also look at String height. If you've got 'em low as can go, come up a bit, at least on the low side. You'd be surprised how dramatically the differences will play out. I know I was. At least, this won't...
  6. khan

    Whats the deal with this site?

    Yeah. Something's been going on the last few days. Must be Anonymous taking over the world. :-)
  7. khan


    I swear I only posted this once. It was the glitch that duplicated my post. Any way to delete one or the other, please? Thanks!
  8. khan


    WooHoo! So, my 4010 had a G12k 85 in it. Apparently it had been re-coned with something other than Celestion spec says the tech I use. Apparently, it had become very brittle. I noticed the sound picking up some fizziness. Then, about two weeks ago, I noticed an outright buzz. I...
  9. khan


    WooHoo! So, my 4010 had a G12k 85 in it. Apparently it had been reconed with something other than Celestion spec says the tech I use. Apparently, it had become very brittle. I noticed the sound picking up some fizziness. Then, about two weeks ago, I noticed an outright buzz. I...
  10. khan

    Ernie ball Cobalt strings.

    Can you give a little more insight on what you mean about lead times on SS? I'm just curious and want to know more about the process. Thanks!
  11. khan

    rental amps?

    This may seem heresy but, maybe consider solid state amps for this case. Tube Marshalls are tough but, need care and maintenance. Maybe a decent(I know, I know) solid state amp would put up with a cheaper in the beginning....and cost less to maintain...and would still give the kids a...
  12. khan

    Ernie ball Cobalt strings.

    Interesting. I'll definitely try a couple of sets. I've been using RotoSound stainless steels for a few years now. I really like them but, they are a hard string. It took a while to build up my callouses even more for their physical resistance. The SS's sound really full w/ a touch of...
  13. khan

    Looking for a good Leslie Sim Pedal...

    I recently picked up a Lovepedal Vibe (magic boy vibe?). It's the older version, not the current pickle-vibe. I really like the amount of roto-sim it gives but, one drawback (not huge for me but..) they hide the depth adjustment inside the box so, you have to open it to make any changes in that...
  14. khan

    upside down combo's

    Yeah, I didn't explain that. I figured since the combo is open back already, I'd maintain that opening as it is. In the drawings I've got so far, I'm basically extending the head/chasis-box up about 5ish inches (so far, haven't had time to do more precise drawings/measurements). It may be a...
  15. khan

    upside down combo's

    Okay, okay. I had a wild hair about it. I think I'm going to investigate a cabinet design with the head "right-side up" though and, maybe build myself a one-off. speaker breathing shouldn't be an issue as current combos are open backs. If anything, the way you configure the "head" area would be...
  16. khan

    upside down combo's

    Well, I see your point but, I was thinking if they put another board across the amp, above the speaker, they could mount the chasis "right-side up" on that and still be at the top of the amp. The controls would be 1/4 - 1/3 way down the front then but, they could move the marshall logo off the...
  17. khan

    upside down combo's

    Why did they mount the chasis upside down in combo amps? Was it to save putting in another board to mount the chasis right-side up? Just curious if anybody knows. It would be cool to have a head cab and a combo cab and have the option to switch between the two...w/o all the controls being...
  18. khan

    4x12 cab

    VSH-12 Cab Don't know anything about these cabs in particular but, maybe somebody in the Northern Illinois (US) area might be interested. Cheers!
  19. khan

    What to buy

    SG and JVM have my vote. A fatter necked SG sounds interesting to me. I've got a '72 SG and the neck is sooo slim, the slightest move throws off the tuning. Like a rubber band. I gotta go check out some of the various SG's out there and see what's what. Maybe cash in the vintage for something...
  20. khan

    Difference between Overdriven vs. Muddy Sounds

    I'm not familiar with JVM series amps at all so, I'll leave that to somebody who knows what they're talking about. You are correct about the Master controlling output levels, though it will drive the power tubes to distort and the pre or gain output basically pushes the preamp tubes. You can...