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  1. wangchung

    DSL 401 buzzy sound - help needed!

    It's good you found one you like. I've had several 40C'S. I know it's easy to find mint used ones. Finding the tone in your head is all that matters.
  2. wangchung

    DSL 401 buzzy sound - help needed!

    And this sonic artifact then gets amplified by the rest of the circuit with the rest of the signal? Surely Marshall has seen this on a scope in their factory. I'm sure it has a frequency. Are you able to discern if there is a design element later in the circuit that attempts to get rid of it or...
  3. wangchung

    Jcm 2000 dsl - 401

    Hey all; I've been searching for possible 401 mods to try, and ran across a mention of reducing the value of R137 as a way to tame some of the gain and possibly the top "fizz" artifact that seems attached to the OD. This mod was derived from the "Joey Mod" thread for the DSL50 and 100 as I...
  4. wangchung

    DSL 401 buzzy sound - help needed!

    Hey Twinstacks; I know this is a 7 year old thread, but the search for effective tweaks by the layman is perpetual. Was there ever anything further posted about R137? Did anyone try modding the values?
  5. wangchung

    What makes DSL lead 1 to lead 2?

    Hey All; I had a 15H when they first came out, and did a lot of tube rolling trying to get the ultra channel closer to an ultra 1 sound. The amp is long gone now, but I thought I'd share something I found out but didn't get to exploit B 4 I got rid of it. I tried various 12ax7 "family" tubes...
  6. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Thanks Micky. I did get some killer tones from the amp, it just wouldn't hold them. The problems were similar to ones I've heard of with the 900's. I hope corporate sorts them out and keeps producing them and it realises it's intent and potential. I just read the post from the gentelman about...
  7. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Yea, 7 wks roughly. I'm "retired", I have time. IMHO this is a good design. Random poor soldering joints/QC are killing it. Yea, the second one I picked up was a return too. JJ34L's and 2 "premium" GT silver pl 12ax7's were in it. The guys at GC told me they had un-boxed it a few days earlier...
  8. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    M'Lord; There are very noticable differences b'twn 100, 220 & 470pf for C19. Had I kept the thing and put in a 3-way for C19 I would have used 100, 220 and something around 400. Yes, the cap materiel adds a texture to the sound. Ceramic is "crunchier", poly is fizzier, and Mica is glassy. Go...
  9. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    I was playing it constantly. I have nothing else I'd rather do. It seems to me that there could be mods made to the circut that go beyond the limited tooling around with C19 & C4, toobs and cones. There seems to be a lot of drifting of component values probably due to the soldering on the...
  10. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    I had this thing sounding great last it me or does the sound change day to day? Pedals all sounded like shit through it this wknd. Spikey highs on the lead channel came back....what a POS. Weeks of work was lipstick on a pig. I pulled it first break sat nite and plugged my Crate club...
  11. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    I've got an older Dimarzio Fred that sounds good in the neck hole of any paul i've had it in. I recently aquired a Gib. 57 classic neck that I put in my custom neck hole and it's staying in there. I usually back them down some to clean them up a tad and it's a great blues tone. Been foolin'...
  12. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Have you tried 250 for C4? I can do maybe 350. Do you use the crunch on the clean channel? I'm trying to just use the clean. Yes I like the 220 in C19. This amp also likes the JAN Phillips 12ax7A i've had for years but hasn't sounded any better than new prod. tubes in anything.
  13. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Hey MD; Try the 220 in C19. I just grafted a 150 on to the 68 that's in there and I'm leavin' it in for awhile I think. I also put the JJ34l's back in for grins. Nice cake, aye?
  14. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Hey MD; I played all of my axes thru this thing over the weekend and discovered it is very sensitive to pickup tonal characteristics. I've been using a LP with a tonezone and a bluesbucker and it was kind of boomy (no surprise there really). My Hamer's got a Duncan JB and a PAF in it and it...
  15. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    The C19 mod affects ultra1 primarily, but I noticed a reduction in the fizz on the crunch channel as well, tho not as pronounced. Yea, the JJ's will help. On the Blah; One of my LP's has a Dimarzio Super3 in the bridge and a Fred in the neck. It weighs a ton so I don't play it much. I tried it...
  16. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Hey P74; Both the examples I've had were fizzy OOB. Is that what you're hearing, a kind of trashy fizz when any kind of "gain" is applied? I've had to isolate that in my examples by doing what you did, finally playing the clean channel with no crunch, and the gain knob below 6-7. That...
  17. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    That's what my 40c ultra1 sounds like SB.
  18. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Hey 74; Red dot....I'm guessin' screening for microphonics primarily, but high output and balance between sides is desirable for V1 too. A "quality" tube.
  19. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    I feel your pain Outlaw. I'm on my 2nd 40c, and it was a return. It had JJEL34L's and 2 GT silver 12ax7's in it when I cracked it open. It's holding bias tho, unlike #1, and the tube thing is all that was done to it so I'm keeping this one. I had your experience with the JCA22H when they first...
  20. wangchung

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    My experience has been that you can close/soften the mids thru biasing. Usually lower settings, 60-65% bias, but it's not a hard rule. I did get a somewhat smoother tone with other tubes than the stock ones in V4, but it's subtle. I have a similar spkr setup to you, a V30 in the 40c and a G12T...