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  1. C

    The Recording Thread

    So can somebody give me an explanation of why I would want a mixing board in the loop of my DAW? I Use Studio1, mostly single tracking, almost 100% guitar and vocals, both direct and clean. I don't have any intention of re-amping, but that might just be because I don't fully understand it's...
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    Ngd- Prs

    Congrats Bear! My '96 McCarty has been my main player for nearly 20 years now. Hope you get that same love from yours brother.
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    12AX7 tube character

    If another tube doesn't fix that issue it mat be a coupling cap red plating. I had a similar problem way back in the day and that was the culprit. FWIW, I really like most Tungs early in the lineup in my DSLs. I've never had any complaints and certainly none like you are describing. But I...
  4. C

    Super Strat neck/middle pickups...

    I just dropped an SD Cool Rails in the neck of my old ESP M2. Haven't really had enough time to tweak and tinker with it yet but I don't have anything bad to say about it. Pretty clear and ballsy. That guitar has an HS setup with a 3 way switch so the neck only gets used for different flavor...
  5. C

    Studio One DAW tips please

    I'm finally diving into the digital recording world and I decided to go with Studio One, mostly because a few of the guys in my musical circle have been using it. Right now I only have the "starter kit" if you will. Artist 3 and the little blue direct box. I haven't completely messed with...
  6. C

    Jeff Beck Strat...opinions plz

    Lol, the golf course actually! So I thought he may have changed his mind also, but nope, it was relisted yesterday. I'm starting to think that whoever is selling this doesn't know how to use CL. No direct contact info listed so it's all through Craigslit's reply function. Crazy thing is, if...
  7. C

    Jeff Beck Strat...opinions plz

    Dude hasn't gotten back with me yet so I don't know all the specifics, but I understand the newer ones have quite a thinner neck. Never played with the hot noiseless pickups either but the youtube stuff I've heard sounds pretty darn cool. Maybe a bit too "specific" though, like you might get...
  8. C

    Jeff Beck Strat...opinions plz

    Don't know much about it yet other than it appears to be a newer model based solely on the fact that it still has the sticker on the pickguard. Gonna get ahold of the guy this afternoon to get the details but in the meantime fire away with your opinions.
  9. C

    Need your thoughts on this huge debate in my head

    If you sift through enough NGD threads around here you will see a very inordinate amount of them contain lines like "I had one of these years ago and always regretting selling it" as the reason for buying X guitar in the first place. Personally if I don't absolutely need the cash I never even...
  10. C

    Help ID'ing a Les Paul plz

    Thanks guys! I appreciate the help. I'm certainly no Gibson aficionado and I just didn't know how much faith to put in a web based serial number thingy. One site I checked it on said it was probably a late sixties model, which I did know was absolutely not the case! Cheers all!
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    Help ID'ing a Les Paul plz
  12. C

    Help ID'ing a Les Paul plz

    That's what the serial number lookup on the net mentioned also, but the more I checked into it the more I started to think it might not be. Do you have any other reason to believe that or is it just the serial number thing?
  13. C

    Help ID'ing a Les Paul plz

    I don't know why I wanna do this because I almost surely just missed out on a ridiculous craigslist deal, but in case I get lucky I was hoping that someone could assist me in finding out exactly what I'm dealing with here. I don't have any pics unfortunately and I think I know what it is but I...
  14. C

    Buying used

    FWIW, I think it's a huge mistake to assume anything about previous owners, especially that they might be the least bit knowledgeable about anything. In my experience 90%+ of people selling gear don't know the first thing about what they have or what to do with it. I got a GREAT deal on a...
  15. C

    Schecter Hellraiser w/Sustainer

    Agreed. The SLS and Blackjack ATX are just so much nicer than the hellraiser series in my opinion. You would be doing yourself a favor by checking either of those out first.
  16. C

    Which V to buy?

    If you can still find one, I would highly recommend checking out a Schecter Blackjack ATX V (the original line, not so much the SLS stuff). I'm not a big fan of the blackouts personally, but that specific model is really really nice. And I like it's looks too.
  17. C

    Looking for a direction

    Sparkly cleans, tighter bass, more clarity...sounds like a 6L6 based amp to me. You may get be able to get there by modding, but if you have a G to drop on a new amp you might just wanna go play a few before you go spending a year playing around with the DSL. Just a suggestion
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    Guitar Tone Trickery

    Not to be a dick, because those were all very nice tones in there own way, but modeling amps can make anything sound like anything these days. I'm perfectly OK with anyone's disagreement with me on any level but I know that every guitar I own sound completely different through any tube amp I've...
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    FS- MHD Asylum set w/ A8

    What's the spacing?
  20. C

    Why are so many people modding dsl's ?

    Another reason for some of the mods, no way I'm lugging around 3 amps every weekend! And really I think the main reason is because it sounds good like it is and has a lot of the features of much more expensive amps for a reasonable price. And the cost of modding (most of the time) is very...