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  1. C

    (Nearly) Universal Mods?

    Just trying to keep it simple Tubermensch.
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    (Nearly) Universal Mods?

    Yup. It also adds a little bit of protection from transient current spikes due to it's resistance to instantaneous current changes. I've heard some people say they prefer the sound of the resistor though...can't really imagine why, but to each his own.
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    JCM 800 Mod, possible blocking distortion

    I read some where that lowering the cap value on v2a from 25uf to .68uf would tighten the low end up. This. But you might wanna try a few values in between...seems like a really big jump and will probably be quite a shock to your ears
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    What goes on inside the amplifier?

    No idea what that means. Clue a brother in please.
  5. C

    (Nearly) Universal Mods?

    Upgrade the flimsy stock tranny's in the newer Marshalls and probably nine out of ten would replace the sag resistor with a choke if theirs didn't have one. Just my 2 cents
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    What goes on inside the amplifier?

    The gain and volume controls are setup electrically as voltage dividers. Yes they control the amount of "signal", whatever that means to you, that gets passed on to the next stage, but if you really want to know how they do it just let me know and I'll be happy to share. It's just a bit of...
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    Simple AC circuit theory??

    Thanks for the input Chuck. I'm know that somewhere buried way down deep in here is an answer to just about any question anyone could ever have about Marshall amps, that's why I was looking for opinions about this specific topic. If enough people want it then I think it might be worthwhile...
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    Simple AC circuit theory??

    I think this was sort of tried a while back, but I think a basic AC theory thread would be something that might help the less electricity/electronic savvy members on this forum...and probably even some of the more technical ones too. At very least it might spawn how/why discussions about...
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    Signal Cap Comparison Test at MetroAmp

    Ricky, There is some truth to that but it's not a "thou shalt not" sort of thing. Leaving a lot of bare wire exposed (i.e. leads bent around all over the place) in the signal path can cause problems with crosstalk and unintentional signal coupling with nearby components...but that is really...
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    Signal Cap Comparison Test at MetroAmp

    I was looking for Mallory's on Mouser today and apparently they were bought by Cornell Dublier??? My question is are the CD 150 series the same as the Mallory 150s or should I be looking for the original Mallory brand?
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    Power Supply B+ Rail Question?

    The only reason I can think of is so they would have more flexibility and ease if they wanted/needed alternate voltages available for some reason. Each one of those resistors is a ready made voltage divider, if they ever needed it. Just my guess really.
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    Plate voltage preamp

    The heater elements themselves couldn't care less, it's the fact that without the proper heat coming from the elements the valve acts totally different. When you hear people talking about "boiling off electrons" that's what the heaters do, and without the proper electron potential, the entire...
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    Need Help - Very low volume on my amp

    I also have a guitar that the neck pickup just started going south on me. It was fine one day then just got wimpier and wimpier over about two days, then it was just dead. Unfortunately that guitar isn't very high priority for me so I haven't even looked into it at all yet, so I got nothing...
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    Simulation software

    There is a really handy circuit modelling tool out there called PSPICE. The advanced functions like frequency responses and parametric sweeps are a little tricky to use, but for voltage and current readings at any point in the circuit it is mucho simple...and you can actually find models for...
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    Marshall JCM 2000 TSL 100 keeps dying..

    Bump. I'm curious about that myself. I think I have a bad board in one of my DSL100's. I saw a post a while back from a British dude that mentioned he was getting boards directly from Marshall for about $50. If anyone knows anything about that please chime in. If not, I'll be contacting...
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    JCM 2000 DSL Help Needed

    Just out of curiosity, where did you get the new board and how much did it cost you? I may have to replace one myself
  17. C

    A couple of theory question's regarding 'keys'

    Right back to what everyone has been saying, there is always more to it when your dealing with just a few power chords. If you think that an A scale sounds like it fits, you're right. All your chords are also in the Cmaj scale, and just as E is the relative minor of G, A is the relative minor...
  18. C

    6100LM F/X Loop is very Quiet ????

    The first thing I would do is to give the loop jacks a real good cleaning with something along the lines of Deoxit or some other sort of electronics cleaner. Scrub em up real good, you'd be surprised how many volume problems that fixes. If it's still not working then it gets a lot tougher...
  19. C

    Rant Worth Listening To

    Yup, and as long as the voters look to the federal government to fix shit it's only gonna get worse. Ronald Reagan said it best, but apparently noone was listening, "government is not the solution, government is the problem."
  20. C

    DSL100 bias supply circuit question

    I'm chasing a bit of a ghost through a DSL100 right now and I have a question about the bias supply circuit that I was hoping someone could help me with. At first glance the cap and diodes (C44 & 43, D7 -10) appear to do something along the lines of a negative half-wave rectifier, but looking...