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  1. Esc

    The official 1 watt thread. I own 83 2203, a 92 6100 and I think this amp is way better than expected, in fact I can't turn it off. Anyone looking for a perfect combo to crank during Sunday NFL, this is the one!
  2. Esc

    NAD - 6101 blue combo!

    Id keep a fan pointed at the backside if your going to be using at practice/gigging. Keep her cool and she'll last.
  3. Esc

    Some questions about 6100 30th anniversary

    That one on EBAY is a dog. Bad board, modified, missing feet etc...
  4. Esc

    JCM 2000 DSL question

    Its an MLB. Its the last of the English built DSL's.
  5. Esc

    Youtube Videos with Your Marshall ?

    Damn brother rock on! I detect some DeMartini in there, very smooth.
  6. Esc

    Guys! He's using a 2000 amp in the studio.

    haters invitational....
  7. Esc

    Marshall 2555 jubilee head

    A mint one of those sold locally for $1200 early this year. Good luck.
  8. Esc

    Does anyone here have this amp?

    Just for kicks :)
  9. Esc

    Whats the Deal with JCM 900's

    There is a 900 (4100) re-issue Marshall released last year. It is white tolexed I believe. That one is the only 900 that should maybe be priced around $1500. All original 900s sell around $600 now.
  10. Esc

    Refuse to buy used: Are my fears justified?

    I would guess over half the people who buy and sell amps only do so with amps in excellent condition. Fear not my man, if it looks and sounds taken care of then its likely ready for its next 20 years of fun.
  11. Esc

    2550 Jubilee on Ebay / Serial Number Question

    Yeah it all seems funny kinda like a dream...:thumb:
  12. Esc

    Why no love for the 30th Anniversary ?

    :shock: All I found was this thread with 54,000 post in it.
  13. Esc

    JCM2000 Halfstack feedback. argg!

    I believe the 57's are cooler than the 490's. Are using any pedals?
  14. Esc

    Show us your Marshall

    Marshall DSL Silver Edition
  15. Esc


    Damn was that thing vacuum sealed for the last 30 years or what? Nice!
  16. Esc

    vid clip of fresh modded 1983 jcm800 100w

    I listened to that clip on my built-in iphone speaker and my ears are ringing :). Sounds great man.
  17. Esc

    Hand finally healed enough to play Silver Jubilee

    You in the Raleigh area? I saw one up earlier this year and almost bit. I remember the guy had it in a closet or something like new. Gratz on the great find, sounds killer.
  18. Esc

    Nad!!! Marshall dsl 50

    Gratz man. There's a ton of tones you are going to discover with that head. 2 years in and I'm still finding new settings I dig.
  19. Esc

    what colour should my marshall be?

  20. Esc

    Real 50th anniv Amp!

    The originals had a pentode/triode switch no?