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  1. J

    Whats The Best Affordable Amp You Ever Heard

    Only amps I ever had less then $400 are a new VT40x and a used Pathfinder 15r - have to be the VOX is the best sounding! On edit, I'll take that back - my used Haze Mini Stack was more then $400, but the head itself is less then $400 - So I'll go with that.
  2. J

    Marshall Origin 20 Head Speaker Jack Issue

    Its a tough issue - i was in my favorite store last night and the heads I checked out that they were selling (the 20) had the original 8ohm markings, and were still for sale - so they are not being pro-active about the issue. I did try the Origin 5C briefly - it sounded nice, but was...
  3. J

    Advice On First Marshall?

    Hi! I am sure you will get plenty of great advice, from much more experienced fellows than me, but here is my 2 cents...I am just a hobby/bedroom player such as it is. A couple LPs and a Gretsch. Love classic rock. My 1st Marshall was a used DSL15C, and I liked it enough, but NOT without...
  4. J

    Marshall Origin Series Amplifiers

    Good to hear the new DSL has been tweaked - my 15c needed mods to make it worthwhile. I have the Haze head (traded in black star HT5 stack) which is cool with the effects, but a design built plexi with scaling and MV should be a nice gap filler.
  5. J

    Marshall Origin Series Amplifiers

    Figure I'd be in for a 20H. For around $500 wouldnt even have to trade anything. Plug it into the 2061 cabinet and see how it sounds! Scaling, boost, MV and effects? Why not???
  6. J

    Help Me Pick An Amp Quickly

    I had a Peavey Classic 20 head a few months ago...I had tried Classics before and really liked them. But this Classic had a hi frequency spot that grated on me to no end...I finally traded it is for a DSL15c, that with a few mods, was way better (for me).
  7. J

    Nad: 1987x, Need Help With The Mods

    Yes - MV at 100% avoids passing "any" signal to ground (black wire), as that gets 100% of the pot resistance, and the PS input gets 0% resistance. If you jump green to blue (I lost track of whats in vs out!), then that should short past the pot too..but leaving it like that leaves those LOOONG...
  8. J

    Nad: 1987x, Need Help With The Mods

    Ah so they used VR2 Hum Pot as the treble filter pot - interesting. My guess is the assembly is just bleeding off highs through the VR to ground - this is typical on guitars, amps etc., except they used 2 caps and the VR to make it tweakable. Signals of certain frequencies go from Volume Pot...
  9. J

    Nad: 1987x, Need Help With The Mods

    Ah I see VR2 is hum balance pot...hmmm.,,
  10. J

    Nad: 1987x, Need Help With The Mods

    Ok heres what I came up with... Bypass cap on R11 - original 1987 seems to have had a .68 uf bypass cap on the v2 820r cathode resistor (maybe c7 spot was for?). This GV 037 is a 330uf 100v...increases gain, lets alot of bass through. Master volume added between pre-amp output of v2 (tone...
  11. J

    Nad 2061x

    So apparently 2061CX are getting scarce - local stores couldn't guarantee they'd get 'em anytime soon as they are back-ordered thru distributor. Ended up biting it and ordering one with free (slooooww) shipping and a slight discount. I have my Celestion Blue ready to join one of the G12h in there!
  12. J

    Nad 2061x

    Agreed...I read some old threads on other forums that the parts were cheap in the RI, over priced etc etc but mine is just fine - good parts clean build from England!!
  13. J

    Nad 2061x

    I checked out the Ceriatone layout and very close to the Marshall schematic...a couple extra bright caps seems only dif. I got a BYOC 18watt kit for Xmas which works great, but Much happier having the real Marshall 20w.
  14. J

    Nad 2061x

    Well shoot that’ll work!! Sounds great! Thanks for tips! Just talked to store about the CX - if they can get one I can get for $799 so I’d do it (have small credit from the amp trade too)
  15. J

    Nad 2061x

    Shoot - sorry missed last...stitches come out tomorrow - after that?? So noodling with the amp - tones are great, but stay clean for a long turn of the Volume control...not a lot of dirt or breakup, even with an LP and vol at 9-10 (for the couple strums I can take it). But the amp is a beaut...
  16. J

    Connecting Multiple Amps

    Is there a way to make an instrument cable that has 1 plug from guitar going to 2 parallel Y outputs? Easy enough to do on speakers cables, wondering why you couldn split the guitar signal?
  17. J

    Nad 2061x

    My right hands in a sling so it’ll be a bit, but I will get to noodle around some to hear the tone.
  18. J

    Nad 2061x

    Thanks - that it is!! But it’ll work out I think.
  19. J

    Nad 2061x

    My favorite local store had one of these, new, sitting around for a couple weeks now. In a desire to simplify my numerous gear, and after seeing how these are fairly hard to find new, I decided to trade in and trade up. Checked it quick (my right arm is in a sling) with the help of the guy...
  20. J

    Dsl 15c With A Greenback?

    I did that... had a greenback from a Vox AC15 I put a blue in, works fine and sounds fine! Much more beef to the cone then the stock speaker. Just watch the Kep nuts in the particle board - not the hardiest assembly.