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  1. DonaldBort

    jcm2000 dsl401 mods

    Talk to Jens @ Had him do a couple of my amps and I highly recommend at least dropping him an email to see if he can get you where you want to be. As far as speakers, I have a number of them. The Eminence CV-75 I was really surprised by. They thump and hold...
  2. DonaldBort

    1989 Jcm 800 2204

    Adrian... I spent this weekend putting together a small recording set up and I will try to get some tracks recorded this week and post them. The iPhone recordings i attempted, well they just sound like shit.
  3. DonaldBort

    1989 Jcm 800 2204

    Adrian R... You hit the nail on the head with regards to "Tone as most of us would agree, is very subjective". So your last sentence of "Usually extensive modding comes with some tonal liability" is subject to being subjective, and its hard to see it as a liability, because the majority of...
  4. DonaldBort

    1989 Jcm 800 2204

    Buzz I am not familiar with the Suhrs sl68 other than being a plexi style amp. And with respect to the Metro Variac, isn't that just a setting to drop the voltage down from a 110 to 90v? along with a 100/50 watt option? Initially when i found out about the Kruse Variac i decided to have Jens...
  5. DonaldBort

    1989 Jcm 800 2204

    Adrian R....Point taken. However There's ample room for improvement on every single amp out there regardless of whose name is one it, endorsed by it, and how it sounds when one played it. What was done to this amp wasn't for additional gain. Look at my first posted pic of what the JCM800 is...
  6. DonaldBort

    1989 Jcm 800 2204

    Thank you "JR". Although the added holes for the knobs are not original looking. I believe it still looks nice & clean. Most of all I like the ease of access to them, and not having to fumble around for them on the back of the amp. I'm right there with you on the white tolex. Thank you for the...
  7. DonaldBort

    Jcm 800 Series. 2203 Master Model 50w Mk2 Lead

    Check your fuses? Every tube I've ever blown, the mains slo-blow goes out. Wasn't the 2203 a 100w?
  8. DonaldBort

    1989 Jcm 800 2204

    No more holes added. To be honest I wanted the 2nd gain stage Master volume & pre-amp gain, and the V5/low end toggle on the front; simply for ease of access. The depth knob right next to the presence looks stock. The toggle switch is where the previous mod was when I originally bought it, so we...
  9. DonaldBort

    Jcm 900 Power Amp Tube Pick

    I ran a quad of the Ruby El34b-str's in a 1972 plexi and I like this tube very much as well. I had one of them go out on me, and I had to send the quad back to have them replaced. This is how I came across the Tungsol's. Bought as a replacement till my warranty tubes arrived and ended up liking...
  10. DonaldBort

    El34 50/50 Power Amp Connection Help

    I learned something new... One thing i got right is to steer away from the Velocity 300 (I actually went through 2 of them, same issue on each).
  11. DonaldBort

    El34 50/50 Power Amp Connection Help

    Okay...Just giving some options for this member to look at to consider and to see how their equipment works, and adding my experience. That's all.
  12. DonaldBort

    El34 50/50 Power Amp Connection Help

    So the power transformer is shared? If this goes out?
  13. DonaldBort

    Jcm 900 Power Amp Tube Pick

    No...They are actually really musical and none of the frequencies stand out as dominate. Dial in the resonance and you get the thump you want, dial in the highs and you get smooth highs that are not spiking shrill highs. Plus they last and they won't break the bank!!!!! If you don't keep them in...
  14. DonaldBort

    El34 50/50 Power Amp Connection Help

    Wouldn't it all depend on what actually goes out in the PA? If the component that fails effects both channels then the answer would be no; however you need to look at the schematics to see if there are independent power supplies for each channel, are the pre-amp tubes shared or is it 1-ECC83 and...
  15. DonaldBort

    Jcm 900 Power Amp Tube Pick

    Tungsol EL-34B's work well and sound excellent for both Marshall's I have them in. check out this link;
  16. DonaldBort

    1989 Jcm 800 2204

    So I picked up a JCM 800 2204 a few months ago from (out of all places) Guitar Center. I got it for a steal. Yeah it needed some work that i did, but i didn't stop there. It was a stock amp for the most part, except a funky diode clipping mod that the 2 position switch gave it more gain. and the...
  17. DonaldBort

    Tech Assistance- 72 JMP Superlead

    Thanks for the direction, this was not the issue, however the culprit of the flubbyness was isolated. For starters, I changed both the small ceramic 470pf caps over to silver mica's. This seened to take care of the treble issue. Then probing around the wires while playing, found pins 6 & 7 on v1...
  18. DonaldBort

    Tech Assistance- 72 JMP Superlead

    I've been chasing a problem for about 2 weeks now. This issue is my 72 metal face just started flaking out a bit. I will be playing and the EQ goes haywire...Full on Treble and the amp sounds like the guitar pickups are out of phase. No body at all. then from there it will go back to normal and...
  19. DonaldBort

    '72 Metal Face Superlead 100

    I looked to see if the ad was still up, however it was already removed. Let me tell ya, if I wanted to fabricate a story about a Marshall, i personally wouldn't have picked a 72 metal plate... Not too much out there on the web about the 72's nor demos on you-tube either. I would have picked...
  20. DonaldBort

    '72 Metal Face Superlead 100

    I am not exactly sure at this point what that extra tube is doing. The extra preamp tube is wired to a pots switch on the back and then wired from the preamp tube to the presence knob on the front. At first glance It appeared it was an FX loop since there are 4 input jacks on the back (2 labeled...