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  1. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    I never use the onboard boost. My Timmy is the BOMB! It really brings the amp to life...keeps all the base tone and adds more punch, dynamics and gain. I heard it was originally designed for vintage Marshalls. They love each other. I always loved my OCD, but the timmy blows it away.
  2. Argon66

    YJM / early EVH

    Here is what I have found that works for me to get close Presence - 10:00 Bass - DIMED Mid - DIMED Treble - 3:00 Channel 1 - DIMED (do not jumper to Ch2 as CH1 really fattens up when dimed...will be too warm otherwise). EPA at least 12:00 100 watt mode. Do not use on board boost. I use a...
  3. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Curious how most of you are setting up your YJM? do most of you set up your YJM pretty cranked and then dial back the guitar volume for cleaner tones? (Settings?) -or- do you set up clean or on the verge of breakup and then drive her with a boost or overdrive? (Settings?)
  4. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Cool...I may go for it. I mostly use a LP so your advice about using the single channel only is advice I will take when checking it out. I seem to keep flipping between jumpering and not all the time anyway. The are so different but like them both. Just depends on the application is guess...
  5. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Fuzz Pedal! Is anyone using a fuzz in front of the YJM? I have never used one to be honest (just overdrives), but am thinking it might be a nice add on for a thick sustaining lead tone. I can pick up a Diamond Fireburst pedal from a dude for a good price, but would like some thoughts from...
  6. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    100 watt vs 50 watt. I am more of a riff player than lead guy, but do both. I have been using the YJM in 50 watt mode for the most part, but just jammed in 100 watt mode...and holy crap...what a freaken difference. The low end is way tighter and ballsier. I knew there was a...
  7. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    You are way smarter then me :( to be able to tweak or mod the internal boost. Lets us know how you make out and how you did it. Ideally it would be perfect to use what is already inside.
  8. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    The OCD by itself is excellent too. I was using the OCD alone before I got the Timmy. I just hit it for a lead boost. Having both the Timmy and OCD have given me more flexibility...clean (roll back guitar vol), crunch (guitar vol max), fatter crunch (Timmy), Lead (OCD alone or stacked...
  9. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    I am using the Timmy as boost...I find it hits the YJM just right to really thicken things up without loosing the natural tone of the amp. Its pretty much an always on pedal for me right now...unless I go for cleans. I believe it was made for a plexi...and it does the job super well! The only...
  10. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Yup. Just what I thought. The Timmy can be super transparent, and helps push the amp into a sweeter spot without much coloration. If you want to add some gain, not just volume, it can take a little time to dial in, but the bottom line is it gives me a fatter crunch tone for sure. SWEET! I...
  11. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Nope, but i cant imagine a better combo than a plexi with el34's
  12. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Saw a classified for a Timmy today so jumped on it. Really weird that I was thinking about a clean boost and low and behold. Meant to be :dude: Will be trying it in an hour or so!!!!! Will see how it stacks with the OCD. Will put it last in my chain. Will probably use it for a nice...
  13. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Yeah...i hear what you are saying...many are designed for a super clean channel to make it sound like marshall. I really love the base tone the YJM and my LP I guess what I am really seeking is something super transparent to drive it harder for the times I really want it (as my...
  14. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Oh yeah..That is the Jimmy Page...esque pedal. Never heard it live. How would you say it compliments the YJM more than the OCD or others?
  15. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Re: Boost pedals with YJM Cool...I have heard great things about that little guy. How does it stack up against a Timmy or the RC Booster....ever try those? So is it a pure clean boost, or does it add a little something?
  16. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    Boost pedals with YJM I use a LP Traditional with my YJM. I'm not a big fan of the internal boost. I have been using my OCD V4 running at 18v on the LP setting for the most part. Find it is the most transparent of the settings on the OCD. Wondering what others may be using...
  17. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    I see some opportunities to try a few things like how you are using Channel 1 and the mids. Dude...I find on my amp that if i back off channel one to 8 or starts to really brighten up. If you find it a bit too bright...try the following settings and tell me how it sounds. Ch1 max...
  18. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    I have been using my trusty old Fulltone ACD V4 in front when I want some extra hair...and a DD3 in the loop (but barely use it). I am running the ACD at 18V in LP mode (seems more transparent to me). Vol, gain, and tone a touch past noon. Once in a while I put a Retrosonic phaser in...
  19. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread!

    I was messing around with the EPA at home today. Had the amp in 50W mode, and cranked the EPA to about 2:00. HOLY CRAP! The EPA works well, but man the amp's tone, gain and sustain was unbelievable the more it opened up. No need for a boost here. Tons of thick overtones. My acoustic...
  20. Argon66

    YJM100 - 'The Ultimate Plexi' thread! me thinking about what input i have into the back of the amp from my cab. I have a 212 16ohm cab. Might be obvious and a stupid question, but I should be plugged into the 1X16 ohm input on the far right ....right?