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  1. M

    Marshall CODE Amps - Tweaker's Delight: Tips 'n Tricks

    3. "You Will Learn To Love Me" ... Borrowing a favorite line the Gold Miner is saying to his defiant new Wife (Mail Order Bride). Maybe stretching it a bit here, but just thought I'd pass it on for Entertainment Value while I I use it to stress a Point. Not necessarily a bonified...
  2. M

    Marshall CODE Amps - Tweaker's Delight: Tips 'n Tricks

    Thanks plexipaul for the Welcome. And if you're a "Patient Tweaker" you will be Rewarded with Bountiful Treasures, Matey. I just got a Code 50 to supplement my 100H. I really can't believe these Amps - they are so Flexible & Versatile - I can hardly get away' from them. They sound so GOOD...
  3. M

    Marshall CODE Amps - Tweaker's Delight: Tips 'n Tricks

    2. (should have been #1) As soon as you've unboxed your new Code amp, unless you practice in a rented Hall or somewhere you can play LOUD by all means sit with your favorite Beverage & break into every one of the Factory Presets, turn the VOLUME way down & SAVE/WRITE the Change. It may take you...
  4. M

    Marshall CODE Amps - Tweaker's Delight: Tips 'n Tricks

    1. When setting up different Amp patches, start out without the Compressor stomp box on (especially when already Overdriving the Amp Model i.e. whenever you're not running just "Clean"). With the CODE Series, you may be pleasantly surprised you don't need it on, as the Amp Models seem to have...