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  1. Iron1

    Show Me Your Riffs

    Here's my latest. Recorded with my best friend's bass I inherited when he died in October, hence the heavy doss of solo'ed bass lines.
  2. Iron1

    Show Me Your Riffs

    Dig those riffs! #DOOM!
  3. Iron1

    Anyone in/around the Twin Cities?

    My wife is a die-hard Carbonne's fan, me I love Red's Savoys. Will have to try Roccos. :thumb:
  4. Iron1

    Anyone in/around the Twin Cities?

    Ha, yeah, Texas brisket can't be beat. Bringing my ginormous smoker and lots of wood.
  5. Iron1

    Anyone in/around the Twin Cities?

    Wife is from there, so all our family is there (my family is in the bottom of a beer bottle all over the east coast) and she got recruited to take her dream job. Not digging the snow idea, but way down here in South Texas we have no family and our son is about to turn 13 and misses his grandpa...
  6. Iron1

    Anyone in/around the Twin Cities?

    We're relocating to MN soon and I'm losing my local musician crowd, so thought I'd see if anyone on here lives in the TCs.
  7. Iron1

    Are Expensive Guitars Worth It?

    Totally agree. This was mine:
  8. Iron1

    Tried a JCM900 Reissue ,........sounded better or my imagination ?

    I had an original JCM900 4100 and it had all the bottom end I could ever want. Is there a difference in the cabs you use vs what your buddy is using? If you have treble focused speakers and he has bass heavy ones, that would make the same amp sound very different - I know this cause I had 2...
  9. Iron1

    Are Expensive Guitars Worth It?

    I played a $4000 acoustic once, and it was hands down the greatest acoustic guitar I've ever touched. I've played $2-3000 electrics that were far from 2-10 times better than ones I've played in the $500-1500 range. Like said upstream, it's very subjective. I'd say there is no black/white answer...
  10. Iron1

    Use a Tubescreamer! No, seriously, just do it!

    I’ve always preferred the SD-1 to the Tubescreamer but was just considering grabbing one of the TA clones the other day. Any recommendations for the best middle ground between price and quality when it comes to a TS clone?
  11. Iron1

    Got a JCM900 today, Why do people complain about these?

    I miss my JCM900 stack. Man, that thing ripped. Congrats! Play some metal for me.
  12. Iron1

    If you were in a giant stadium all by yourself..........

    Great question. I’d play one of my own tunes and love every second of it.
  13. Iron1

    Are There More Bedroom Players on Here?

    What's the line of demarcation? Are you trying to sort the gigging folks from the non-gigging folks? How about the ones who have toured and recorded from those who only played small gigs? Or those who have albums out from those who never did a demo? Or those who have thousands of studio hours...
  14. Iron1

    What do you consider bedroom volume

    The place this soundman worked had a capacity somewhere around 750 people, IIRC and we usually played in front of 2-300. The twin Carvin 412 B cabs were definitely not at knee level, at least not the top cab. And it sat at the very back of a 15' stage with me at the front. We played death metal...
  15. Iron1

    What do you consider bedroom volume

    I think you hit the nail on the head with "no louder than the TV". And, I agree with anitoli, it's the soundperson's job to take what you give them and make it sound good. I used to hate it when I'd play a show with my JCM900 stack and the sound guy would come over while I was doing sound check...
  16. Iron1

    Show Me Your Riffs

    Here's one of my older ones I feel like I need to re-record before doing vox:
  17. Iron1

    Show Me Your Riffs

    Dig that. Has an early Megadeth vibe to it. As always, love your tone. And really dig that white V! Killer riffs! Sounds great! Wow, if you told me that was Journey, I'd believe it. Amazing.
  18. Iron1

    Advice on Multi FX with DSL50

    I have an HX Stomp and a Boss GT-1 and the Line 6, well, stomps the Boss in every category. Good choice! :band:
  19. Iron1

    Best boost/overdrive with jcm800 2203

    SD-1 all day, every day. Tried a bunch of others, always come back to the SD-1.
  20. Iron1

    What's up!

    Thanks Dude!