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  1. Ronnie_Speedbag

    JCM 800 Bong

    I'm going to Frankie's house
  2. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Band names... So feckin painful!

    meat curtains
  3. finished


  4. Ronnie_Speedbag

    How clean are your guitars?

    i restring for shows which entails cleaning & conditioning the fret board, polishing the frets. i am defiantly not a guy that treats his guitars like some kind of museum pieces...they have their share of battle scars and road wear
  5. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Band names... So feckin painful!

    Dudes Don't Kiss Dudes
  6. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Power Tubes in whh socket?

    I'm not that picky...
  7. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Band names... So feckin painful!

    Band names are tough....i was fortunate...the band was already formed before i was hired.....Welcome to Bangkok
  8. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Band names... So feckin painful!

    think of stimulus package like "jean boner"
  9. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Band names... So feckin painful!

    Stimulus Package
  10. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Flying V nut problem, please help!!!

    great!!!! a happy ending after all
  11. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Jcm2000 dsl100

    whatever the case may be....i got a modded 72 superlead and it's all gravy now
  12. Ronnie_Speedbag

    What's the latest album you bought?
  13. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Flying V nut problem, please help!!!

    what he's trying to say is you can't put a porcupine in a burning barn and expect licorice:)
  14. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Flying V nut problem, please help!!!

    ....i guess you and i have different ideas of what a lot of work is....
  15. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Flying V nut problem, please help!!!

    replacing a nut is pretty easy...just take your time... i went with the graphite
  16. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Jcm2000 dsl100

    it was great for rhythm, just when it came to any leads it just couldn't punch through unless it was cranked to 11..
  17. met Mr. Eddie Kramer once

    met Mr. Eddie Kramer once

  18. old pic

    old pic

  19. yeah......


  20. Ronnie_Speedbag

    Where does distortion come from?

    :thumb:I can't speak for everyone on here....but my distortion comes from a little riff wizard that lives in my amp