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  1. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Heaviest Amps

    Between those 3, the Mesa has the biggest bottom. Cab wise, if you are going to push a lot of bass, Marshall Mode 4 with 100 watt celestions or a Vader or Krank cab with Eminence legends. The matching Mesa cab is nice but the ones I mentioned sound tighter IMO.
  2. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Peavey 6505

    Cool amp. Has a certian mid voicing that may bother you after a while of use (at least it does me). It can be tight or flubby depending on how you set the resonance control. It is a standard in the metal world. I like it better in a band mix than just jamming by myself.
  3. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Soldano Hot Rod 50

    800 is about right for the Hot Rod. As far as being good for metal, that will depend on what kind of metal you are wanting to play. Hair metal, yes. Death metal, no. They are on the brighter side, so don't expect it to have a massive low end like modern high gain amps. Great amp and wouldn't...
  4. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Should I pull the trigger on this.....?

    If you like the DSL and it has no issues, then yes.
  5. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Extension Cabinet Help

    4 Ohm is for a single input. Both speakers will play for one head.
  6. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Whats the deal with 5150s?

    5150/6505 is a killer amp. The are supposed to be biased cold with cross over distortion, like the Soldano's. An amp doesn't become legendary or recorded as much as these amps have if they don't deliver the goods.
  7. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Ceriatone Chupacabra 50 watt vs VHT/Deliverance D60H Van halen tone

    I have had a VHT/Fryette D60 and D120 and just couldn't get along with them. Just no sag and feel to stiff IMO. It was like fighting with it to play it. I didn't find it VH to my ears. I never could get a balance of a sound I like and the feel of the amp.
  8. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Please help.. Tim Caswell #39 Plexi doesn't sound right.

    Trace is so money. Stand up guy who is great to deal with.
  9. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Let's talk practice amps

    I use an Acoustics bass amp (1X12 combo, 20 watt) and a Carl Martin PlexiTone pedal for late night/practice. Sounds great. Not to steer you in a different direction, but its the best little practice combo I have personally used. Just a thought.
  10. Sir Crunch A Lot

    tough gear decision, need advice.

    Keep em' both. Don't fall for the grass is greener, I won't miss it trick. A few months down the road you may wish you still had it. I speak from experience on getting "high" on one amp and selling another only to regret it.
  11. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Played a Mesa Boogie Rectoverb 50 head today...meh

    Rectifiers have a steep learning curve. Once you learn how to adjust for what you want they are great amps IMO.
  12. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Do i really need a marshall?

    Let your ears be the judge. No point in having a tube amp if you can't crack it up and enjoy it's goodness.
  13. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Good Deal?

    Very good deal. Worst case you could sale and make a few hundred bucks.
  14. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Friedman JMP demo.

    Sounds great, but you deserve better. Box it up and send it to me and get you something else. I'll even pay the shipping if it will help you.
  15. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Nad!!!!! Nad!!!!! Nad!!!!!

    Nice! Let me know if it can make you sound like Slash.:laugh2: ....Seriously, very nice.
  16. Sir Crunch A Lot

    I was at the bar....

    I was at the bar the other night and just so happens it was open mic night. Everything was running smooth until the last performer took the stage. This asshole thought he was Stevie Ray Vaughn one minute and Paul Stanley the next. I mean he even played love gun. To top it off he pulled the...
  17. Sir Crunch A Lot

    Marshall "Craftsman"

    Cool, but doesn't leave much room for your tools.
  18. Sir Crunch A Lot

    5 watt AFD combo?

    This well go great with my Slash signature cables and Slash underware!
  19. Sir Crunch A Lot

    NAD 89 jcm800 2203 modded

    Awesome! I can't wait to see some pics and hear some clips. What was done to the amp? Extra knobs, pre amp stages and such. I'll take your answer off the air.

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