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  1. K

    Mark Knoffler

    Yeah, Mark Knoffler is awesome. Epic with dire straits but still pretty good solo. Telegraph Road is a real master piece. And Private Investigations almost made me cry the first time I heard it.
  2. K

    Is it just me, I think EVH's tone is not that special

    I just said my opinon. Which is worth as much as any other.
  3. K

    Is it just me, I think EVH's tone is not that special

    Well, I'm not an expert in heavy metal, cause I never was much into it anyway. I give him credit for coming up with tapping. But whenever I heard him, I always thought that people liked him more for the speed of his palying rather than what he was actually playing IMO.
  4. K

    Anybody here had wrist surgery?

    Good luck man. You'll be playing guitar a cracking a marshall in no time. Rock on.
  5. K

    Need a delay pedal.

    Right now I have the Marshall Echohead and it's great in every way, except it is somewhat complicated to adjust it on the fly. But it has 6 different modes, adjustable delay time, feedback and level. Someday if I go more professional, maybe I'll pick up the MXR carbon copy. For noW I'll stick...
  6. K

    what movies never wear out ??

    Well the Terminator series never get old for(the third one is a tight pass and the latest one doesn't count). Still my favourite is the Judgment Day. "Come with me if you want to live."
  7. K

    Looking for a good pedal to enhance tone

    Well, I'm not an expert on shredding and metal. But I think it would help anyody trying to help you if you gave a list of the pedals you already own.
  8. K

    how we approach guitar and music in general

    Yeah, Smokey is right. If you just listen to a certain band or more bands of similar geners, your brain will get used to them and unconsciously write music similar to them. The way I see it is just listen to a wide variatey, so that you brain get's confused in a good way and them his only...
  9. K

    how we approach guitar and music in general

    Well I share scat7's opinion, but I'm not very extreme. I still like to hear music and I paly some of other people's stuff. But most of the time I don't learn a whole song. I play parts of them, just to learn theire technics and stuff and apply them to my playing style. Music is art and art...
  10. K

    Slash tone?

    Well, for me I rarely refer to slash, most of the times I refer to Guns and Roses. I mean, he is a great player. Defenitly among the best. But I wouldn't put him anywhere near the top of the list. Musically, I think he hit the top of his career when he was in Guns and Roses. And even though they...
  11. K

    Picking Problems

    The ultimate advice I can give you is to no worry about it too much. I become worried evreytime it starts to happen. But when I forget about it, for some reason it just goes away.
  12. K

    Picking Problems

    Hey colchar. Sometimes, I have the same problem. Especially when I'm play all-strumming songs. I think it is a psychology thing, because when we learn to play. We are taugh to hold the pick not to firmly or too softly And that sticks into our heads. The only thing you can do to improve is to...
  13. K

    Do we look For the non existent magic bullet for tome

    More and different gear will just give you more options. The gear won't play itself. It's that player that controls it, so it's the player that creates the tone. So the gear is just a connection. I bet if you gave the shitiest gear too great players, they would find a way to make it work...
  14. K

    Compressor pedals

    Well, from my limited knowladge. Compressors aren't an effect like a Vibrato or a Phaser. They're sound conditioners. Like reverb. They just make the lower sounds sound louder or the louder sounds sound lower. The thing is if you like valve amps, a compressor kinda eleminates what make valve...
  15. K

    Making my tone bigger?

    Goosey, actually I was kinda asking for people's opinion. You see I'm also trying to find a solution that fits my style.
  16. K

    Once again, long hair, short hair...

    Just do what you feel like doing. That's rock and roll.
  17. K

    Marshall Pedals Under-Rated?

    Well, I play a solid state marshall and my guv'nor II can make it sound more valve like. I was really suprised when I first tried it out. I also got the Echoehead amaising effects and endless possibilities. The only downfall in Marshall pedals is the practical side of the pedals. I mean...
  18. K

    Women rockers

    Yeah, when you really look to it. It gets really explicit. It almost looks like that her boobs get bigger.
  19. K

    Women rockers

    1. yeah, she's super hot. 2.Hasn't anybody noticed one of her boob right above the bass's body? Oh yeah.
  20. K

    Women rockers

    Well, no luck with me. I'm a dude. Anyway the evolution of this thred seems promising.:hmm: