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  1. DSMer

    Dsl 20hr Schematic?

  2. DSMer

    DSL40CR FX Loop Volume Drop

    Try to use pedals that are true bypass.
  3. DSMer

    Wtb... Jvm205h Power Transformer

    I just bought a used JVM205H with a blown PT. Anyone has one to sell? Mercury Magnetics has the tranny but it's speced for the JVM combo and its PRICEY. Thanks.
  4. DSMer

    Does my DSL 40C really need a choke?

    If you play the amp at low to moderate volume levels you won't notice that much of a difference of having a choke in a DSL40C. In my case, the choke mod is an advantage because I play a lot of metal..and loud. Loud meaning anything past the 12 o'clock position. The bottom end is much...
  5. DSMer

    DSL 100 Replacement output transformer.

    Classic Tone.... absolutely!!!
  6. DSMer

    the SG thread.

    On the left, Yes.
  7. DSMer

    the SG thread.

    My Tony Iommi SG's
  8. DSMer

    I want a loop on my DSL15

    If you're comfortable with modding, you can install this in your DSL15. Zero-Loss FX Loop Kit - $85.00 : MetroAmp, Amplifier Kits and Parts Online Store I have a similar one on my DSL15 made by another company. It's working great so far.
  9. DSMer

    Marshall DSL40C

    I'm using a TC Electronic Nova System in the FX loop and I dialed a 5db for Solo boost for leads. The only pedal I have up front is a Crybaby wah.
  10. DSMer

    Why no DSL40H?

    I have one!!! :naughty: but upside down. The DSL40C chassis fits in a Lead Mosfet 100 head cab.
  11. DSMer

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    I clipped C4 and C5. The result is cleaner, warmer Cleans and Crunch. It also balances the level between the two modes. Couldn't be happier. Try lifting one leg of each capacitors first and see/hear how you'd like it.
  12. DSMer

    Thinking of an EVH 5150 III

    I've been gigging with my 5150III three times a month since I bought it in August. I replaced the 6L6's shortly after with Gold Lion KT66. I'm liking it even more. The KT's gave a hint of EL34 chime to the tone. Yes, the PT can handle the extra heater current of the KT66. :hbang:
  13. DSMer


    Contact Tundra Music Ltd. They're in Toronto. Marshall JVM410HJS - JVM410 Satriani Signature all valve head - Tundra Music INC Vintage Guitars Store & More Toronto
  14. DSMer

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Bias resistor would definitely need to be changed. Out of curiosity I would like to do tube swap myself.
  15. DSMer

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Hey Marshall Dog, I have tried Genalex Gold Lion KT77. What I've notice is extended highs and bottom end. Brittle but not crunchy, bassy but not punchy. It wasn't that pleasing to my ear. Too hifi to me. GL KT77's sound great on my 6100 but not on the DSL40, don't really know why!!! EL34...
  16. DSMer

    Wanting to retolex one of my

    Here you go: Sol Sound Ltd
  17. DSMer

    Have you moved on from your DSL?

    I'm being unfaithful to my DSL40C after modding the crap out of it. :D :ugh: I'm having an affair with an EVH 5150III. :shred:
  18. DSMer

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    I did try out of curiosity. I would do the opposite (i.e increasing the preamp voltage instead incl PI) but there's not enough room to increase as they are already close to maxing out. Besides CP tubes probably won't last above 300+ volts anyways. No moola for NOS.
  19. DSMer

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Lower voltage to the preamp tubes will increase the overall gain but you will also lose headroom. It makes the amp break up sooner giving you the "brownish" sound. The mod definitely works great in 2204. I've done similar mod in my 6100 but I would not recommend this in DSL40C. The amp will...