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  1. Skelly76

    why do people hate BlackStar amps.

    I’ve had an ht 5 and an ht 20. Sold them both. The 5 sounded great in the store but awful at home. The 20 was just ok. However I also have a fly 3 which is amazing for what it is and IMO the best in its class.
  2. Skelly76

    So, a guy's trying to shake me down on a JVM purchase on Reverb...

    A couple years ago I sold a blackstar ht 20 to a guy on reverb. The guy messaged me as soon as he got it and said it didn’t work. After some back and forth he offered to pay the return shipping and I refunded him when it came back. The only thing that ended up being wrong with it was a blown ht...
  3. Skelly76

    Next Step After Class 5

    I picked up a class 5 head a few weeks ago, and it's rapidly becoming my favorite amp. I really dig the vintage sound and with a boost, it gets a sweet heavy crunch. The only downside is that I too have already been looking towards the next step. A 1987x is now on the top of my short list.
  4. Skelly76

    Looking For Marshall Class 5

    I am looking for a class 5 combo. I would like to trade for a hughes and kettner tubemeister 18 head. Hit me up if interested.
  5. Skelly76

    NAD!! Marshall JCM900 2500 mkIII

    Is anyone familiar with how to set the bias on these? I know the bias points on my other amps, but I am not familiar with this one.
  6. Skelly76

    NAD!! Marshall JCM900 2500 mkIII

    My favorite so far is preamp at noon, sensitivity at 1o'clock, and mv around 6 or 7. I am blessed with super chill neighbors haha!!
  7. Skelly76

    NAD!! Marshall JCM900 2500 mkIII

    The more I play with this amp, the more I love it! Half power mode is awesome with sensitivity down and preamp and master cranked. Still super loud, but tolerable lol! Well, its family time now, so merry christmas everyone!!
  8. Skelly76

    NAD!! Marshall JCM900 2500 mkIII

    I also own a uk built dsl. Amazing amp!
  9. Skelly76

    NAD!! Marshall JCM900 2500 mkIII

    My new toy arrived today! I was able to get an hour or so playing time in before work. First impression is very loud! I am digging the tone so far. The amp is pretty quiet and weak from 1 to 6 on the master volume. At 7, this thing opens up and tears your head off. I owned a dual reverb for a...
  10. Skelly76

    1990-91 Marshall JCM900 MkIII same circuit as JCM800 MkII?

    I did the patch cord trick with my dual reverb. It helped, but not enough to keep from selling it.
  11. Skelly76

    1990-91 Marshall JCM900 MkIII same circuit as JCM800 MkII?

    I am aware this is a super old thread, but I felt like reviving it because , why not? I too will be joining the mkIII club as soon as the seller ships it out. I have yet to play through one, but between you tube videos and what I hear on this forum, I think this head will give me what I have...
  12. Skelly76

    Blackstar HT 20 help

    Thanks for all the advice everyone. The bias was indeed set hot. Did some research to find where it needed to be and it sounds much better. Still is a darker sounding amp, but it is much improved with the bias set correctly.
  13. Skelly76

    Preamp tube change = Brighter amp and still an issue:

    In my dsl 100 i have a jj in v1, and ehx in the other 3. The jj definitely seems to mellow out some of the treble. I never tried a tung sol in the dsl, but I have one in v1 of my jca 50h and it sounds fantastic.
  14. Skelly76

    Blackstar HT 20 help

    Thanks. I will have that checked.
  15. Skelly76

    Blackstar HT 20 help

    I recently found a killer deal on a used blackstar ht 20 head and I couldn't resist trying it out. The only issue is that the overdrive channel sounds really dark and muffled even with the treble cranked. I immediately replaced the chinese 12ax7b's with tung sols, but it didnt make much if any...
  16. Skelly76

    preamp boost or eq?

    Update: I was about to order an eq pedal, but after a lot of thought and research, I decided to sell the 4500 in favor of a 50 watt jet city halfstack. Thank you all for the great suggestions!
  17. Skelly76

    preamp boost or eq?

    The low end is there, but its kinda loose sounding. I think with an eq, it will beef up really nice. I decided on the mxr 10 band. Im scouring ebay and reverb for a good price. In the meantime, i ordered a tungsol 12ax7 to try in v1. I hear a lot of good things on here about those in a 900. If I...
  18. Skelly76

    preamp boost or eq?

    I have always loved Bostons guitar tone.
  19. Skelly76

    preamp boost or eq?

    I had the ge 7 years ago that i tried using as a lead boost in the front of the chain. Results werent good lol! I have been searching my house, but it may have been lost in the move. If i have to buy again i will prob get the mxr as i recall the boss was kinda noisy. That also could have been...
  20. Skelly76

    preamp boost or eq?

    I have to admit, my behringer pedal sounds pretty good, but the build quality is absolute shit. Its barely seen any use and its got serious cracks in the housing. My old drummer got it new for 20 bucks so i didnt really expect miracles.