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  1. M

    DSL5C EQ Tradeoff - Mods/Solutions?

    I recently picked up a 2nd hand dsl5c, primarily for the classic/crunch channel to pair with my dsl5cr in a stereo rig I'm working towards. First impressions are it's a fun little amp, kinda more 'vintage' sounding ("harsh"?) to my ears than the cr, and particularly enjoyed dicking about on...
  2. M

    DSL20hr clean channel?

    (Whoops, not quite sure what happened there!)
  3. M

    DSL20hr clean channel?

    Having looked today....ditto (not labelled as II), though mine's been back to Marshall for an issue and had new power valves put in so I guess it's possible it had IIs originally.
  4. M

    DSL20hr clean channel?

    Having looked today....ditto (not labelled as II), though mine's been back to Marshall for an issue and had new power valves put in so I guess it's possible it had IIs originally.
  5. M

    DSL20hr clean channel?

    Having looked today....ditto (not labelled as II), though mine's been back to Marshall for an issue and had new power valves put in so I guess it's possible it had IIs originally.
  6. M

    DSL20hr clean channel?

    You listed the preamp valves you swapped in (though I don't think you mentioned which tung-sol in V1), but did you swap out the power amp valves? Still studying this thread on and off....thinking about what I wanna try/do with mine!
  7. M

    SC20H as a general rock amp?

    +1 for low input and pedals, where required of course. It really is a super clean, and especially crisp with single coils Obv the higher gain sound on pedal isn't quite up there with shoving it in the high input (imho) but it'll do the job where required.....and for me, better that than not...
  8. M

    DSL20hr clean channel?

    Do you have any further impressions on the final result? Do the gain characteristics you describe above hold up as the volume increases? Are you able to share any sound clips? I am similarly unimpressed with the clean channel on my dsl20, and the change in breakup as you increase the gain...
  9. M

    DSL20 vs DSL5

    Just to resurrect this quickly.....I'm going to give the ECC82 a try as I find there's too much gain for my liking on the ultra channel too. BUT.....before I do... One difference between the two which (from my position of ignorance) seems like it could be a pretty notable one, is that the...
  10. M

    DSL40HR Head!

    Maaan, love DSL and orange with's what made me wanna go with marshalls! Had a JCM2000 half stack and whatever the equivalent orange half stack is in a rehearsal room we used to use......tried all the possible combinations (matching and non) and it was a complete no brainer for me...
  11. M


    So far, yes, though unfortunately I've not had much opportunity to use it. It mainly gets used as a cleanish pedal platform on the low input (also exploiting the volume drop when the effects loop is in use) when I'm playing at church....but although it serves that purpose quite nicely for me...
  12. M

    DSL20 vs DSL5

    Thanks.....tell me more.... Will that affect the OD channel too? Either way, any other tonal side effects? Where would I start to work out what to put in.....any recommendations? Is the V1 a preamp valve position...? Other than knowing there are preamp and power amp valves, and there are...
  13. M

    DSL20 vs DSL5

    Hi everyone, and apologies if this has been covered before (done a bit of searching but not quite found what I'm looking for). Without going into the backstory of how this came to be, I possess both a DSL5CR and a DSL20HR and have used both (as heads, through the same 1x12 cab) with the pub...
  14. M


    Hi, Thought I ought to do this before asking the question I signed up to ask..... :-/ (not that I mind belonging to a Marshall forum mind you) I'm Matt and I have several Marshalls, primarily DSLs of various age and wattage, but also an SC20. Greetings fellow Marshall owners/enthusiasts.....