
  1. B

    EVH mod for the JMP1C anniversary amp

    Welcome to my first thread. Hope someone gets something out of this! Let me start off saying that a little over about two years ago I found out about the JMP1C amp and realized it would be the perfect way to get the late 70s and early 80s cranked Marshall tones I love, but at a home friendly...
  2. Guitarjon

    The early Deftones sound (JMP-1 & JVM410H comparison)

    Hi guys, I wanted to do another attempt at getting that classic Around The Fur / White Pony era guitar tone. I tried it before but I wanted to see if I could come even closer this time around. I used my trusty ESP LTD SC-20 with the SD JB pickup and my Marshall JMP-1 into the JVM410H poweramp...
  3. Guitarjon

    Deftones and the legendary JMP-1!

    Hey guys, Deftones fan here. I've tried to capture Stef's guitar tones (especially the ones from his early JMP-1 era's) for a bunch of times but since I have a JMP-1 and LTD SC-20 I thought it would be fun to try again. The signal chain is explained in the video but I tried to keep everything...
  4. JMP1shaun

    JMP1 Gmajor2 voodoo labs GCX & GCP how to set

    Hi I’ve just got hold of a few rack items JMP1 pre amp TC gmajor 2 voodoo labs GCX switcher & GCP l got the jmp1 going into focusrite liquid 56 interface into logic X I want use the GCP & GCX to control them over the midi channels but iam struggling to piece the puzzle together for example do...
  5. D

    Jmp-1 Has Nasty Squeal After Battery Change

    I just replaced the battery on my JMP-1 and "reinitialized" it and now I get a high pitched squeal with no sound whether the guitar is plugged in or just the cable. I saw a video of someone reinitializing a JMP-1 and saw their data panel go blank momentarily when pressing OD1 + Clean1 but mine...
  6. D

    Has Anyone Figured Out What Battery Holder Fits The Jmp-1?

    I opened my JMP-1 that I just bought and noticed the battery looks like the original. Has anyone figured out what battery holder has the right pin arrangement? I'd like to add a battery holder. I could measure the pins and match it up but I'd have to pull the PC board to measure and the amp...
  7. A

    Jmp1 Volume Loss On Distortion Channels

    Hello guys, i have a marshall jmp1 preamp, both distortion channels have very little volume compared to the clean chanels, OD1 sounds very quiet, OD2 sounds a little louder than OD1, and both Clean Channels have normal volume, theres also strange pops, clicks and undisired distortion some times...
  8. J

    Connect Cables Between Jmp-1 & 9100

    Hi. I need help someone who own same amps. How do I connect cables between jmp-1 and 9100? I have rewired my 1965 cab 8omh mono cab to 16 ohm stereo. So now i can use my both side from my 9100 amp. This is how i have connect right now. Jmp1 L-out to 9100 chA input. Poweramp chA to cab input...
  9. M

    Marshall Jmp-1 Strange Flanger Sound Issue.

    Hi, I had been using my JMP-1 for over a decade - stock tubes, OD2 channel - with no issues until recently. There was this bad cable that kept producing loud spikes - although I'm not quite sure the JMP-1 wasn't adding up to these as well. After that the JMP-1 started sounding dull...