30th Anniversary Drop in Volume and Thin Sounding


New Member
Dec 17, 2022
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Hey guys and gals. I have what appears to be a very strange problem with both of my Marshall 6100 30th Anniversary heads. I absolutely love these heads, and I have used them for many years without many issues. However, a year or so ago the one that I was playing through starting sounding thin and the volume would fluctuate down and then back up again. When the volume dropped it sounded, and felt like the amp was not getting the full signal from the guitar. I'm playing in a band with another guitarist who was using my other 6100 head at practice. So they were both being used at the same time one evening when my volume dropped and did not return. Within about 15 minutes the 6100 that our other guitarist was using did the same thing. I have a digital Furman power supply in an amp rack that I watch like a hawk, and the power level was fine when this happened. I have played my guitar through a Marshall head that our other guitarist bought, and it sounds normal through that head. I have a tech that is very good at what he does, and I took one head to him and continued to use the other one. One evening the one that I was still using failed to produce any sound at all. The tech. got the amp to produce sound again, but it was the same thin, week sound as before. He has exhausted his options concerning these heads. So, I'm hoping someone here can point us in the right direction concerning this issue. Here's more background info...

Both are Marshall 6100 30th Anniversary heads with the blue tolex. The signal path is: From a Gibson Les Paul to a Sennheiser eW 100 G2 wireless guitar system (I have checked the signal strength on the receiver and it is normal), from the receiver to a Boss TU-2 tuner, then to a Cry Baby 535Q Wah, then to the front of the head. From the send side of the effects loop to a Boss PSM-5 Power Supply and Master Switch --> Boss GE-7 EQ (Set flat with the level boosted all the way. I do this to drive the signal to the effects loop. I get a tighter sound without having to have massive volume from the head.) --> Boss DD-5 Digital Delay --> Boss HF-2 Hi Band Flanger --> Boss CE-3 Chorus --> Boss NF-1 Noise Gate --> back to the Boss PSM-5 Power Supply and Master Switch --> return side of the effects loop.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.