AFD-100 questions

  • Thread starter slash07
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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East TN
I'd love to own an AFD100. I know for a fact though that it will NOT make me sound like Slash. I am sure that amp is gonna sound TITS!! but you are paying quite a bit to have Slash's name on there. Being it's a Marshall, you can bet that it is a quality product.

The reality is that signature items are made to make serious $$ and often times the merchandise is very poor quality. The Washburn 333 series Dimebag guitars come to mind here. That was a horrible instrument and the Dimebag Warhead amp was a big piece of shit to. I owned it so I should know!! I am not referring to the AFD in anyway here. I will say that younger players buy into to the signature hype all to often to find out that hey..I don't sound like Slash :(

Find your own sound. You might tweak the knobs forever but your fingers greatly affect how much tweaking of those knobs that you do in many ways.

Wycked Lester

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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667 Neighbor of the Beast
It must be because of the big Guitar Hero endorsement,... ....maybe all these kids think he's so awesome not because he is so great, but because that the only "real" guitarist they are familiar with?? Fuck if I know what the hype is all about,...just seems odd that he is such a hot topic 23 years after the fact (afd)


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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I'd love to own an AFD100. I know for a fact though that it will NOT make me sound like Slash. I am sure that amp is gonna sound TITS!! but you are paying quite a bit to have Slash's name on there. Being it's a Marshall, you can bet that it is a quality product.

The reality is that signature items are made to make serious $$ and often times the merchandise is very poor quality. The Washburn 333 series Dimebag guitars come to mind here. That was a horrible instrument and the Dimebag Warhead amp was a big piece of shit to. I owned it so I should know!! I am not referring to the AFD in anyway here. I will say that younger players buy into to the signature hype all to often to find out that hey..I don't sound like Slash :(

Find your own sound. You might tweak the knobs forever but your fingers greatly affect how much tweaking of those knobs that you do in many ways.

:) TITS are a good thing.....

:):) TWIN


New Member
Jan 3, 2011
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Hmm. Every single forum I go to has someone against this amp, and they seem to have something against Slash too. Now, I know noone will take me seriously coz MY Marshall is a solid state practice amp, But I happen to think that, even with the association of the 'Slash' Name aside, the AFD100 is a really good sounding amp, and yes that is against all the other top quality Marshalls and whatever else on youtube, because of course it would be better than mine. I do see the point of having you want to "find your own tone" But this is a killer tone, and if people want to have that Slash tone and in their own opinion they enjoy it, then just let them have it. >.<


Dec 26, 2010
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Hey slash07, check out this youtube vid.

[ame=]YouTube - Marshall AFD100 Demo and Guitar Comparison[/ame]

It has Chris George playing the AFD100 with a LP and Simon Bradley playing it through a sweet Strat. You may have seen it but I havent.

Wycked Lester

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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667 Neighbor of the Beast
:) No one has a Problem with the Man or his endorsements, it's just the ENDLESS "How do I?" questions. We actually should have come to expect it over the years. There Was Clapton, then Hendrix, then EVH, then SRV, Now Slash, Vai, Satch, and I suspect Bonamassa is next??....

Just How DO I get Bonamassa's tone???

:):) TWIN

I cant even believe his name, in the same sentence as the rest of those guys......

......but yea, .,,,I agree.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2009
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Wales, UK
"Bull**** He looks like a Gangster or Crack dealer to me" :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ha ha! Well played, Slash07, that is funny clip.
I know you are a Slash fan and you want this amp... but, you can still joke about it.. I am warming to ya! :lol:
A sense of humour is a must on this forum...:wave:

Now guys how do I get the CC Deville tone?
Ah yeah sorry, I need a cement mixer filled with ball bearings or seven session guys.

BTW: I am certain there was not, but just in case there was any confusion, I greatly welcome Santiagos contribution to threads, my point was simply let's not waste his time with dumb questions like is there a Neal Schon Escape amp coming in 2012 and what is the delivery date for my amp to Guitar Center in Idaho. :wave:

I love this forum and all the funny (looking?!?) people in it. More people with specialist knowledge the better. I am going to try hard to get John Norum to do a clip for the forum when I see him in November in Bristol.
I am going to be funny and ask him if he has his AFD100 yet to get the Slash tone... and was he aware Kee Marcello is getting a signature Marshall? :lol:


New Member
May 19, 2010
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United Kingdom
1) If by 'around the corner' you mean in the unforseeable future, sure.
2-4) meh
5) You could get those tones on the JVM. It's versatile enough. But as we have all come to appreciate here: Tone is in the Fingers. Or in the case of Adwex, our dear Moderator: Tone is in the Hat.

I bet you can't nail the exact tone on the JVM. I've played on JVM's a few times and yes, versatile they may be, but they're not masters of all ... they're Jack of all trade amps .... VERY versatile ... but never nailing the classic tones they say they can. Not 100%. A modern, emulated version of ... sure. But put an 800 right next to a JVM and try and nail the EXACT tone, and I bet you can't.

I'd buy an 800 vs a JVM any day of the week if I wanted the 800 sound. Same with AFD100 .... I'd buy that vs a JVM ....

but if I wanted a versatile amp ... I mean, an amp that can do a shit load out of one box .... there's NOTHING better than a JVM. Nothing at all on the market if you ask me that I've heard.


New Member
May 19, 2010
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United Kingdom
I cant even believe his name, in the same sentence as the rest of those guys......

......but yea, .,,,I agree.

You mean Vai right? ;)

Vai is the worst player in that list. Technical ability is right up there with the best in the world of course. But he's such a soul-less player for the most part. I really REALLY tried to love Vai. I did go through a Vai phase of praising the hell out of him and listening to his records a ton ... but really, the more I distance myself and listen again ... eugh. Sooooooo boring!!! So many better players in his league in terms of songwriting, melodic playing etc.


Dec 26, 2010
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I love the stuff Vai did with David Lee Roth. But thats about it. And he looks quite strange when he plays.

Back in the early 90s some Guitar Mag had a whole issue with the "Steve Vai 7 hour Workout." I would sit in my bedroom and do that workout over and over again. It did help my playing back then. But I agree spiritdave.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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East TN
It must be because of the big Guitar Hero endorsement,... ....maybe all these kids think he's so awesome not because he is so great, but because that the only "real" guitarist they are familiar with?? Fuck if I know what the hype is all about,...just seems odd that he is such a hot topic 23 years after the fact (afd)

Yea..doesn't it though??
People go to all these lengths to get guitar tone that happened 30 years ago..Why?

Do your own thing..even if it's with an AFD100!


Aug 5, 2010
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just gotta wait a long time to get my sound well some not so good news when i asked US Music corp about when the USA will be getting the AFD-100 got this answer from US Music corp
Around MARCH

Kevin (Kdog) Drury
U.S. Music Corp.
444 E. Courtland St.
Mundelein, IL 60060
Fax: 775-703-1198

santiago can you confirm this and if it's true why 3 months from now?

thats gonna suck


New Member
May 19, 2010
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United Kingdom
The AFD sounds like a great amp, and it's not really much more than the other amps around.

Sorry, but why do people attack trying to sound like Slash when GAZZILLIONS of players try to sound like Hendrix (sig stack available) or Rhodes (sig stack available) etc. The reason is that tone is subjective, and for every one of those that hate Slash's tone, there's 10 that love it. And I'm sorry, but as badass as Randy Rhodes was, his tone on most of the tracks recorded with Ozzy was thin as shit. Live of course, it's a different matter. And I've seen Slash live plenty of times, and his tone is fat and full of sweet Marshall tone. THAT is what it's all about, and as far as I'm concerned, that's reason enough for Slash to have a couple of Sig amps. :)


New Member
May 19, 2010
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United Kingdom
Btw, Adwex ... you considered merging all these AFD threads into one 'official' one like some other amps seem to have? It makes people stress less :p


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2009
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Wales, UK
just gotta wait a long time to get my sound well some not so good news when i asked US Music corp about when the USA will be getting the AFD-100 got this answer from US Music corp
Around MARCH

Kevin (Kdog) Drury
U.S. Music Corp.
444 E. Courtland St.
Mundelein, IL 60060
Fax: 775-703-1198

santiago can you confirm this and if it's true why 3 months from now?

thats gonna suck

Does not suck for me though. I will take two from my local shop and ship them at a premium to the US I will even throw in a US two prong cable.:applause::cheers:

Taking orders now guys, you pay shipping and 15% arrangement fee and you can have the first AFD100 in the USA by the end of next week.

Honest Johns Guitar Export Ltd.

Wycked Lester

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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667 Neighbor of the Beast
Sorry, but why do people attack trying to sound like Slash when GAZZILLIONS of players try to sound like Hendrix (sig stack available) or Rhodes (sig stack available) etc.

I think the reason is that all the other guys ,....Hendrix, Rhodes, Beck, Eddie Van Halen, Bonnamossa, Page, Gary More, SRV, Zakk Wylde, George Lynch,....are SHIT HOT PLAYERS with INSTANTLY IDENDIFIABLE tone and style.

Slash is a mediocre player with everyday "run of the mill" marshall tone,...good, but certainly nothing special. And for most of us who are very familiar with all the above see Slash as the odd duck.

Slash has guest appeared on several other peoples albums and I never once though it might be slash until someone said something,....the big one that comes to mind is "Momma Said" by Lenny Cravits....Great song, and it has a cool solo, but I never one time heard it and though "Thats Slash",....because it just sounds run of the mill,...i just figured it was lenny playing ....cuz he's pretty decent too, ...ya know.

Listen to David Bowie "Lets Dance" ....the song sux, but the second a guitar lick comes in, you go "WHAT THE FUCK, THAT IS STEVIE RAY VAUGHN" or when Beat it" came out, INSTANTLY knew that was EVH playing the guitar.

I think he's a decent player, and i loved the first g&r album,...not for slash, they could have had anyone,....but because they had GREAT SONGS. Even with a shitty ass annoying singer like AXL.,...the songs were so good that it worked.

There was a time when Axl was considered to be hot shit,...but it all died out with the demise of the shure as fuck don't hear his name thrown around in the same sentence as Rober Plant, or Brad Delph, or Steven Tylor, or Lane Staley, or Dio, or Halford, .........and I guess we all feel the same way about slash.

I think its because we think hes getting put on a pedestal that he's not worthy of by a bunch of kids who know more about "guitar hero" than they do music.

Before Guitar Hero came out,,....the one with slash as the poster boy, you didn't have all this Slashness rubbed in your face all its like hes the only guitarist that matters to some people.....which is just laughable......for a while.....then anoying.....then irritating,....then eventually its like WTF?

This is not an argument, this is an explaination....please accept if for what it is, and don't bother trying to convince me otherwise. You asked why, but I am not.