Another Swede 2024-03

  • Thread starter Marshboy
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New Member
Mar 15, 2024
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So, a few words about me and my history of Marshall amps/equipment.
Perhaps a bit long winded introduction, but please select what you think is informative. and disregard the rest

When I started playing in the 80s, off course I wanted a Marshall, espessially as the other guitarist in our teenage punk rock band had a marshall head with a 4x12.
But for some reason I got an 100w head (which I don´t remember what it was) with a (very good) 2x12, but somhehow I got could not be clearly heard between the silly loud drummer and the other guitarist 100w Marshall.
So, wiyhout any knowledge, I got a Marshall 4x15 cab in hope I could be heard, and it surely helped but perhaps was´nt the most effective solution.
Today, I wonder what that cab was, a bass cab? One of the few 4x15 guitar cabs Marshall ever made? I traded i many years aga for a crappy Peavy combo.....
I wonder whar I paid for this, I remember that all 5 of us in the band had to pitch in to buy a 4-5(?) channel mixer, you know a variant with a small tape recorder that could be found for 125 euros today, but better!

My appreciation for the Marshall sound have never deminished, and as I´ve gotten back to guitar playing again since a few years, my tone search have awakened again!
I started with the old Peavey from the 80s, but that soon died on me, got som other small amps to get me by, but when we got a new band together I started the never ending search for the next amp.
So, a list, excluding the less interesting amps for this forum (as most of us, Ive tried and have to many amps):
Boss Katana: To be honest, this could be my only amp if I just wanted to get the job done. With a Redback speaker and some deep diving in to the software, it is very, very good. But what is the fun of being satisfied with a very good substitute?
So,. I started thinking of Marhalls off course, and got a B.stock DSL20H to get my feet wet again, but I think I jast list my experiances below.

DSL20H - A very nive amp at a low price (450 euro). The green channel is very vice, but so are the low gain channels of all my other amps. The red channel is useless, even after trying low gain tubes. Very useful paired with a good pedal board. Currently used by the other guitarist in the band, and he is very happy with it.
Origin20H - What I´ve used for ~2 years, and I´m very happy with the results, especially combined with suiting pedals. I could use this and be happy for years to come if curiosity were not a fact.
ST20H - (I´ve only tried it at home so far, I got it this week) - Oh, this is nive! But I need to try it with the banf to see what it can do with pedals and the speakera I´ve got. But if if does´nt suit the band, I will enjoy using it at home very, very much.
SV20H - (I´ve only tried it at home so far, I got it this week) - Oooh, this is really, really nice! Now I understad what many of you have said! With ab EQ in the loop to shut it down a bit, it is very nice. But if you after that ad a BD-2 or even better a Golden Plexi (or similar), it is all that I would ever need or want! It is Bleeding (f-ing) brilliant!.

So, I see a future with the ST20 and the SV20 at the rehearsal place, and the Origin20 at home as it´s a really, really good amp at home with the right pedals (and the right tubes/valves).
I was alaive in the 70s/80s, but I missed out playing the famous 100w Marshalls, but I´ve heard most of them so I have not mist ou totally.
Today,, we´ve got the 20w verions of the calssic amps, and they are perhaps (most prabable) not as glorious as the originals when set to 7 and above, but where in these days can you set a classic Marshall 100w to 7 or above?

As a Swede, I´m a litle bit partiial, but I belive that ZZounds (even if it is a silly name for a company) will be able to keep the Marshall brand alive compareded to the old regime that had the usual
Brittish stndpoint of " old is good, lewt´s leep everythinbg old" (Look at what hapened to many, many of of olf British companies that refused to let go of the old ways).
I´m not totally confident in what ZZounds prioraties will be,. but from what I¨ve heard and seen so far, they will keep Marshall from becoming a "before"-brand, producing <amps/year.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020
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Welcome to the forum, from a fellow Swede!

You got good taste in amps, and I particularly like BD-2 into SV20. I suggest to check out JohnH's attenuators if you want to try a 50 or 100W amp. Easy build if you can solder. There are quite a number of used 50 and 100W Marshalls being sold around here, as I guess you're aware of already.
