Anyone played the AssHole 100?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
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I didn't find that to be true .Like I said they did not sound alike .The AH reminded me more of a 3 chanel yeti/chupa.
AH = unpollite
BE = polite with a 3D ness sound

I think the Ceriatone amps sound great. I was really disappointed with the Jubilee clone. It just doesn't sound like a Jubilee to me. It sounds more like a 2210 or 2205 to me. I love the 2010 so it's definitely a great Marshall sound even if it is different.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2014
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A friend has a Splawn Quickrod and that amp sounds “monstrous” great sounding amp and another friend loves his “Wizard” and it sounds awesome, kind of like a HIWATT & Marshall together with Rick’s design, solid built......

The cool thing with Ceriatone, they’ll modify anything you want with no or nominal cost that most amp companies won’t.....
Well Wizard amps are sort of end-all pieces of gear, possibly the best rock am money can buy. But it reflects on their price :/

Splawns on the other hand are a fine twist on the old Marshall recipe, more personal than Friedman/Bray/Grenger/Ceria, which I guess is the reason many dont like em ("weird mids" they say).

Problem with these amps (and tube amps in general) is that far too often people tend to judge them after some hours of home use. That's not how it works, not for 50-100w tube amps anyway: an amp might sound absolutely brilliant in your room or a solo scenario (Friedman BE100 does inded, many Bogner as well) and disappear into nothing when playing in a band, which is also why I dont dig the BE polishness and record-like-ness..
A friend of mine plays in a quite good rock band, and had a BE100 (older series I think?). He had very hard time hearing himself when playing with the rhytm guitarist, so parted ways with the amp (which impressed him big time when he was playing alone) and got a Mesa. The choice sounded blasphemous to me, but I got some months later what he meant.

This is also (another) reason why the Splawn Quickrod is a great amp, and the Wizard Modern Classic is possibly the greatest Marshall-like amp in existence: you can hear both no matter who you are playing with. They just deliver the right frequencies to have your sound stand out.


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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Well Wizard amps are sort of end-all pieces of gear, possibly the best rock am money can buy. But it reflects on their price :/

Splawns on the other hand are a fine twist on the old Marshall recipe, more personal than Friedman/Bray/Grenger/Ceria, which I guess is the reason many dont like em ("weird mids" they say).

Problem with these amps (and tube amps in general) is that far too often people tend to judge them after some hours of home use. That's not how it works, not for 50-100w tube amps anyway: an amp might sound absolutely brilliant in your room or a solo scenario (Friedman BE100 does inded, many Bogner as well) and disappear into nothing when playing in a band, which is also why I dont dig the BE polishness and record-like-ness..
A friend of mine plays in a quite good rock band, and had a BE100 (older series I think?). He had very hard time hearing himself when playing with the rhytm guitarist, so parted ways with the amp (which impressed him big time when he was playing alone) and got a Mesa. The choice sounded blasphemous to me, but I got some months later what he meant.

This is also (another) reason why the Splawn Quickrod is a great amp, and the Wizard Modern Classic is possibly the greatest Marshall-like amp in existence: you can hear both no matter who you are playing with. They just deliver the right frequencies to have your sound stand out.

I don’t know...sometimes I think the player makes the amp. You get a player on a shit amp yet he can play tits? Without spending 4K?

Not to mention all those guitarist that did it way the fuck cheaper? In studio? Is it the amp or production? Some of us know the answer.

I do notice certain circuit builds matter. At my level of playing? 4K is internet ego greasing...including the extra special components. I’ve heard others that build wise would please any guitarist. Without that ego price. I may be wrong...? Just a hack.

When I heard guys I really like? It’s their playing. Which is more impressive than status quo amps. And they should be proud of such a skill level.

To any internet amp sluts? Fuck my DSL40C. Course my buds know I’m not messing with u! And fuck hyenas. Laugh and not play? 4K is way more than this. I certainly can do either.

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Deep Purple fan

Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2014
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I guess we can all agree he makes good sounding amps, noone is arguing that, one may like them or not, but those are indeed nice beasts.

Honestly if I had to buy a 50-100w tube head right now (which is not the case, unfortunately), I'd go Splawn Competition, Bray Coco (the demos are stellar to say the least), or BRBS 100. Rawer, raspier, more in your face.

I had a Splawn Competition. Mint condition, new tubes, flawless. My JVM410HJS, all my Engls and all my Friedman’s are much better sounding amps. Just some friendly advice. Not close. I traded it rather than have it collect dust. I traded it straight up for a few months old Mesa and really felt bad for the other guy even though I was completely honest and let him try it out.

Regarding the comments about Friedman here on this thread, there has been plenty of negative comments. Not sure if you or any of the commenters ever played one. What I like - Completely transparent fx, easy to dial in , responsive dials. Fantastic amps.

My Engl Blackmore can go head to head with the BE100. Another wickedly outstanding amp. Most of the youtube reviews are by metal guys. But it does a vintage Marshall tone as good as any.


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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:shred: I don’t know ...I think any amp can sound good

oh, the hyena post. You got me. I’m sure your hyena brothers will admire such a laugh. I feel so dumb.:mods::naughty:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2014
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I have a 2015 BE-100 and would probably agree with you regarding the "Over-Polish" in it's "Original Version" it's the reason 5yrs ago I worked with Dave to modify my amp with my Marshall's (Jose & Jackson modified) as reference along with Dave's design abilities.
I use it both live and in the studio and it's an awesome amp! Guitarists that I know said my Bogner Ecstasy 100b seem to be "Over-Polished" like a perfected studio CD or coming from your stereo, maybe to make it easier for guitarists to play? Whereas my BE-100 is the opposite, if you're not a capable player, your short comings will come through.

I use to own a Wizard Modern Classic II 100W it was a good amp but in live performance and in the recording studio I definitely prefer my BE-100. I prefer the High-Gain to have Clarity and Not the Over-Gain Buzz-like characteristic that some Metal Amps have, I still wanted more Hard Rock to Jazz abilities from a vintage to modern standpoint.
For a friend dirty ole Joe.....

Sounds very good man! About the amps, that's just preference I guess, as long as you can hear yourself the rest is a matter of taste ;)

I don’t know...sometimes I think the player makes the amp. You get a player on a shit amp yet he can play tits? Without spending 4K?

Not to mention all those guitarist that did it way the fuck cheaper? In studio? Is it the amp or production? Some of us know the answer.

I do notice certain circuit builds matter. At my level of playing? 4K is internet ego greasing...including the extra special components. I’ve heard others that build wise would please any guitarist. Without that ego price. I may be wrong...? Just a hack.

When I heard guys I really like? It’s their playing. Which is more impressive than status quo amps. And they should be proud of such a skill level.

To any internet amp sluts? Fuck my DSL40C. Course my buds know I’m not messing with u! And fuck hyenas. Laugh and not play? 4K is way more than this. I certainly can do either.

Well let's put it this way: your guitar sound is heavily amp related, BUT a good guitarist can indeed make a cheaper amp sound like pretty darn good one. I've seen plenty of players using a JCM900 DR live, with monstrous results, and still many wouldnt touch that amp even with a long stick...


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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Sounds very good man! About the amps, that's just preference I guess, as long as you can hear yourself the rest is a matter of taste ;)

Well let's put it this way: your guitar sound is heavily amp related, BUT a good guitarist can indeed make a cheaper amp sound like pretty darn good one. I've seen plenty of players using a JCM900 DR live, with monstrous results, and still many wouldnt touch that amp even with a long stick...

So when we get into 4K it just doesn’t present any level more. In the studio? Nah. Live playing no. However if money makes your amp great and playing is secondary? Have at it. No guitarist will convince me otherwise. And I can afford that 4K box. I play. Without bragging rights. I draw a line. And suffer little for it. Certainly not here or there. I sound the same no matter what amp I play. And I got amp.

I totally agree with the 900 getting a bad rap. Some know how to rip it.
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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I’d take a Ceriatone any day. I’m really guilty of sounding the same no matter what I play...and that’s on me.

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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I totally agree with you about Gear prices, a lot of the boutique brands are really expensive and around 4k+ (Diezel, Wizard, Bogner, Soldano, Suhr, Bray, Germino, Metropoulos, Friedman etc) I think prices in general can be pretty high, a set of quality Transformers can cost 700.00-900.00+/-
for a personal build, and your right that the "Player" can make a low cost amp Shine. I grew up on Marshall, Fender & VOX back in the early '70s and followed what Page, Blackmore, Iommi where using (also Schenker, Uli, Akkerman, Di Meola, Mclaughlin, Beck, Hendrix, Clapton, SRV etc).
I love all those players but I always "Respect" Player's that Try! When I come on forums, I can Only give advice, suggestions and direction of the experience that I have to help (or not, just listen) I've had my share of music industry up's and down and you would be surprised how many famous have fallen on hard times (I know many).

Regarding Circuit Board PCB, Point-to-Point etc. there are "Better" materials in the type of boards take for instance level of "standards" IPC-A-610, IPC J-STD-0001 many more, the material can be simple fiberglass to multi-layer to specialized compound with "Ground plane" and very thin to
heavy duty heat resistant for aerospace/military/health "That's all fine but I want to Rock!" that's where compromises are made in quality parts that still have to pass basic electrical safety. The Copper trace can crack if thin boards "warp" from internal heat SMT (Surface Mount) components can pop loose if lower solder standards are used, Class-1 just puts the parts on the board like disposable electronics, Class-2 & 3 are more detail. There are PCB's that cost thousands per board, processing (Wave Machines), component cost etc. for Amplifiers "Through-Hole" PCB & PTP would be ideal but manufactures find quick processing time and a balance of quality to quantity, or JIT (just in time Mfg.) to lower inventory cost.

When I was working with Dave (Friedman) on my BE-100 he was Cool! When I looked around his shop he didn't have High-Dollar Diagnostic equipment, but I understand it takes a "Lot" of work wiring individual boards & assembling though most are built by BAD with Skilled Technicians.
Dave does know his stuff and for years "Just Listen" to what guitarists wanted and many wanted "The Sound" of their favorite players. To have all the elements in an amp and affordable is the trick, to be able to Control the quality comes with high-dollar individually tested components with
high "Standards" any reputable builder would follow but "Nothing is perfect" you can still blow a Tube which might blow the Fuse and go through to the input capacitor (electrolytic), I don't know it all but I've had Brand New Power tubes, 3 out of 4 defective?
If you put a list together of everything you would need to build an amp (you're self) say 100w English & American voicing clean to high-gain, Channel-switching, Efx-Loop, some filtering, EQing, boost & cut with a quality built Headshell everything, you would be surprised on the cost.
Friedman, Suhr, Bogner want to build in-house and Not to go China-build (or 3rd world production) as quality is always an issue, some great some terrible.

I've played a "Tiny" Orange tube amp through a Mesa 4X12" Cab w/V30's playing jazz and it sounded "Killer" beautiful tone, so Yes you don't have to pay the 4k prices to have a great amp, just find what "Works for you" and make music, I'm not a collector of gear I use them as tools
so I'll go from Bogner to Soldano to whatever to get a particular tone or voice, I also have an AxEfx & Kemper (mostly for convenience) I love IR technology and Reactive Loads and prefer "Tube Amps" for live & recording or my trusty SM57/58 & R-121,

You know It's only rock n roll.....

and I like it.


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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The 2203 is fucking rediculous. The lead dress and capability. When Joey modded it he rebuilt the fucking amp. He built an amp for me. I’ve shown a few here and the response has been the same incredible. Still having an elite amp an making it sound elite Is up to the player according to Joe. You would kill on it. I only offer foreplay.LOL


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I totally agree with you about Gear prices, a lot of the boutique brands are really expensive and around 4k+ (Diezel, Wizard, Bogner, Soldano, Suhr, Bray, Germino, Metropoulos, Friedman etc) I think prices in general can be pretty high, a set of quality Transformers can cost 700.00-900.00+/-
for a personal build, and your right that the "Player" can make a low cost amp Shine. I grew up on Marshall, Fender & VOX back in the early '70s and followed what Page, Blackmore, Iommi where using (also Schenker, Uli, Akkerman, Di Meola, Mclaughlin, Beck, Hendrix, Clapton, SRV etc).
I love all those players but I always "Respect" Player's that Try! When I come on forums, I can Only give advice, suggestions and direction of the experience that I have to help (or not, just listen) I've had my share of music industry up's and down and you would be surprised how many famous have fallen on hard times (I know many).

Regarding Circuit Board PCB, Point-to-Point etc. there are "Better" materials in the type of boards take for instance level of "standards" IPC-A-610, IPC J-STD-0001 many more, the material can be simple fiberglass to multi-layer to specialized compound with "Ground plane" and very thin to
heavy duty heat resistant for aerospace/military/health "That's all fine but I want to Rock!" that's where compromises are made in quality parts that still have to pass basic electrical safety. The Copper trace can crack if thin boards "warp" from internal heat SMT (Surface Mount) components can pop loose if lower solder standards are used, Class-1 just puts the parts on the board like disposable electronics, Class-2 & 3 are more detail. There are PCB's that cost thousands per board, processing (Wave Machines), component cost etc. for Amplifiers "Through-Hole" PCB & PTP would be ideal but manufactures find quick processing time and a balance of quality to quantity, or JIT (just in time Mfg.) to lower inventory cost.

When I was working with Dave (Friedman) on my BE-100 he was Cool! When I looked around his shop he didn't have High-Dollar Diagnostic equipment, but I understand it takes a "Lot" of work wiring individual boards & assembling though most are built by BAD with Skilled Technicians.
Dave does know his stuff and for years "Just Listen" to what guitarists wanted and many wanted "The Sound" of their favorite players. To have all the elements in an amp and affordable is the trick, to be able to Control the quality comes with high-dollar individually tested components with
high "Standards" any reputable builder would follow but "Nothing is perfect" you can still blow a Tube which might blow the Fuse and go through to the input capacitor (electrolytic), I don't know it all but I've had Brand New Power tubes, 3 out of 4 defective?
If you put a list together of everything you would need to build an amp (you're self) say 100w English & American voicing clean to high-gain, Channel-switching, Efx-Loop, some filtering, EQing, boost & cut with a quality built Headshell everything, you would be surprised on the cost.
Friedman, Suhr, Bogner want to build in-house and Not to go China-build (or 3rd world production) as quality is always an issue, some great some terrible.

I've played a "Tiny" Orange tube amp through a Mesa 4X12" Cab w/V30's playing jazz and it sounded "Killer" beautiful tone, so Yes you don't have to pay the 4k prices to have a great amp, just find what "Works for you" and make music, I'm not a collector of gear I use them as tools
so I'll go from Bogner to Soldano to whatever to get a particular tone or voice, I also have an AxEfx & Kemper (mostly for convenience) I love IR technology and Reactive Loads and prefer "Tube Amps" for live & recording or my trusty SM57/58 & R-121,

You know It's only rock n roll.....

I had my girl listen to your recent clip. I told her stop and hear it. She got it. Course I know your playing...but she heard playing... nah what I mean. and I point out you guys that really hit me. Love your playing. So good.


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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Oh man I thought you were giving me the amp :) I absolutely Love the Marshall 2203!!!! I think it's one of The best amps in history, many followed their example...... perfect amp to mod, I bet it sounds amazing!

you would love it’s response. And I would love watching your expertise ripping and containing it.