Are You A Left Lane Driver?

  • Thread starter crossroadsnyc
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Jun 9, 2014
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Maybe it’s a Houston thing (where I am) but we were always taught that you keep up with the flow of traffic...sign may say 55 but if everyone else is doing 70 (not uncommon) you do too, or stay in the rightmost lane (the “slow” lane).

Again, maybe it’s a Houston thing, but I was always taught the left freeway lane is for people going super fast. Yes, for real. People do indeed just drive (significantly faster than in the other lanes ) in it like it’s a regular lane for long stretches of time. I suppose technically they are “passing” lots of other cars.

tone seaker

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Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
The left lane is the passing lane, so the complaint is regarding people who use it as a cruising lane when there are cars behind them. It not only impedes traffic, but it puts people in a dangerous position having to pass on the right.

Maybe so but you should not have to get over for non emergency vehicles going 30mph over endagering other drivers. There is a speed limit for a reason


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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This thread describes my life and feelings 100%. I think states should revamp the highway laws and speed limits. Should be one larger sign that says "RIGHT LANE: 70/LEFT LANE: 75+". And leave it at that. No speed limit in the left lane other than a minimum speed.

I agree, here in the dumb phuck state of NY, they should have a min speed on highways unless your broke down or have some type of mechanical issue. If you cant do the min speed limit in the right lane get the phuck off you are a hazard.


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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
Maybe so but you should not have to get over for non emergency vehicles going 30mph over endagering other drivers. There is a speed limit for a reason

There's no "maybe" to it. The law in the vast majority of states says the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake. You're just ignorantly breaking the law, and in doing so endangering others.

tone seaker

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
There's no maybe to it. The law in the vast majority of states says the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake.

Not sure about where you live but where I live certian areas are marked "LEFT LANE FOR PASSING ONLY" The areas that are not you can freely cruis in them by law. And in Texas that is most of the state. I am part of the faster moving traffic. I go 8mph over the max you can get away with without a ticket. That means 99% of the time im passing slower drivers (THAT MEANS I AM PASSING). I am NOT Getting over behind slower moving semis Droping down from 78mph to 60mph and getting a broken windshield and getting stuck there for 10 min for a unsafe driver that wants to go 100+ in a 70 because all the people that have moved here have no courtesy and wont let you back over. Maybe if people were coutrsy drivers it would be different,


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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There's no "maybe" to it. The law in the vast majority of states says the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake. You're just ignorantly breaking the law, and in doing so endangering others.

Not too mention these left lane cruisers dont realize if a Cop comes up behind you he can and may give you a ticket EVEN if his emergency lights are not on...I have seen it happen and laughed my ass off.


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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
Not sure about where you live but where I live certian areas are marked "LEFT LANE FOR PASSING ONLY" The areas that are not you can freely cruis in them by law. And in Texas that is most of the state. I am part of the faster moving traffic. I go 8mph over the max you can get away with without a ticket. That means 99% of the time im passing slower drivers (THAT MEANS I AM PASSING). I am NOT Getting over behind slower moving semis Droping down from 78mph to 60mph and getting a broken windshield and getting stuck there for 10 min for a unsafe driver that wants to go 100+ in a 70 because all the people that have moved here have no courtesy and wont let you back over. Maybe if people were coutrsy drivers it would be different,

I wouldn't get over either if a slower-moving semi was beside me. I would wait until I pass it. I mean, it should happen quick right? He's only going 60mph. You're going 78. Wait 8 seconds and then get over. Simple.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Not sure about where you live but where I live certian areas are marked "LEFT LANE FOR PASSING ONLY" The areas that are not you can freely cruis in them by law. And in Texas that is most of the state. I am part of the faster moving traffic. I go 8mph over the max you can get away with without a ticket. That means 99% of the time im passing slower drivers (THAT MEANS I AM PASSING). I am NOT Getting over behind slower moving semis Droping down from 78mph to 60mph and getting stuck there for 10 min for a unsafe driver that wants to go 100+ in a 70 because all the people that have moved here have no courtesy and wont let you back over. Maybe if people were coutrsy drivers it would be different,

In NYS its passing only and for the most part you can cruise in the left lane for as long as you want at whatever speed as long as no one is coming up behind you, then things change.

I agree with you statement about moving over to some degree. I typically will do 9-10 mph over the limit. I will get over if someones approaching me from behind as long as (1) I dont have to slow down to get behind someone going slower than me, (2) I'm not getting pinned in as you mention or (3) its not behind a semi or dump truck throwing up shit or dropping stones. Once past these obstacles and all is clear I move to the right so they speed demons can go by.

tone seaker

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
In NYS its passing only and for the most part you can cruise in the left lane for as long as you want at whatever speed as long as no one is coming up behind you, then things change.

I agree with you statement about moving over to some degree. I typically will do 9-10 mph over the limit. I will get over if someones approaching me from behind as long as (1) I dont have to slow down to get behind someone going slower than me, (2) I'm not getting pinned in as you mention or (3) its not behind a semi or dump truck throwing up shit or dropping stones. Once past these obstacles and all is clear I move to the right so they speed demons can go by.

That is pretty much how i drive but there usually is no place to get over without slowing way down becuase congestion is terrible. If there is the idoit going 30 mph over doesnt even give me a chance they wail around me in the right lane before I could even try and get over. If I did get over I would probaly get rearened by them and killed as they dont slow down when they blast around me. I have been cruicfied on this thread for that. Also there are so many cars that if I get over there gona be on 1000 more's butt ahead of me going 9mph over


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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That is pretty much how i drive but there usually is no place to get over without slowing way down becuase congestion is terrible. If there is the idoit going 3 mph doesnt even give me a chance they wail around me in the right lane before I could even try and get over. If I did get over I would probaly get rearened by them and killed as they dont slow down when they blast around me. I have been cruicfied on this thread for that. Also there are so many cars that if I get over there gona be on 1000 more's butt ahead of me going 9mph over

I understand Bro. I for one have no issue with someone infront of me slowing me down as long as (1) they are still passing the people on the right and (2) they get over to the right when it makes sense and is safe. My beef is those ass hairs who sit in the left hand lane for no apparent reason and I have to either slow down or go around them...thats my issue!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Hey guys how about when you get a semi in the right hand lane and them another dumb ass semi decides to get in the left hand lane to pass only to find out he/she does not have the HP to do so so they sit there side by side for miles jerkin' each other off smiling at each other for miles. Mean while, a line of vehicles a mile long have built up behind them...err! Oh, to be a cop sometimes would be so gratifying!!!!


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Feb 5, 2009
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Maybe so but you should not have to get over for non emergency vehicles going 30mph over endagering other drivers. There is a speed limit for a reason

Complete nonsense based on emotional conjecture. The speed at which other motorists are traveling in relation to the posted speed limit is an issue for the authorities to address if they see fit rather than motorists who allow their emotions to put the lives of other people in danger. Bottom line, if someone is behind you in the passing lane, it's incumbent upon you to allow them to pass in a safe manner.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
Traffic Circles. What about these?


tone seaker

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
Complete nonsense based on emotional conjecture. The speed at which other motorists are traveling in relation to the posted speed limit is an issue for the authorities to address if they see fit rather than motorists who allow their emotions to put the lives of other people in danger. Bottom line, if someone is behind you in the passing lane, it's incumbent upon you to allow them to pass in a safe manner.

Well where i live and drive on the highway. I can't get over usualy if I wanted to. There is to much congestion and when there is a gap the guy on my ass wont let me over any way they blast around me instantly in a very dangerous way. There the ones that need to be ticketed, i dont allow my emotions to get in the way. i drive very laid back with my cruise on 8-9 mph over. The emotional/dangerous ones are the ones tail gaiting, throwing up there hands, and flashing lights going around you in the right lane before you could even get over. They need to be pulled over before they kill some one. Heck where I live you cant even turn left from a 1 lane road to a two lane becuase some one is tailgaing you around the corner and just about running you down preventing you from even getting into the lane you want. The aggressive as heck drivers are the real issue