Best boost pedal for Marshall JVM?? JCM800? DSL??

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Jun 17, 2014
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I'm playing through a TSL60, but I found the OCD pedal, while sounding great as a stand alone gain pedal on the clean channel, didn't work so well as a boost on the crunch/lead channels. It seemed to push the tone to hard and make it sound muddy and...frompy, I guess.
So far I have found comfort with the Ibanez TS808 set to 6,6,6 it tightens up the tone and ads a bit of extra gain,while remaining transparent and not overloading the signal.
I have tried a few others since going with the 808. Mooer pure boost, Keeley Lunadrive, various boss pedals. But so far I keep with the Tubescreamer. It seems to be the one pedal that lives by its name and helps your Tubes Scream!!!
It sounds like the obvious choice to me for what you are trying to do


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Mar 16, 2010
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To fatten it up you say.
Do you mean "add distortion" or "add a smidge of volume" or both?

And I was wondering when the 900 guys would chime in.
900's were built with a boost (dual MV's, single channel = the best and cleanest boost you can get. It doesn't get any cleaner...)

And "gain"... people keep being confused about it....
Gain has **** all to do with distortion.
(Definition: The factor by which power or voltage is increased in an amplifier or other electronic device, usually expressed as a logarithm.)

Blacque Jacque

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Jun 4, 2011
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Cambridge, UK
And I was wondering when the 900 guys would chime in.
900's were built with a boost (dual MV's, single channel = the best and cleanest boost you can get. It doesn't get any cleaner...)

Something sorely missed from most of Marshall's range IMO. Such a simple feature and yet one needed by virtually EVERY lead player with a single channel amp.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2009
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Something sorely missed from most of Marshall's range IMO. Such a simple feature and yet one needed by virtually EVERY lead player with a single channel amp.

There's a much better option - it's called a MULTI-CHANNEL Amp!!!

Blacque Jacque

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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Cambridge, UK
There's a much better option - it's called a MULTI-CHANNEL Amp!!!

Only if that's what is wanted. You say better, I say unnecessary. :wave:

I have been down both routes over many years, personally I prefer a single channel amp with a volume boost.

In the past I've had A full MIDI JMP1 rig, TSL and two DSLs. I have also had a NMV JMP, JCM900Mk.III and an SL-X.

Currently I'm using a modded 1987x with PPIMV & dual Pre PIMV's for switchable master volumes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2009
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Try boosting the amp with a compressor. I like using my MXR Dynacomp, level all the way up, sensitivity all the down. It gives you a little boost, and some sustain, but doesn't change the tone. It's fun to mix it up.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2009
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Only if that's what is wanted. You say better, I say unnecessary. :wave:

I have been down both routes over many years, personally I prefer a single channel amp with a volume boost.

Fair enough!....I did that for 25 years, and I was never completely happy with it!.......I ain't ever going back there!

Blacque Jacque

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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Cambridge, UK
Yeah it's not for everyone for sure.

Does the JVM have the "dual volume" function without dedicating a channel to it ?

Adrian R

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Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
Only if that's what is wanted. You say better, I say unnecessary. :wave:

I have been down both routes over many years, personally I prefer a single channel amp with a volume boost.

In the past I've had A full MIDI JMP1 rig, TSL and two DSLs. I have also had a NMV JMP, JCM900Mk.III and an SL-X.

Currently I'm using a modded 1987x with PPIMV & dual Pre PIMV's for switchable master volumes.

I agree with this...It completely depends on your needs. Seriously, I mean how many people really need a 4 channel amp with two modes per channel??:scratch: I know there is some very talented players out there that can cover many different styles...but for someone like me who only plays rock/hard rock/ can get by with a single channel amp. A boost is nice to have for soloing...

The more channels amps you have the more circuitry there is and the greater your tone suffers, (nothing comes for free) AND with greater liability for failures. Hell even a DSL has more versatility then I need! I am thinking that in the future I will sell them and just get a nice clean 2203x...tweak it for my liking, and then simply use the FX loop and a clean boost for solos. I prefer robust trannys, choke, and all around good build quality hence KILLER TONE as opposed to all of these PC board, chintzy ass switches for shit I don't need!

I think any good tube amp benefits from a good boost pedal up front...For those whom think I don't need one *may* have not tried one yet as if they did they probably wouldn't say it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2009
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The more channels amps you have the more circuitry there is and the greater your tone suffers, (nothing comes for free)

This is one of the biggest myths around - and total bollocks!

The JVM in it's Crunch Orange and OD1 Green modes has exactly the same circuit as a 2203. Nothing more, nothing less. All the extra high-gain stuff is switched in and out via relays, so if you don't want high-gain all the time, those modes give you the same simple pure circuitry as an 800. Does it sound the same? not quite, because it is voiced differently. But that can easily be changed by altering some component values, or adding a graphic in the loop...

"I love the simple pure valve tone of my single channel amp - with 15 boosts and two tube-screamers in front it really has that pure simple, Marshall tone!" :lol:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2009
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Yeah it's not for everyone for sure.

Does the JVM have the "dual volume" function without dedicating a channel to it ?

Yes - it does!

I prefer to dedicate a channel to lead, as I usually want more gain, sustain, and a different EQ for my lead playing.....But if you wanted to just boost the levels for solos without changing channel, or changing tone, the two masters allow you to do that VERY effectively!...

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
This is one of the biggest myths around - and total bollocks!

An 800, like a 2203..aside from a reasonably similar circuit path and common namesake, has really nothing in common with a JVM.

Circuits are just *part* of the equation. The transmission, or more importantly the type of transformers, and whether or not the amp has a choke, has a large impact on the amp's sound AND feel.

Trust me on this dude...this is one of the reasons why a DSL is an amp that is trying to *emulate* an 800 in one of it's four modes of operation. It gets close, but still is no 800 or JMP. I've been able to close the gap somewhat with the mods I've performed which included a choke and upgraded O/T, but it still doesn't sound as good as a healthy JMP nor could it ever precisely because it is not..:D

None of all this complexity comes without a penalty man, especially taking building costs involved. Marshall is a business first that must remain on the favorable side of a P&L statement...

BTW a single channel with a simple OD pedal ALONE, or clean boost, is no where near as convoluted as a DSL circuit wise much less a JVM!:scratch:

If you haven't done I don't want to assume you have...try finding a *good*, healthy 2203, or JMP 2203..plug straight into it.....It will smoke a JVM in terms of a simple punch, presence/articulation/focus and impact..IN it's *2203* 'emulation' mode...

This has been my experience anyway...


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2009
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An 800, like a 2203..aside from a reasonably similar circuit path and common namesake, has really nothing in common with a JVM.

Circuits are just *part* of the equation. The transmission, or more importantly the type of transformers, and whether or not the amp has a choke, has a large impact on the amp's sound AND feel.

Trust me on this dude...this is one of the reasons why a DSL is an amp that is trying to *emulate* an 800 in one of it's four modes of operation. It gets close, but still is no 800 or JMP. I've been able to close the gap somewhat with the mods I've performed which included a choke and upgraded O/T, but it still doesn't sound as good as a healthy JMP nor could it ever precisely because it is not..:D

None of all this complexity comes without a penalty man, especially taking building costs involved. Marshall is a business first that must remain on the favorable side of a P&L statement...

BTW a single channel with a simple OD pedal ALONE, or clean boost, is no where near as convoluted as a DSL circuit wise much less a JVM!:scratch:

If you haven't done I don't want to assume you have...try finding a *good*, healthy 2203, or JMP 2203..plug straight into it.....It will smoke a JVM in terms of a simple punch, presence/articulation/focus and impact..IN it's *2203* 'emulation' mode...

This has been my experience anyway...

DSL does not have a 2203 topology - a JVM does. I don't buy all the OP Transformer stuff, personally - choke: yes, but more for feel than sound....

I have a 2203 - have had it 30 years - My (modded) JVM sounds very close in certain modes (Crunch Orange, mainly) - I could make it sound almost exactly identical (I have a treble peaker circuit, but I keep it switched out most of the the time) - but generally I prefer what the (modded) JVM has to offer - like a 2203, only more so!.......


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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guys you forget the old amps had old speakers. the old amps weren't as good cause the speakers weren't as good.

the new amps and speakers have enough deafening action like nothing before. you shouldn't mind less volume cause you're going rapidly deaf listening to these things anyway.

When I plug in the 84 kramer and the DSL amp and the 5150 speaker cab, the DSL makes the best most reliable VH sound. the slight 'extra' that you may hear from the JMP amp is trerrible damage to the valves and that makes them need constant replacement.

the sound I get is SO close to VH's recorded sound it's not funny. from that point on I can turn the sound way up in vol OR way down in vol settings.
the old amp can't do that.

but with this setup you begin to realise WHY vh had to lower the tone power of the pickups in the guitar. the sound compensated for the old/bad design speakers.

the latest gen speakers allow you to use the latest gen product and get the future gen sounds.
those sounds really do blow away the historical products out in the market.

These sounds are COMPUTER gen era sounds man! that means the tools used by the designer and makers are 'out of this world'!

the makers have had to contend with a large section of their customer base, who doesn't have a clue about moving into the future sounds, but combined with that they feel the need to try influencing many people into thinking there's a tradition, and the tradition is the best ever and nothing new will superseed it.

that's bad for business guys!

celestion and marshall have been and MUST keep ignoring the rep, which has been out of control for way too many years. so they just keep making the amps and speakers get better and further into the evolution that they know MUST happen.

marshall keeps hinting at you, by offering the amps you ACTUALLY want but DON'T realise it yet.
products like the MODE4 amp.
products like the 40 year evolution cab, the MODE4, 400 cab. ;) wink wink nodd nodd ;)
(it's got the ply back adrian ;) out of the factory even)

other great products like the CENTURY speakers. ;) wink wink nodd nodd.
read the write up on their speaker claim.
Whoow HOOW! DEFINED sound!! from a speaker!! that's got to be good!
chuck away the pedals!!
They've 'done it already' for you. ;)
you just need to go with the latest gen product.

ANY 100 watter still pounds the sound out of a huge box. with 4 massive speakers. generating a massive fireball comet sound across any room.
I heard VH use the 5150 cab in 98 and it blew me off my feet when I was standing 30/40 metres away. The mode 4, 400 cab leaves that 5150 cab for dead as far as tone and sound power.
I'm truely shocked by the sound from it!
those sound waves are (and you can tell this fact) custom made and computer/high tech designed.

THere's NO WAY some dude could sit in a factory and glue together a cone and make the sound of the latest gen celestion speakers.

If somebody's useing a JMP and the century speaker and making comments in the forum, I might start taking this stuff seriously.

Slamming the front of an amp is totally irrelevant today.
mate! I do that with pickup selection and there's NOT much of a sound difference from the center of the cab sound.
the amp is just a level device it seems.
the cab and speakers are the high tech part. if you know what I mean ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2015
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I've yet to find a pedal I like that doesn't sacrifice the tone.....I would maybe work with a db pedal of some sort just for leads...guess it goes back to what style you're playing or looking for....


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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The more channels amps you have the more circuitry there is and the greater your tone suffers, (nothing comes for free) AND with greater liability for failures.

This is one of the biggest myths around - and total bollocks!
I agree with "spacerocker" on this one.

I was reading an old post by Santiago Alvarez where he addresses just this point (it's post #137 in the thread::