blowing fuses on my JCM 800

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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
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Idk about all that...but I do hope he didn't blast himself again..I bowed out of this one as it seems something bad would happen eventually. No offense, and Good luck to Dwayne in all respects.
somewhere he's twitching on his kitchen floor as his cats look-on deciding on when it's a good time to start eating him.

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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The unchecked negative energy you project, is stunning. I was designing, not building a 2x12 cab, and you guys find fault in me, for being able to design, while I'm waiting for help with other projects. Talk about petty and superficial.

I am out of cash, so I can't do anything with it, so I'm in design mode again while I wait until I can do something I can afford to do.

You don't have to put others down, to lift yourself up. Free life upgrades available everyday, just stop watching TV, sports or movies, and start upgrading your life, with positive helpful skills. Not trolling, rude, or degrading others, skills. ;)

Oh, the other forum where AMS went, was a joke, so I'm not really posting much anywhere at the moment. Too busy with life upgrades, designing new improved inventions, helping humanity!

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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I'm also designing a boondocker's home on wheels. Something nice to live off the grid 24/7/365. So you save in rent/housing "and" in electric power utilities. I am not just a musician, I am also an inventor/designer/futurist.

truck camper and trailer.jpg

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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Sorry for temporarily being sidetracked, but here's some more of my design work. This is of my three wheeler.

* All Wheel Leaning
* All Wheel Powered
* All Wheel Steering

.. for better safety and performance.

Covers land and sea by simply adding inflatable pontoons for side-to-side stability. So it can be a glass bottomed boat! For the finest in economical off road exploration and a bug-out system when combined with trailer camper and drone options.

new trike sectional progression.jpg

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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yea, there were a lot of things going on at once, including Un-modding an amplifier where everything that was previously modded was unknown.
Then building a 4x12 that splits into two 2x12's
The unmodding part, that happened when I first bought the amp some 9 or 10 years ago. I only mentioned it, so others understood some of the history of the amp, why it is the way it is. So no, that was not going on at once, that happened a decade ago. As for desinging the cab, I was not building it, just designing it, yet you find fault in that. You trip,, to trip.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
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Here's some more of the same project. Enjoy!

View attachment 76417

View attachment 76418
Do you have any photographs or prototypes of the things you've drawn up? That three-wheeled vehicle would take 10's of millions of dollars to fully design from the ground up. You'd have to invent not just the overall shape (like above) but also the engine, suspension, safety systems, fuel/battery system, etc, etc, etc....unless it's some kind of enclosed trike.


Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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No, Im not trying to downgrade the car, I'm upgrading the bike. It requires no lic, and registration is like an electric bike. It's a recumbent trike, it's not a car. And mine is NOT like any of your stupid upright only models, mine is leaning like a motorcycle. You are not very accurate or observant, or maybe your just careless and forgetful, IDK, but good luck with almost getting it right. Slackard.
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Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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Do you have any photographs or prototypes of the things you've drawn up? That three-wheeled vehicle would take 10's of millions of dollars to fully design from the ground up. You'd have to invent not just the overall shape (like above) but also the engine, suspension, safety systems, fuel/battery system, etc, etc, etc....unless it's some kind of enclosed trike.

Please get over your sense of pooh pooh, Mr wet blanket. I had to specially design the rear steering for better structural integrity. But most things are just custom built and off the shelf items.

It's the outer shell that presents a challenge. Any ideas for how to best create such a uni-body would be appreciated. Not like I expect you to present helpful information, Mr negative. But if you wish to contribute something positive, the body needs some help in what method to have it made. So far I figure 1/4" plexiglass, but not sure how to have it molded into shape as if possible, I'd like it to be one complete structure.

Don't worry, your seemingly chronic negative pessimism is solvable. Maybe try a legal state, and let the good herb open your eyes and your spirit to a far more positive and constructive way of living. Lord knows you need it. hehe JK but wow you can be a willing dope. Do you argue with yourself to stay in practice of sounding like a grump without a point?

I'm poor as dirt, and electric may be shut off next month, but my life must be a million times better than yours because I never in a million years would want to sound like such a dishonest malcontent. But hey, to each their own I guess! What's the matter, you need a snickers to become less of a dullard and less rude?
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Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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Half width vehicles, seems to be the way the future is headed. This is from a decade ago. Don't let the future bury you in the past.



Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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Yes, when it comes to judging against my person, instead of helping with the amp, because my personal capability is not part of the topic.

However, now, since I can't work on the amp, forgive me for sharing some of my design work. This is what I do for the last decade or so, I design things, and some of my inventions are really good, like the flower of life machine. It's a new kind of propeller, like for airplanes and water craft too.

Don't feel bad just because I'm a person with multiple passions and skill sets. I might be unusual, but maybe that's just me, and I'm ok with that. You don't need to design stuff, or appreciate my design work. I figure people would rather see something over the next month or two, rather than nothing. Don't worry, I wont get carried away and fill more posts on my design work than on my amp.

19 pages, so I figure, while we wait for a couple months for electric to be turned back on, and for my amp to be fixed, it could be next year before it gets fixed, IDK. So instead of just making you all wait for months without anything, this is what I do when I'm not working on my guitar stuff.

We don't have to stay using the same technology we did in the past, it's ok to examine and promote new and better ways of doing things.


This is the flower of life propulsion design. It uses only turbine or driveshaft movement, and should offer well over 3 times more propulsion per revolution, than a standard airplane propeller. It's a hybrid of a turbine engine/pump, a rotary engine/pump, and a piston cylinder reciprocating engine/pump.

what is this 2.jpg

what is this 5.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2011
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Lewiston, Maine U.S.A.
No, Im not trying to downgrade the car, I'm upgrading the bike. It requires no lic, and registration is like an electric bike. It's a recumbent trike, it's not a car. And mine is NOT like any of your stupid upright only models, mine is leaning like a motorcycle. You are not very accurate or observant, or maybe your just careless and forgetful, IDK, but good luck with almost getting it right. Slackard.
Reinventing the wheel is a waste of time DuhhhWayyyne.

Dwayne Eash

Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
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Reinventing the wheel is a waste of time DuhhhWayyyne.
I don't think anyone is doing All Wheel Leaning in America, and very few world wide. Using electric bike infrastructure, this allows for no lic. and no insurance costs for low cost electric trikes that are much safer and better performing than the status quo, so your idea, that it's just a different version of the same thing, couldn't be further from the truth.

That you wish to change what the project is, doesn't change what the project actually is Anitoli. All wheel leaning alone, set's the vehicle apart, but you add all wheel steering and powered, and the level of capability is vastly improved.

Life is better when you stop being addicted to the past. We need people who have a clear forwards focus, which means moving beyond the past and present progress. Congratulate yourself if you doubt that you put the squash against inventors, you do, lets watch your psyche next time you improvise musically, INVENTING what's played at the moment. Sad when artists, attack other creative people needlessly.

Is your focus only backwards looking to protect the past, or do you have some future appreciation and expectations for improving the future, because so far, you sound completely enslaved by the past, so much so, you can't see obvious improvements for what they are.

Has all the magic and passion left your soul, or just most of it? Do you have any creative artistry in your guitar playing, and if so, why attack another artist for being creative? Did you forget to eat a snickers before you post? Thanks dude for showing me who you really are. Lame, and without original thought, without creative potential causing you joy and feeding your passion. I pity you.

Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
Dwayne, this section is for workbench related topics. Generally, we take certain forum sections (such as workbench) more seriously about simply staying on topic.

If you have an amp, you need help w/ = workbench. If you want to share ideas about off topic subjects, that = backstage & you should start threads on that there.

There are people who are willing to help w/ amp issues & are good guys, but, you have to realize, that, they will only want to help someone that is serious about wanting said help.

Going off on tangents makes for a lot of noise, among this thread, so that if someone came in to help, now, they have to scour through 5 pages of back & forth about 3 wheeled scooter cars. This will create an environment, where you open yourself up to ridicule...

On the other hand, I just want to say to the others, let's stop ridiculing Dwayne. If you don't want to read his stuff, simply don't read it.

But, do note Dwayne, you just shut off at least ½ dozen people that are/were willing to help. Maybe we can start over w/ a redo? IDK... But, this thread will get the kabosh & if you are ready to fix your amp, you can start another, but keep it to topic...
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