Cabinet For New Marshall Origin50h

  • Thread starter gotw42
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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
I like these new MG cabs. I am looking at the 412 slant. I am wanting a new cab for my Bugera 1960. I noticed the size of the amp is smaller than standard Marshalls. 27 inches wide. The MG is 26.5 making it close enough. They look nice and clean over the MX cabs. It might be the only way I could get a 412 for a decent price. It has to be better than the Bugera cab I hope. At least Celestion speakers. My B day is come up in about a month so I may look at this. Damn cabinets are so expensive these days. Geez!



Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Queensbury ,NY
Well after some more thought I am going to build another cab. The used route is just too hard with limited selection and price. I don't feel I could get a good deal for the right condition. I don't have a big budget. Its going to be the same size as my other 212 I built close to the 1936 but 10 inches deep as the wood is already cut to it. I priced hardware and its about $36 plus wood $40. I have used plastic cloths line for the piping and I use pet proof screen for the grill cloth. So probably less than $90 I should have a great looking cab. I will post pics through the build. Lastly I decided to stain it black instead of covering saving me time and money. I was going to use a thinner vinyl from Joann's but thought the stained wood would look killer instead. I can't wait to get started as I know this will turn out sweet. Keeping the 70/80's for now I know but they were cheap to get and close to a G12T75 which I love. They are not bad speakers once they break in. Then selling the Bugera cab and hopefully saving that dough for a future amp someday when the time comes. No hurry though. I love what I have at the moment.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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Indeed! I stopped by GC on way home the other day and left with a used MG412a for $99

I am thinking about replacing the speakers with WGS; just can't decide which speakers!

Have the Origin50h on pre order; SW just bumped me back to mid May this morning; so I have some time to work on the cab project!

With that in mind; anyone have fav WGS speakers or combo of speakers?

Opt. 1: 4 x green beret (greenback)
Opt. 2: 4 x et65 (creamback)
Opt. 3: mix of 2 green and 2 cream
Opt. 4: mix of 2 cream and 2 veteran 30 (v30)

I have a Friedman 1x12 open back cab that I use with a PRS 50w head now; love that cab!! Its got Celestion g12m-65 creamback; which I dig a lot but took some breaking in time.

Also have a Friedman Runt 50 combo with same creamback. Dig the Celestion; just figure for a cheap cab overhaul; the WGS speakers seem perfect..

(edit- Bought a used UK made 1960a locally; gonna return the MG back to gtr center!) :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
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Colonel I do use WGS in my 2 X 1 X 12 Cabs.
I think a pair of the ET65's are a must.
WGS recommends the Vet 30's as the perfect match.
I chose the Retro 30 for my mix with the ET65.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2011
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Cleveland, OH
I have a Marshall 1912 and JVMC212 cab for my JTM45.
Both are small and great.
But I have Celestion Red Backs in my 2x12. The best speaker made.
I had the 50w head ordered but changed it to the combo since it only weighs 40 lbs.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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Ok; so quick update..

Going to return the MG412a to GC; and will revisit the WGS speaker idea in the future maybe; because for now; I just grabbed a 1960a from eBay for local pickup! So stoked; should be able to pick up this weekend..

I just didn't like the idea of spending so much in hopes of making a badly paired MG cab sound good with my tube amps when I could spend the same to have a good UK made cab that (hopefully) already sounds good! And adds stereo options and such (wheels!). No comparison..

Anyway; cheers!



Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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Hey ya'all!

I have the Origin 50 head on preorder; still gonna be a while. But I picked up my cab tonight!

I scored a sweet, used, 18 year old UK made 1960a cab on eBay for local pickup. In really nice shape; slip cover included; casters all good. He was original owner; still has the original speakers; which I assume are Chinese G12-75?

I have my PRS Sonzera 50w head on it now; and just sounds so good.

And to think- two weeks ago I was plotting to spend $300+ on new speakers for a crummy beat up MG412a cab...

No comparison. If you can get a proper used cab; do it! This cost me $500 and it's good to go with speakers that sound good as is.

The MG upgrade would have cost me about the same $$; but not bring the same value..

Plus this dude was really cool! Very grateful buyer and seller.. And my cat approves so it's all good!

Ok Sweetwater; just waiting on you guys now!! ;)


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Mar 24, 2013
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Dallas, TX
Just kills me to see the prices that Marshall gets on an MDF cab, with junk Celestions in it.
Or any of their other cabs, like the Van Halen 4x12 for over $900! WHAT? I know it has over $400 in new speakers, but who wants new speakers? I don't. I want used, broke in speakers. LOL.
No way I'd pay over $250 for a brand new MG cab.
Our other guitarist just picked up a nice 1960A with a replaced grill cloth for $250, with G12T75's.
Paying for a name when you buy new! just my opinion. I don't need great looking gear, I need dependable great SOUNDING gear!


Active Member
Apr 13, 2018
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is the sonzera a good amp ?...i have been looking at those as an affordable john mayer

It's not bad! I let my buddy gig with it and my 1x12 Friedman cab. It cuts very well in the mix and is a solid base tone for pedals.

Tube driven spring tank reverb; independent setting for gain and clean channel.

I have experimented some with the V2 drive channel tube to lower the gain some. It comes on fast and gets pretty intense quickly.

With a JJ 5751 in that slot it works for me a little better. Stock tubes in it are Ruby; I am going to try some other options in there see how it does.

I use it as part of a stereo rig with a Friedman Runt 50c


New Member
Feb 4, 2012
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Interestingly, the coolest Origin cabinet, IMHO, is the angled one. Unfortunately, according to the Marshall website, it's about an inch narrower than the Origin 50 head. That really sucks, because it forces you to buy the rectangular 212 cabinet and then how do you put it on an angled stand (to project the sound out there) with a head sitting on it? The other option is to spend another $100 and get a 412 angled Origin cab.

I'll tell you this much, the first time I played a gig with my Origin 50 head and two 412 cabs (1960 AX/BX) it was too loud for an outside venue...with the amp set at the 5 watt setting! The soundman said I was overpowering the bass, drums and keyboard with the guitar absent from the mix, lol. That's why I've been looking for a 212 setup for it. Just sucks that the angled Origin cab is too narrow. The Origin 20 is the only one that will fit on that cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Interestingly, the coolest Origin cabinet, IMHO, is the angled one. Unfortunately, according to the Marshall website, it's about an inch narrower than the Origin 50 head. That really sucks, because it forces you to buy the rectangular 212 cabinet and then how do you put it on an angled stand (to project the sound out there) with a head sitting on it? The other option is to spend another $100 and get a 412 angled Origin cab.

I'll tell you this much, the first time I played a gig with my Origin 50 head and two 412 cabs (1960 AX/BX) it was too loud for an outside venue...with the amp set at the 5 watt setting! The soundman said I was overpowering the bass, drums and keyboard with the guitar absent from the mix, lol. That's why I've been looking for a 212 setup for it. Just sucks that the angled Origin cab is too narrow. The Origin 20 is the only one that will fit on that cabinet.

Hey bro,

You might want to investigate further. Could be bad conversion from metric to imperial.

The Origin 20h I saw on those vertical 2x12 Origin cabs had no overhang .

Don't go solely on my word, but if you're serious about that cab.....

I swear I don't remember it overhanging the sides?


New Member
Apr 26, 2021
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anyone use a fender bassbreaker 212 cab? its suppose to be made of birch ply. the marshall ori212 looks to be make of particle board. im looking for something in this price range or cheaper.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2018
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I love my origin 20h with ori412a cab.
I did some digging and u can see from the pics the looks of the 50 head with the different cabs
Vertical 2x12, Angled 4x12, non angle 4x12 and horizontal 2x12 all origin series cabs

Marshall_Origin_50_Head_Cab_1200x1200.jpg over hang.jpg

50 h with angled cab.jpg

50h b cab.jpg

marshall 50 on 2x 12.jpg