Considering a JCM800...a lot of questions.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2021
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So I'm doing the thing that most guitar nerds do and thinking of getting a JCM800. I've played one in a shop before and had my balls rattled and never forgot that feeling's calling me.

However, I have questions. Some amp-specific, some not amp-specific.

I have a Gibson Les Paul and I'm considering trading it for the JCM800. My Les Paul is a 2010 LP Standard in Ebony. It's in good condition BUT it's had a fair bit of work done to it. It's been the most "Gibson" that I've ever met. This means it's had the inevitable headstock repair, but it's also had the electronics replaced (twice) and a new bridge pickup. All done by a pro and realistically speaking, it's a fucking great guitar. However in the process of MAKING it a great guitar, it shattered my soul 30 times. So I want to get rid of it. Here in Australia, a Gibby LP sells second hand for about 3k, and a JVM800 for around 2500.

Would you regard swapping that Les Paul for a JCM800? I acknowledge it's a bit of a tricky question as the guitar has (required) work done on it. Which on paper devalues the guitar and makes it a harder sell. Speaking as a customer, I'd be much more inclined to go for a stock Les Paul rather than a repaired one, unless I had played it in person and checked it out, but who can be fucked doing that right? So I can acknowledge that this trade on paper probably falls under a maybe category rather than a that's a good deal category. Thoughts?

I'm not necessarily after a high gain metal monster. I'm more after a Marshall that is amazing at Blues\Rock with the option of pushing it into Metal. Basically, I'm kinda after a Plexi with a bit of extra gain. Is there a specific version of the JCM800 I should consider or do they all sorta have the same level of gain? Could I do a reasonable impression of Hendrix by throwing a fuzz face into a JCM800? Can I play Highway To Hell on a JCM800 convincingly? Can I play Iron Maiden on a JCM800 convincingly?

That being said, since I'm a Metallica fanboy I'm interested in getting somebody to do a Jose mod. How much does that fuck with the amp overall? Does it just increase the amount of gain available? Or does it completely fuck with everything on the amp? AKA: Is a Jose modded JCM800 a completely different beast to a normal JCM800? Is the Jose mod something that can be switchable? Could I do a reasonable impression of Hendrix by throwing a fuzz face into a Jose JCM800? Can I play Highway To Hell on a Jose JCM800 convincingly? Can I play Iron Maiden on a Jose JCM800 convincingly?

Are the reissues legit? It's probably the safest way for me to grab a JCM800 'cos I would put money on it that there's some absolute dog 800s out in the wild begging to be put out of their misery. I'm also interested in the clean channel for versatility's sake.

Is there something I'm not considering about a potential JCM800?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2009
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So I'm doing the thing that most guitar nerds do and thinking of getting a JCM800. I've played one in a shop before and had my balls rattled and never forgot that feeling's calling me.

However, I have questions. Some amp-specific, some not amp-specific.

I have a Gibson Les Paul and I'm considering trading it for the JCM800. My Les Paul is a 2010 LP Standard in Ebony. It's in good condition BUT it's had a fair bit of work done to it. It's been the most "Gibson" that I've ever met. This means it's had the inevitable headstock repair, but it's also had the electronics replaced (twice) and a new bridge pickup. All done by a pro and realistically speaking, it's a fucking great guitar. However in the process of MAKING it a great guitar, it shattered my soul 30 times. So I want to get rid of it. Here in Australia, a Gibby LP sells second hand for about 3k, and a JVM800 for around 2500.

Would you regard swapping that Les Paul for a JCM800? I acknowledge it's a bit of a tricky question as the guitar has (required) work done on it. Which on paper devalues the guitar and makes it a harder sell. Speaking as a customer, I'd be much more inclined to go for a stock Les Paul rather than a repaired one, unless I had played it in person and checked it out, but who can be fucked doing that right? So I can acknowledge that this trade on paper probably falls under a maybe category rather than a that's a good deal category. Thoughts?

I'm not necessarily after a high gain metal monster. I'm more after a Marshall that is amazing at Blues\Rock with the option of pushing it into Metal. Basically, I'm kinda after a Plexi with a bit of extra gain. Is there a specific version of the JCM800 I should consider or do they all sorta have the same level of gain? Could I do a reasonable impression of Hendrix by throwing a fuzz face into a JCM800? Can I play Highway To Hell on a JCM800 convincingly? Can I play Iron Maiden on a JCM800 convincingly?

That being said, since I'm a Metallica fanboy I'm interested in getting somebody to do a Jose mod. How much does that fuck with the amp overall? Does it just increase the amount of gain available? Or does it completely fuck with everything on the amp? AKA: Is a Jose modded JCM800 a completely different beast to a normal JCM800? Is the Jose mod something that can be switchable? Could I do a reasonable impression of Hendrix by throwing a fuzz face into a Jose JCM800? Can I play Highway To Hell on a Jose JCM800 convincingly? Can I play Iron Maiden on a Jose JCM800 convincingly?

Are the reissues legit? It's probably the safest way for me to grab a JCM800 'cos I would put money on it that there's some absolute dog 800s out in the wild begging to be put out of their misery. I'm also interested in the clean channel for versatility's sake.

Is there something I'm not considering about a potential JCM800?
Not sure what you're asking, regarding the LP, but if you're asking about trading even for a 2203, I'd say whatever works for both sides of the deal. As for which 800, I'd go with a reissue, less up-front maintenance and has a loop. You mentioned a "reissue" and also a "clean channel", so a bit confusing. A 2203 (single channel) does not have a "clean" channel, and should not be confused with a 2210 (2 channel, diode clipping), as they are different sounding amps. I would also not mod whatever 800 you happen to get, just use the right combination of pedals. The Jose mod is overrated (IMO), it just happened to be "the thing" at that point in time. If you want more gain, consider a Hot Mod v2, which adds another 12ax7 without messing with the amp internally.
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Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
I would trade the repaired LP.
I would look at the single channel 800 in whatever version. 50 watt 2204 head or 100 watt 2203 or combo if that's your thing.
Add an OD up front. Lots of balls.
Don't know from Jose but if you want want a simple reversible mod, try a Lynch Mod, it has an extra tube in it and replaces V2 tube in your amp.
Reiisue is pricey AF but does add a loop if you ever want to do a volume boost for solos if you play out.

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
Not sure what you're asking, regarding the LP. As for the 800, I'd go with a reissue for it would not need be gone through. I would not mod whatever 800 you happen to get, just use the right combination of pedals. If you want to go a bit further, consider a Hot Mod v2, which adds another 12ax7 without messing with the amp internally.
Just posted before I did! Well said, we are on the same page.

79 2203

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2017
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A 2203/4 will do a great ACDC(they used them in the late 70’s) but IME it’s more easy to get Angus sounds than Malcolm.
A 2203/4 will take boosts better than just about any amp ever made so Maiden is easy, and probably Metallica too, but I’m not sure the 2203/4’s high mid aggression would be ideal as I hear a lot of Metallica as being quiet dark and scooped. So maybe only the very early Metallica.
A 2203/4 will clean up very well for lower gain sounds and will actually get quiet spanky with a single coil neck pickup. If you don’t like using your guitar vol for cleans, then the low input will work well enough as a pedal platform, though I find it abit bland/neutral as far as clean sounds go. And it’s not at all a channel switcher. If you go from the high input to the low, you’ll have to do a radical reset of your settings to get a good, loud clean/ish sound(and vice versa)

For Hendrix and other 60’s to mid 70’s Blues Rock, I’d look at some sort of Plexi. I just finished comparing my stock 70 Superbass to my stock 79 2203 and the 4 holer is so much more old school, bluesy, warmer, more responsive. Same when I compare the 2203 to my stock 71 1987.
Apart from my 79 2203, I’ve also had 2203’s from 80 and 82, as well as a Ceriatone 2203 and two 82 4104’s(2204 in combo format)


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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
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Whatever you do, don't assume a 2205/2210 is the easy way out.

Metallica fanboi?

Mhhmmm. Considering, a 2205/2210 may be the easy way out. (But only if it's really cheap.)
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79 2203

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2017
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I would also add that while it’s definitely not a bedroom level amp, a 2203/4 will sound good at practical home and band levels. But if you want to get the MV up so it tightens up, the mids fill out, and it starts sounding great, budget for a decent attenuator.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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So I'm doing the thing that most guitar nerds do and thinking of getting a JCM800. I've played one in a shop before and had my balls rattled and never forgot that feeling's calling me.

However, I have questions. Some amp-specific, some not amp-specific.

I have a Gibson Les Paul and I'm considering trading it for the JCM800. My Les Paul is a 2010 LP Standard in Ebony. It's in good condition BUT it's had a fair bit of work done to it. It's been the most "Gibson" that I've ever met. This means it's had the inevitable headstock repair, but it's also had the electronics replaced (twice) and a new bridge pickup. All done by a pro and realistically speaking, it's a fucking great guitar. However in the process of MAKING it a great guitar, it shattered my soul 30 times. So I want to get rid of it. Here in Australia, a Gibby LP sells second hand for about 3k, and a JVM800 for around 2500.

Would you regard swapping that Les Paul for a JCM800? I acknowledge it's a bit of a tricky question as the guitar has (required) work done on it. Which on paper devalues the guitar and makes it a harder sell. Speaking as a customer, I'd be much more inclined to go for a stock Les Paul rather than a repaired one, unless I had played it in person and checked it out, but who can be fucked doing that right? So I can acknowledge that this trade on paper probably falls under a maybe category rather than a that's a good deal category. Thoughts?

I'm not necessarily after a high gain metal monster. I'm more after a Marshall that is amazing at Blues\Rock with the option of pushing it into Metal. Basically, I'm kinda after a Plexi with a bit of extra gain. Is there a specific version of the JCM800 I should consider or do they all sorta have the same level of gain? Could I do a reasonable impression of Hendrix by throwing a fuzz face into a JCM800? Can I play Highway To Hell on a JCM800 convincingly? Can I play Iron Maiden on a JCM800 convincingly?

That being said, since I'm a Metallica fanboy I'm interested in getting somebody to do a Jose mod. How much does that fuck with the amp overall? Does it just increase the amount of gain available? Or does it completely fuck with everything on the amp? AKA: Is a Jose modded JCM800 a completely different beast to a normal JCM800? Is the Jose mod something that can be switchable? Could I do a reasonable impression of Hendrix by throwing a fuzz face into a Jose JCM800? Can I play Highway To Hell on a Jose JCM800 convincingly? Can I play Iron Maiden on a Jose JCM800 convincingly?

Are the reissues legit? It's probably the safest way for me to grab a JCM800 'cos I would put money on it that there's some absolute dog 800s out in the wild begging to be put out of their misery. I'm also interested in the clean channel for versatility's sake.

Is there something I'm not considering about a potential JCM800?
Sounds like you want something a lot more than an 800, have you considered a JVM or DSL? Do you really need a full sized amp, if not have you looked at the Studio series, 20 watt SC, SV, ST, Jube, or DSL?


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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You are the metallica (deep dive) fanboy and you asked about Slayer.

You strive for these slick video productions. People telling you “you just (this), you can just (that)” are all steerimg you wrong. You can get away with that DSL, etc advice to some guy who is gigging/jamming and wants a ballpark. For the stuff you (purport to) do, a proper 2203 is a requirement.

Metallica: RTL - 2203 > TS9 > Para EQ

Slayer: 2203 > 10-band EQ

Anthrax: 2203 > TC Boost/Distortion+ Line Driver

Megadeth: 2203/4 (Fender Twin) > Rocktron

Exodus: 2203

Testament: 2203/2210

Celtic Frost: 2203 > TS9

It only goes on from there


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I have questions. Some amp-specific, some not amp-specific.

I believe my post above is all you need for your decision, but on to questions…


Would you regard swapping that Les Paul for a JCM800?

Yes. Without it being special (Norlin-era Custom, R9, etc) you have some trashed player LP, which is the equivalent of a used intact Studio (or less) IMO. Untrashed LP? Depends on model, year, etx. Yours? Hell yeah. Dump it.

Could I do a reasonable impression of Hendrix by throwing a fuzz face into a JCM800? Can I play Highway To Hell on a JCM800 convincingly?
Can I play Iron Maiden on a JCM800 convincingly?

A) Yes, through the lo sensitivity with fuzz.
B) Yes, they were used on Back in Black and some other early-80s
C) Absolutely. I know they used NMV JMPs, but I believe MVs as well.

That being said, since I'm a Metallica fanboy I'm interested in getting somebody to do a Jose mod. How much does that fuck with the amp overall? Does it just increase the amount of gain available? Or does it completely fuck with everything on the amp? AKA: Is a Jose modded JCM800 a completely different beast to a normal JCM800? Is the Jose mod something that can be switchable? Could I do a reasonable impression of Hendrix by throwing a fuzz face into a Jose JCM800? Can I play Highway To Hell on a Jose JCM800 convincingly? Can I play Iron Maiden on a Jose JCM800 convincingly?

Fuck all that José shit.

Advice, pt 1: Learn the MKII MV (JMP/JCM). See what boosts and accessories do it for you. Learn the NMV MkII. See what the sound is all about. If you have the financial commitment and dedication to learn these tones, then you can approach mods with a full understanding that serves you and your playing. You can contract for a mod tomorrow. If you don’t know WTH the original is all about, you have no true idea on what you bought (or if you even find it worthwhile).

Advice, pt 2: Since you are throwing around $3-4k multiple times on proper amps, gaining a full understanding at this point and still wanting to proceed, there are two choices. A) Buy a Friedman/Ceriatone/etc with the pre-installed José mod(s) you researched. Selling a BE Deluxe is seamless transaction to the Friedman fan with a clear, predetermined market and value. Selling a 1959x hacked by some asshole I/most never heard of is a bath on the selling price waiting to happen. B) Knowing the specific researched José mods, jump in the lead time line to have one of the most influential living builders perform the service. (See taking a bath on unknown hack above).

Are the reissues legit? It's probably the safest way for me to grab a JCM800 'cos I would put money on it that there's some absolute dog 800s out in the wild begging to be put out of their misery. I'm also interested in the clean channel for versatility's sake.

2203x is fine. Many like the fact it has a FX loop. Clean channel is fine too, particularly if you go go through the Lo sensitivity jack. For an ideal “on the fly” clean-to-heavy Marshall gig rig, the answer is “another amp.” Either a second amp beside the 2203 for live clean tones to its heavy ones, or some cheap compromise channel-switcher you can beat up that doesn’t have to be studio tone exact.

Is there something I'm not considering about a potential JCM800?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2023
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ACDC/Hendrix/Blues-Rock...that's all strong Plexi territory. For that I'd run the Plexi for sure. Metallica also used a Marshall SLP Plexi at times iirc. Particularly in Kill'em All...along with a Rat pedal.

Might as well go with the Amp that fits the bill or at least try that first.

A Plexi won't entirely go deep into Metal Territory...not as deep as a 2203 at least. So if that is your main jam, you might consider something else.

Rudy v

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2018
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To me a jcm800 2203 is just a amp, 100 or 50 watt, it doesn't sound like i want, hasn't have the gain ,that i wanted, needed a boost or overdrive to get it in the ballpark to wat i wanted, till the 5150 back in 92 came around it can do wat a marshall can and wat not, i think marshall is the most modified amp in the world.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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To me a jcm800 2203 is just a amp, 100 or 50 watt, it doesn't sound like i want, hasn't have the gain ,that i wanted, needed a boost or overdrive to get it in the ballpark to wat i wanted, till the 5150 back in 92 came around it can do wat a marshall can and wat not, i think marshall is the most modified amp in the world.

Considering the many companies that ripped it off (including Peavey), the continued marketability of X & Studio amps and the endless ass-ton of MiaB/800iaB pedals out there, I’d suggest that the opinion is the unpopular one.

In 1997 or 2003 sure, the 800 kinda sucked for Slipknot or Korn, when there is no stock FX loop and a fledgling amount of pedals vs a “straight-in” hi gain channel switcher. But here’s what’s funny… 20 years later and the market’s offerings have only made the 2203 insanely better while the 5150/6505s’ expansion? Meh. And how amused I have become at the “it needs a boost” complaints by all the Peavey guys who have finally settled back into lower gain settings/channels… with a yep… a boost.🤔

For a SLO ripoff, the 5150/6505 is a fine choice… one I’ll probably grab myself one day, even though it is as “Honda Civic” as you can get. But I will say this notwithstanding the crushing studio recordings made with them… the most consistently-bad, muddy-as-shit sound I constantly hear in hole-in-the-wall venues is: the metal band with 2 detuned guitars, running 5150/6505s through V30s.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2021
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Sounds like you want something a lot more than an 800, have you considered a JVM or DSL? Do you really need a full sized amp, if not have you looked at the Studio series, 20 watt SC, SV, ST, Jube, or DSL?
I have a JVM and I love it dearly. I'm sad to consider an 800 over the JVM, because I genuinely think it's one of the best amps made in a long time. BUT:

In an attempt to make an amp that does everything (which it absolutely does), it does seem to lack that real focus to absolutely nail something perfectly. It's great at everything, but these days I generally prefer something that's perfect for one thing instead.

Basically, I think the JVM has pointed me in the direction of an 800 and said: "This is the one you want"

But to be more specific, I think the JVM has too much gain to really craft that perfect high gain Marshall noise. It saturates too quickly, and doesn't quite have the punch or feel like you're plugged into a small nuclear device. At lower gain, it's quite a sweet and great sounding amp that...again works for everything. But it's a bit TOO polite. While you can make it wild by hitting it with the right pedal(s), I'm wanting to be more Guitar -> Amp these days.

I would enthusiastically say that the JVM handles everything really well, and it's so damn versatile that you can make it do almost anything you want. Which makes it an amazing studio amp and I'm likely to hold onto my JVM.


But it's not a small thermonuclear weapon that's twitching menacingly on top of my cabs either.

You are the metallica (deep dive) fanboy and you asked about Slayer.

You strive for these slick video productions. People telling you “you just (this), you can just (that)” are all steerimg you wrong. You can get away with that DSL, etc advice to some guy who is gigging/jamming and wants a ballpark. For the stuff you (purport to) do, a proper 2203 is a requirement.

Metallica: RTL - 2203 > TS9 > Para EQ

Slayer: 2203 > 10-band EQ

Anthrax: 2203 > TC Boost/Distortion+ Line Driver

Megadeth: 2203/4 (Fender Twin) > Rocktron

Exodus: 2203

Testament: 2203/2210

Celtic Frost: 2203 > TS9

It only goes on from there
That's...kinda it. While I can get high gain out of the JVM super easy, I haven't been able to get THOSE sounds. I can get ballpark, but ballpark isn't good enough for a fanboy like me. It's that punch thing that I'm really after that the JVM doesn't QUITE deliver on. It's aggressive and saturated, but not punchy. That being said, that huge amount of saturation makes it prettty goddamn nuts for Death and Slam metal.

But the amount of times I've heard an awesome thrash tone and gone: "DAMN! What was that? Ah fuck it's a 800 again" all suggest that I should just shut the fuck up and get an 800.

Yes. Without it being special (Norlin-era Custom, R9, etc) you have some trashed player LP, which is the equivalent of a used intact Studio (or less) IMO. Untrashed LP? Depends on model, year, etx. Yours? Hell yeah. Dump it.

A) Yes, through the lo sensitivity with fuzz.
B) Yes, they were used on Back in Black and some other early-80s
C) Absolutely. I know they used NMV JMPs, but I believe MVs as well.

Fuck all that José shit.

Advice, pt 1: Learn the MKII MV (JMP/JCM). See what boosts and accessories do it for you. Learn the NMV MkII. See what the sound is all about. If you have the financial commitment and dedication to learn these tones, then you can approach mods with a full understanding that serves you and your playing. You can contract for a mod tomorrow. If you don’t know WTH the original is all about, you have no true idea on what you bought (or if you even find it worthwhile).

Advice, pt 2: Since you are throwing around $3-4k multiple times on proper amps, gaining a full understanding at this point and still wanting to proceed, there are two choices. A) Buy a Friedman/Ceriatone/etc with the pre-installed José mod(s) you researched. Selling a BE Deluxe is seamless transaction to the Friedman fan with a clear, predetermined market and value. Selling a 1959x hacked by some asshole I/most never heard of is a bath on the selling price waiting to happen. B) Knowing the specific researched José mods, jump in the lead time line to have one of the most influential living builders perform the service. (See taking a bath on unknown hack above).

2203x is fine. Many like the fact it has a FX loop. Clean channel is fine too, particularly if you go go through the Lo sensitivity jack. For an ideal “on the fly” clean-to-heavy Marshall gig rig, the answer is “another amp.” Either a second amp beside the 2203 for live clean tones to its heavy ones, or some cheap compromise channel-switcher you can beat up that doesn’t have to be studio tone exact.


1) My question was less of a should I trade the LP and more is it a fair and reasonable thing to offer for a JCM800. I probably could've made that clearer in the OP. I'm getting rid of that Gibby either way so yeah.

2) I'm a big pedal guy. One of the things I liked so much about the JVM is that it's happy with any pedal(s) being thrown at it. If I'm jamming on blues, I generally start with a clean sound and boost into dirt. Or an amp on edge-of-breakup hit with a fuzz pedal. Unfortunately, pretty much every demo online I see about an 800 is a GnR ripoff OR somebody playing Slayer. From the hour or so that I've spent with one before I know they DO clean up pretty well but that's a big requirement of mine. Is the Low-Sensitivity mode kinda sorta almost like a straight up Plexi mode?

Also, I know this is a super fucking vague and non-specific thing to describe. HOWEVER: Let's just say I'm playing my Les Paul (JB in the bridge) and have the guitar volume rolled back to 5 and the 800 is making a very clean noise. If I rolled the guitar volume back up to 10, what sort of level of gain am I in? Is there a huge volume jump from the amp from doing that?

3) You're right, it's probably smarter for me to "learn" the amp first. Especially if it takes pedals as well as being suggested. While I do want that classic thrash, high-gain noise, it's important to me that the amp kicks ass at blues\rock as well. I wouldn't be shocked if I can get it to throw hammers enough by itself without having to fuck with the amp.
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79 2203

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
I have a JVM and I love it dearly. I'm sad to consider an 800 over the JVM, because I genuinely think it's one of the best amps made in a long time. BUT:

In an attempt to make an amp that does everything (which it absolutely does), it does seem to lack that real focus to absolutely nail something perfectly. It's great at everything, but these days I generally prefer something that's perfect for one thing instead.

Basically, I think the JVM has pointed me in the direction of an 800 and said: "This is the one you want"

But to be more specific, I think the JVM has too much gain to really craft that perfect high gain Marshall noise. It saturates too quickly, and doesn't quite have the punch or feel like you're plugged into a small nuclear device. At lower gain, it's quite a sweet and great sounding amp that...again works for everything. But it's a bit TOO polite. While you can make it wild by hitting it with the right pedal(s), I'm wanting to be more Guitar -> Amp these days.

I would enthusiastically say that the JVM handles everything really well, and it's so damn versatile that you can make it do almost anything you want. Which makes it an amazing studio amp and I'm likely to hold onto my JVM.


But it's not a small thermonuclear weapon that's twitching menacingly on top of my cabs either.

That's...kinda it. While I can get high gain out of the JVM super easy, I haven't been able to get THOSE sounds. I can get ballpark, but ballpark isn't good enough for a fanboy like me. It's that punch thing that I'm really after that the JVM doesn't QUITE deliver on. It's aggressive and saturated, but not punchy. That being said, that huge amount of saturation makes it prettty goddamn nuts for Death and Slam metal.

But the amount of times I've heard an awesome thrash tone and gone: "DAMN! What was that? Ah fuck it's a 800 again" all suggest that I should just shut the fuck up and get an 800.

1) My question was less of a should I trade the LP and more is it a fair and reasonable thing to offer for a JCM800. I probably could've made that clearer in the OP. I'm getting rid of that Gibby either way so yeah.

2) I'm a big pedal guy. One of the things I liked so much about the JVM is that it's happy with any pedal(s) being thrown at it. If I'm jamming on blues, I generally start with a clean sound and boost into dirt. Or an amp on edge-of-breakup hit with a fuzz pedal. Unfortunately, pretty much every demo online I see about an 800 is a GnR ripoff OR somebody playing Slayer. From the hour or so that I've spent with one before I know they DO clean up pretty well but that's a big requirement of mine. Is the Low-Sensitivity mode kinda sorta almost like a straight up Plexi mode?

Also, I know this is a super fucking vague and non-specific thing to describe. HOWEVER: Let's just say I'm playing my Les Paul (JB in the bridge) and have the guitar volume rolled back to 5 and the 800 is making a very clean noise. If I rolled the guitar volume back up to 10, what sort of level of gain am I in? Is there a huge volume jump from the amp from doing that?

3) You're right, it's probably smarter for me to "learn" the amp first. Especially if it takes pedals as well as being suggested. While I do want that classic thrash, high-gain noise, it's important to me that the amp kicks ass at blues\rock as well. I wouldn't be shocked if I can get it to throw hammers enough by itself without having to fuck with the amp.
If you have a reasonably hot pickup like a JB in a LP Std then you’d need to keep the 2203/4 Preamp pretty low, say 5, to be able to drop your guitar volume to 5 and get a clean tone. Rolling the guitar vol back up to 10 would probably give you a solid Angus crunch. These amps don’t lose much volume when you roll down for cleans, and the rolled down cleans are perfectly usable in a reasonably loud band environment.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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…But the amount of times I've heard an awesome thrash tone and gone: "DAMN! What was that? Ah fuck it's a 800 again" all suggest that I should just shut the fuck up and get an 800.

The short answer (reappearing again and again). Stick around long enough or do a search of those posting them dumping a 2203/4 years back never being complete in retrospect, needing that back and (recently being placed hopelessly out of the market) having to live in compromise with the DSL now. Only a handful of Marshalls do that to Marshall fans.

2) I'm a big pedal guy. If I'm jamming on blues, I generally start with a clean sound and boost into dirt. Or an amp on edge-of-breakup hit with a fuzz pedal. From the hour or so that I've spent with one before I know they DO clean up pretty well but that's a big requirement of mine. Is the Low-Sensitivity mode kinda sorta almost like a straight up Plexi mode?

That’s a vulgar simplification. Gain-wise, arguably accurate. Tone-wise arguably not. My Boss TB-2W (Ge ToneBender) LOVES the 2203 Lo input… more than it likes the 1959. Smashing Pumpkins (Siamese) is a 2203 and a certain Big Muff in LO sensitivity Jack.

Someone cautioned accurately that hotter pups eat up headroom (a lesson KH finally figured out via his recent Beato interview and [semi-]departure from actives). Nothing touches plexis for touch-sensitivity, but 2203/4s have it as well, and guys learned cleans/blues/dirty rock and beyond with a single channel Marshall, a guitar volume and sometimes a pedal or two. I would also the Pepsi challenge that the 2203 rivals if not beats anything Marshall as a pedal platform.

Also, I know this is a super fucking vague and non-specific thing to describe. HOWEVER: Let's just say I'm playing my Les Paul (JB in the bridge) and have the guitar volume rolled back to 5 and the 800 is making a very clean noise. If I rolled the guitar volume back up to 10, what sort of level of gain am I in? Is there a huge volume jump from the amp from doing that?

Super-fucking vague indeed. I just tried an experiment on the ‘78 JMP. The outlier is a Hot Mods V2 Evo (Lo mode/bass boost OFF). 2203s varied, so the JMP + Evo could be equal to a new X or a hair more gainy.

2 Guitars, straight in. 1) ‘75 Flying V with T-Top Bridge & stock pots/wiring. 2) 90’ LP Studio with SD Skolnick sig. Bridge & stock pots/wiring. Allegedly, the AS Sig is a tweaked JB-type.
The T-Tops(7-8 DCR) have about 3 spots on the volume knob (2-4), (5-7), (7+). The AS sig (17-18 DCR) has only 2 spots on the volume with its reduced dynamics/headroom (2-3) and (4-5+)

HI Sensitivity Jack (All knobs at noon).

Flying V: Malcolm clean (3) Malcolm crunch (5-6) Angus crunch -shy of lead (10).

LP: Malcolm Crunch (3-4), Angus Crunch-edge of Lead (5+)

LO Sensitivity Jack. (Gain had to be near-maxed),

Flying V: From clean (2-5) to “edge of Malcom” (7+) with volume knob, and full pick attack was needed at 10 to get there. It was nothing but a clean chamber with a bare beginning of edge on the end of the volume knob.

LP: Full “Malcolm” range from clean (2-3) to sparkle/edge (4-6), to mild growl (6+). Similar to Flying V on HI jack but the V still had more gain at the top end on HI vs LP at the top of LO.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2015
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Floating around TN in Marshall Heaven
This is like asking your buddies what's the best woman, guitar, car etc...

My recommendation is to NOT get in a hurry but play every Marshall you can get your guitar into. I've owned and played every era of Marshall save the DSL/JVM from pants flapping loud and townhouse level to determine I like the NVM JTM 45/1987/1959 series the best for jazz with fur, blues, rock old man metal [not a big scooped tone fan]. I waded through a JMP2204, 2 JMP2203 [still have one], JCM 2205, JCM 900 2500III, SL-5 and a 2555X in the course of 13 years to determine what I like. It also helped I have a couple of Marshall freak friends with way more amps than I do to educate me on Marshall tone.

Point is we can tell you what we like but only you can say what you like.



Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2014
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Maybe you should consider a JVM instead. It can do the JCM 800 sounds as well as Plexi tones.