Covering Half of a 4x12?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2010
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Has it crossed your mind to just get a second cabinet and get two more of each kind of speaker, and have all four of each type of speaker in its own cabinet?

As an aside, if one is a stickler for uniformity one would have to match several of the same model speaker as not all speakers sound the same. A sound test to listen through several of each model would be a closer approach to getting speakers that sound closer to each other rather than assume that them just being the same model will sound the same. Does not work that way.

Reason that car audio (more so those that are in an audio competition) tends to go for simpler component speaker setups rather than get too many speakers a side. What happens is certain frequencies will jump around randomly from speaker to speaker, be prominent in one speaker and not uniform in a stereo system for example or even if mono would jump from one speaker to the other, so it's a big YMMV.

The more things change the more they remain the same.
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