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dealing with aggression at the workplace


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
yeah the FBI. they have no reason to lie do they?

It's not just the FBI. Numerous sources go into determining crime rate.

Believe it or not but if you are gonna claim it's a lie at least try to cite a source that shows different. lol

Personally I can easily believe violent crime has dropped since the 70s and 80s. Of course Detroit was the murder capital back then so maybe my perspective is skewed. Detroit is way safer now.

Why would they try to lie about crime rates over the last several decades? That makes no sense.

Last edited:
Sep 23, 2022
Reaction score
i call total BS on this one. dont care who has done the study.
they will show you what they want you to see but i was there then
just like i am now. only thing thats way down since then is morale.
Ok. The FBI crime statistics say the same thing. But if you don't believe statistics, can't really help you there. I'm not saying there aren't a lot of bad things happening out there in the world - there are for sure. And your particular area could possibly be worse over that time period. I'm just saying social media, and the way news is covered can skew our perception of things like this. The data is objectively clear, there are significantly less violent crimes since 1990 in the US. What I will say, is I feel like the violent crime, especially mass shootings, seem worse because they seem directed at random places like movie theaters, schools etc...whereas when I was growing up, it was happening more in situations you could avoid. Mafia/gangs/drugs etc...seemed to make up more of it, so you'd feel relatively safer if you avoided stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2019
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Unfortunately the crime figures, including violent crime, published by the FBI have been inaccurate for several years now. Traditionally the FBI has relied on law enforcement agencies to report types of crimes encountered using a system known as UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting). Several years ago the FBI began moving to a system of reporting known as NIBRS (National Incident Based Reporting System). Although there is overlap they are not universal. The Feds have tied the switch to federal funding so many agencies, including the one I work for, have made the switch. The switch requires a significant investment both monetarily and training wise. Only a portion of the nation's agencies have made the change and therfore the current data needs to be taken with a grain of salt.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
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It's not just the FBI. Numerous sources go into determining crime rate.

Believe it or not but if you are gonna claim it's a lie at least try to cite a source that shows different. lol

Personally I can easily believe violent crime has dropped since the 70s and 80s. Of course Detroit was the murder capital back then so maybe my perspective is skewed. Detroit is way safer now.

Why would they try to lie about crime rates over the last several decades? That makes no sense.

i dont need any other sources to tell me its raining out than to just stick my head
out of the window and looksee at the rain coming down.
why lie about crime rates? seriously? why lie and tell people things are better than
they actually are??? thats been happening since before you and i were even thought of bro,
all over the world too. i cant even go into that here on this forum. gross and doom would
um........... lets ust say rick would get disconnected.


In Memorandum
Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
I was 15 minutes early to collect medical samples.

I was told that the cut off time is 12:00 noon.

I arrived 15 later.

I'm told to be there 12:30 PM.

I was told that I'm in trouble by this account.

I have Stage 4 Colon Cancer for 10 years.

I have a blood clot in both arms and legs.

I'm a Type 2 Diabetic.

I have high blood pressure.

I'm on drugs that keep me alive.

This account knows this.

I've been losing weight.

I was 188 lbs.

Now I'm 156.7 lbs.

I lost 4 lbs. last week.

I'm tired all the time.

I don't need some SOB to tell me I'm in trouble.

I won't make it to 71.

I'm going to be 70 next month.

I'm up at 4:00 AM every day and drive 275+ miles a day.

I'm quitting that medical route this week.

I can't get what that SOB said out of my head.

She just doesn't care.

I'm done.

This account blows.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
Reaction score
Traverse City, Mi.
i dont need any other sources to tell me its raining out than to just stick my head
out of the window and looksee at the rain coming down.
why lie about crime rates? seriously? why lie and tell people things are better than
they actually are??? thats been happening since before you and i were even thought of bro,
all over the world too. i cant even go into that here on this forum. gross and doom would
um........... lets ust say rick would get disconnected.
I dunno. Seems to me crime is better but who knows.
Hell, I would think the fbi would be more likely too overstate crime to get more money and more power etc...
Oh well, whatever I guess. It is what it is but I do agree with McBlink that some sensationalize crime


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
Reaction score
I dunno. Seems to me crime is better but who knows.
Hell, I would think the fbi would be more likely too overstate crime to get more money and more power etc...
Oh well, whatever I guess. It is what it is but I do agree with McBlink that some sensationalize crime
ok my though is what has more pull power to you maybe,
over state how much crime there is and depress the people..........
or tell everybody just "how grand" everything is and spread happy and joy?
ever play the game or a version of The Sim's? there we have it lol.
happy people are easier to control. they are more likely to just go with the flow
as long as its happy and fun for them. do it buy spreading good news or
help make people miserable?


Classic Rock or die! -- Patrick Henry
Gold Supporting Member
May 15, 2020
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IMO, some should look aside at the flaws of others.

To be compassionate and understanding is essential.

To see that many try to do the right thing and to appreciate the effort in failing.

Not to slam and find fault in others.

Except when he or she is a raving lunatic. Then you kick their ass or lock 'em up.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2023
Reaction score
The world has always been violent. But America for a long time has only seen so much of it. That's all. But we're seeing it now. The current events in the world are becoming much more serious and the hardships that drive people to crime and violence are becoming much more common in the US. I am sorry for those who have to see it in person and have a hard time dealing with it. All you can do at this point is try to come to terms with it and work to deal with it better. While a musician, yes, I'm also a Veteran and have years working as an armed contractor. I try to keep up on what's going on as much as possible. From many sources. So many experts, high ranking military and government officials have spoken out about how close we are to war right now with China, Russia and their allies. Not in if it will happen, but when. And not just from our side of the fence. When it happens, the events that could unfold, will lead to violence that will make this screaming event seem like a child acting up. You can either prepare yourself mentally and physically to deal with it, or become another victim. Your choice.

post script: This a hard subject for here, a musician forum. And I questioned whether to say anything. Hopefully it was for the best.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
United States
The world has always been violent. But America for a long time has only seen so much of it. That's all. But we're seeing it now. The current events in the world are becoming much more serious and the hardships that drive people to crime and violence are becoming much more common in the US. I am sorry for those who have to see it in person and have a hard time dealing with it. All you can do at this point is try to come to terms with it and work to deal with it better. While a musician, yes, I'm also a Veteran and have years working as an armed contractor. I try to keep up on what's going on as much as possible. From many sources. So many experts, high ranking military and government officials have spoken out about how close we are to war right now with China, Russia and their allies. Not in if it will happen, but when. And not just from our side of the fence. When it happens, the events that could unfold, will lead to violence that will make this screaming event seem like a child acting up. You can either prepare yourself mentally and physically to deal with it, or become another victim. Your choice.

post script: This a hard subject for here, a musician forum. And I questioned whether to say anything. Hopefully it was for the best.
yeah, the whole Russia & China situation has had worried me for a while now. you confirming my worst fears certainly brings my anxiety about it to a whole other level... we were discussing this topic briefly with my dad this past weekend - a guy who always keeps up with and stays engaged with world, national, and local politics news - he seemed so upset and overly-concerned about the whole thing, he didn't even want to continue a conversation about it at all.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2023
Reaction score
yeah, the whole Russia & China situation has had worried me for a while now. you confirming my worst fears certainly brings my anxiety about it to a whole other level... we were discussing this topic briefly with my dad this past weekend - a guy who always keeps up with and stays engaged with world, national, and local politics news - he seemed so upset and overly-concerned about the whole thing, he didn't even want to continue a conversation about it at all.
They say we've never been so close to nuclear war. The sitting President comes out on TV and says nuclear armageddon is a real possibility and we have so much going on besides and now are dealing with what are often seen as probing and intel devices flying over Canada and the US. If it is all China, for them to actually do that signifies where they're at and willing to go now. At the same time Russia commits to a new and extensive offensive in Ukraine. China and Russia each being their closest and most powerful allies. Threats of WWIII and use of nuclear weapons if lines are crossed. Yeah, things are pretty serious.


In Memorandum
Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
40 + years ago, I was told by the president of a small company that "he loved me and wanted me to stay forever".

6 months later at 5:30 PM on a Friday, he let me go.

I just bought a new car; gold coins and finished my dentist work.

It was a long ride home to tell my wife.

People are full of crap.

You're as good as your last paycheck.

I'm a cynical SOB.

I've been self employed ever since.

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