Disrespecting other musicians gear

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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East TN
I believe the only piece of gear I've ever loaned out was a cabinet. You can't really hurt a cabinet too much. That and I knew the guy fairly well so no worries...

I am a bit of a gear nerd and like to be prepared as possible. I will say that if they are that unprepared, they should not gig. At least try to be professional.

I've also found that I'd rather deal with less skilled musicians with less ego than arrogant people. At least easy going people can improve. I'm too old to deal with drama.

The vocalist of the last band was self absorbed yapping about politics all the time. This has nothing to do with making music.

I worked hard for years to have decent gear. People that haven't earned something certainly won't appreciate it.

That Tele and Jubilee are very nice. I'd be very particular with it as well. I get it 100%.

Your experience of a real amp mirrors setup in last band. My Mesa was burying the modeling rig and it costed a lot less money...


Active Member
Jun 14, 2023
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Florida Keys
No one treats anything borrowed or rented like it was something they had to work for to own. Doesn't matter if it's music gear, electronics, tools, rental car, etc....... There might be a few people that will cherish what they borrow or rent but I Never loan anything out.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2010
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i dont even let the guitar players i know touch my marshalls or my guitars. yep im a half stack guy too. funny thing is i was the guy spilling my beer on my own gear. no way i play through somebody elses gear either. i will lug my gear for life.

El Gringo

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Shakedown Street
The first guy I would let have it is your other guitarist for putting you in that situation. Let him borrow his gear to these meat heads. I've helped a lot of people over the years, some very appreciative, others not so much. I like helping people, and sharing the experience of playing through some nice stuff. But in the end, I've had to learn how to say no, and create some boundaries, because too many people don't have manners, courtesy, or common sense. And in the end, it will cost you, not them. That stress and irritation is all it takes to throw me out of my zone. Screw that lol.
That is the gospel truth and nothing but the truth . Well said :applause:

El Gringo

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Shakedown Street
Cuts right to the chase . Beautiful !


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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So this guitarist in question on the right…. Needs that space for his huge head. What a dickhead. Even looks like a bell end. You shoulda definitely smacked him in the teeth. I couldn’t put up with that kinda attitude from someone in the same band, I’d of left and been clear just why I left. When I mean left I’d of walked right there and then. I did that at my last job. Was best feeling ever!


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2020
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l wouldn,t have had my shit on that litte stage while the other bands are playing. It's not a stage it's the corner of the room. Doesn't look like a big enough space anyway. Also when someone starts acting like that you can always tell them forget it and let them figure it out. Don't need people like that in your life anyway. Fuck 'em


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2020
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Hard to see engraving. Good that they returned it. For big shows cables can be a real chore for techs as strikes are usually done quickly and everyone wants to just get out of there.
I'm glad the days of green or red spray paint are in the past, these days its brightly coloured heat shrink.
Easy to apply. It helps maintenance wise too.
l almost went to blows at the Whiskey one night over them trying to take my mic stand (an old Atlas) luckily l have " you wish" on the bottom


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2020
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So I played a gig on Saturday and I brought out my heavy guns:

- Recently purchased brandnew Silver Jubilee Halfstack

- American Professional 2 75th Anniversary Commemorative Telecaster (what a mouthful)

- My Pedalboard with over 1000 Euros worth of pedals + the Strymon Zuma power supply

Looked like this:

View attachment 140854

Now I'm not rich, I work hard for my money, I save up for things and I collected lots of stuff over the years. Mostly used, traded, snagged some good deals etc.

We were the main act and had a band open up for us, they are friends with some of the other guys from my band.

First thing that was a bit weird was my guitarist approaching me 2 weeks ago and asking if I could borrow my amp to the openers guitar player so he could play. Basically share a backline. I was sceptical as I don't know the dude and also I thought to myself "Why don't you offer him your Kemper?".

Wanting to be a nice guy and all I agreed to let him use my BluGuitar Amp1 Iridium I was bringing as a backup anyway, but not the Jubilee since the amp and the cab are brand spanking new. Alright.

So we get to the place, set everything up perfectly, do a sound check, the levels are fine, I can hear myself and the rest of the band, the mix is great, all is good. I shut off my amp and look forward to the gig.

The other band shows up, the guitar player walks in, we talk and the conversation goes like this:

"So your guitarist told me I can use some amp of yours? Just not the Marshall?"

"Yeah I have an Amp 1 as a backup, you can use it as dedicated amp or as a poweramp, whatever you need. What gear are you playing?"

"I have a Boss GT 100."

"Oh ok, cool. Do you have your presets on that? If so you can give me your signal out into the FX return of the Amp1, it has a 100 watts and a recording out for the mixing console so we can amplify that no problem."

"I have no idea, I don't really know how that stuff works..."

Ok. So I play soundguy for the dude since he seems clueless. I plug his GT100 into my Amp1. I send a signal to FOH so he can hear himself through the monitor on stage. He plays and gets all kinds of feedback and squealing as he doesn't know how to adjust levels.

So I feel sorry for him and unplug my cab to amplify the Amp1 so my 412 is now his monitor. Same problems. Suddenly FOH gets wonky levels. I plug my Two Notes Cab M between the Amp1 and my 412. FOH has better signal now. He is still struggling to control his levels on stage. It was like watching a trainwreck.

In the end he brings his combo amp from the car and plugs the GT100 into that, we set up a microphone in front of his speakers. Again problems, problems, problems. Turns out his volume pot is scratchy and kills the guitars signal midway. So his guitars are also in terrible shape.

They took twice as long to soundcheck until they finally managed to get a halfway decent sound. In the end they played half as long as us and everyone in the audience agreed that we were the clearly better band.

Now here comes the thing that made me furious:

I had everything perfectly set up, I unplugged my stuff to help out and had to set up again before our set. I have no roadies, I do this all by myself.

The FUCKER puts his beer on the monitor box, right next to my pedalboard. He even jokes "let's hope I don't spill any". I tell him to move it away.

He puts it on the ledge ABOVE my Silver Jubilee, the monitor box and my pedalboard.

I move it myself.

I told him THREE FUCKING TIMES to keep his beer away from the gear. He didn't really care. So I tucked the amp away under the ledge and tried to move my stuff as far away from his beer as possible.

End of the night luckily nothing happened to my rig, but our mixing console that was used for the whole show got some spillage from a few drunken idiots. We probably need a new one which makes this whole deal a losing game financially even though the place was packed.

I can only imagine had he spilled his beer over my stuff, he would have eaten a knuckle sandwich.

It's pathetic that someone sees my gear I have saved up for over years and I'm happy to have and I worked my ass off to aquire and they do not even care enough to keep their fucking beer away from it. And here I am, the idiot trying to help and all I get is a big middle finger.

To sum up I learned a few things that night:

- I will never again bring my A rig to a gig where there is even the slightest possibility of a shared backline. If we're the only ones playing and I know my stuff is tucked away safely, sure.

- I will never again tear down my setup once I have checked levels and set up everything.

- I will never again say yes to my fellow guitar player in regards to borrowing my stuff to somebody I don't know. I am sure the sneaky fucker knew the idiot and that's the reason he wanted to give my rig away to share instead of his beloved Kemper.

- Keep an eye out on your stuff. Last open air gig I did I left only my Marshall cab on stage and when I came back to play our gig a couple of hours later somebody had ripped off my logo from the cab.

- I refuse to give a hand to people who don't even know the basic fundamentals of their gear, what an FX loop is, that scratchy volume pots need a shot of WD-40 or DeOxit and some wiggling to fix real fast or who think that liquids belong anywhere near electrical equipment.

The gig was great fun and I had an amazing sound. I don't do this for a living so it's not a tragedy the mixing console got damaged, it's still not exactly pleasant.

I don't mind lugging a 412 around if I get rewarded with great sound, but for future gigs I'll probably bring my cheaper stuff that's replaced more easily should something happen. I have a fucked up Marshall JCM 900 cab now with a missing logo anyway.

Watcha say guys? Ever had that shit happen to you? Share your stories.

Can't stand scumbags that don't respect other peoples possessions because they are jealous or can't manage to get their hands on better stuff. And no, I don't think you need a rig as expensive as mine. I could be playing a Harley Benton through an Orange Solid State combo, I still wouldn't put my beer anywhere near another dudes gear.
Never loan out your tools either !!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2014
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This wasn't "my" gear, but I was trying out a guitar at Guitar Center some years ago, and there were a couple of friends there with me. I'm ripping away, and this geek of an employee took it upon himself to walk over and start changing settings on the amp while I was playing.

Another time years before that, we played this open pavilion, just among friends, and a guy from my office shows up. There was a beer keg onsite and everyone was walking around with plastic cups full of beer. While on a break between songs, my coworker sat his open beer cup on top of my 4x12 (I always left the head sitting on the floor for better feedback control). I politely asked him not to do that, and he said I was being "belligerent." If one of the drunks got rowdy and knocked that cup over, it would have poured right down into the speakers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2014
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I feel ya man. After I bought my first big amp, a JCM 2000 TSL 100 and a 4 x 12 1960A, I spent hours dialing in all 3 of those channels to get everything I wanted, took notes of all the settings, I wouldn’t let anyone else touch that amp to do anything except flip the power switch on to let the tubes warm up.

if anyone was going to wreck that amp it was going to be me.

Some how I always knew if someone fucked with it. Most people knew better than to mess with the obsessive hockey player lead guitarist of a punk/hardcore band that owned that amp.

I have to ask, have you ever encountered the IDIOT who walks up and says, "Here, man, let me show you how to make this thing sound good," and starts tweaking knobs on your amp? I haven't personally had it happen to me, but I've been around plenty of presumptuous assholes who probably would.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2023
Reaction score
So I played a gig on Saturday and I brought out my heavy guns:

- Recently purchased brandnew Silver Jubilee Halfstack

- American Professional 2 75th Anniversary Commemorative Telecaster (what a mouthful)

- My Pedalboard with over 1000 Euros worth of pedals + the Strymon Zuma power supply

Looked like this:

View attachment 140854

Now I'm not rich, I work hard for my money, I save up for things and I collected lots of stuff over the years. Mostly used, traded, snagged some good deals etc.

We were the main act and had a band open up for us, they are friends with some of the other guys from my band.

First thing that was a bit weird was my guitarist approaching me 2 weeks ago and asking if I could borrow my amp to the openers guitar player so he could play. Basically share a backline. I was sceptical as I don't know the dude and also I thought to myself "Why don't you offer him your Kemper?".

Wanting to be a nice guy and all I agreed to let him use my BluGuitar Amp1 Iridium I was bringing as a backup anyway, but not the Jubilee since the amp and the cab are brand spanking new. Alright.

So we get to the place, set everything up perfectly, do a sound check, the levels are fine, I can hear myself and the rest of the band, the mix is great, all is good. I shut off my amp and look forward to the gig.

The other band shows up, the guitar player walks in, we talk and the conversation goes like this:

"So your guitarist told me I can use some amp of yours? Just not the Marshall?"

"Yeah I have an Amp 1 as a backup, you can use it as dedicated amp or as a poweramp, whatever you need. What gear are you playing?"

"I have a Boss GT 100."

"Oh ok, cool. Do you have your presets on that? If so you can give me your signal out into the FX return of the Amp1, it has a 100 watts and a recording out for the mixing console so we can amplify that no problem."

"I have no idea, I don't really know how that stuff works..."

Ok. So I play soundguy for the dude since he seems clueless. I plug his GT100 into my Amp1. I send a signal to FOH so he can hear himself through the monitor on stage. He plays and gets all kinds of feedback and squealing as he doesn't know how to adjust levels.

So I feel sorry for him and unplug my cab to amplify the Amp1 so my 412 is now his monitor. Same problems. Suddenly FOH gets wonky levels. I plug my Two Notes Cab M between the Amp1 and my 412. FOH has better signal now. He is still struggling to control his levels on stage. It was like watching a trainwreck.

In the end he brings his combo amp from the car and plugs the GT100 into that, we set up a microphone in front of his speakers. Again problems, problems, problems. Turns out his volume pot is scratchy and kills the guitars signal midway. So his guitars are also in terrible shape.

They took twice as long to soundcheck until they finally managed to get a halfway decent sound. In the end they played half as long as us and everyone in the audience agreed that we were the clearly better band.

Now here comes the thing that made me furious:

I had everything perfectly set up, I unplugged my stuff to help out and had to set up again before our set. I have no roadies, I do this all by myself.

The FUCKER puts his beer on the monitor box, right next to my pedalboard. He even jokes "let's hope I don't spill any". I tell him to move it away.

He puts it on the ledge ABOVE my Silver Jubilee, the monitor box and my pedalboard.

I move it myself.

I told him THREE FUCKING TIMES to keep his beer away from the gear. He didn't really care. So I tucked the amp away under the ledge and tried to move my stuff as far away from his beer as possible.

End of the night luckily nothing happened to my rig, but our mixing console that was used for the whole show got some spillage from a few drunken idiots. We probably need a new one which makes this whole deal a losing game financially even though the place was packed.

I can only imagine had he spilled his beer over my stuff, he would have eaten a knuckle sandwich.

It's pathetic that someone sees my gear I have saved up for over years and I'm happy to have and I worked my ass off to aquire and they do not even care enough to keep their fucking beer away from it. And here I am, the idiot trying to help and all I get is a big middle finger.

To sum up I learned a few things that night:

- I will never again bring my A rig to a gig where there is even the slightest possibility of a shared backline. If we're the only ones playing and I know my stuff is tucked away safely, sure.

- I will never again tear down my setup once I have checked levels and set up everything.

- I will never again say yes to my fellow guitar player in regards to borrowing my stuff to somebody I don't know. I am sure the sneaky fucker knew the idiot and that's the reason he wanted to give my rig away to share instead of his beloved Kemper.

- Keep an eye out on your stuff. Last open air gig I did I left only my Marshall cab on stage and when I came back to play our gig a couple of hours later somebody had ripped off my logo from the cab.

- I refuse to give a hand to people who don't even know the basic fundamentals of their gear, what an FX loop is, that scratchy volume pots need a shot of WD-40 or DeOxit and some wiggling to fix real fast or who think that liquids belong anywhere near electrical equipment.

The gig was great fun and I had an amazing sound. I don't do this for a living so it's not a tragedy the mixing console got damaged, it's still not exactly pleasant.

I don't mind lugging a 412 around if I get rewarded with great sound, but for future gigs I'll probably bring my cheaper stuff that's replaced more easily should something happen. I have a fucked up Marshall JCM 900 cab now with a missing logo anyway.

Watcha say guys? Ever had that shit happen to you? Share your stories.

Can't stand scumbags that don't respect other peoples possessions because they are jealous or can't manage to get their hands on better stuff. And no, I don't think you need a rig as expensive as mine. I could be playing a Harley Benton through an Orange Solid State combo, I still wouldn't put my beer anywhere near another dudes gear.
It takes EXTREMELY big balls to borrow someone's property then have total disregard for their property. The guy sounds like a major douche.

Jason deBroux

Active Member
Aug 26, 2021
Reaction score
I have to ask, have you ever encountered the IDIOT who walks up and says, "Here, man, let me show you how to make this thing sound good," and starts tweaking knobs on your amp? I haven't personally had it happen to me, but I've been around plenty of presumptuous assholes who probably would.
I’ve encountered guys like that, and I flat out tell them “ Don’t you F____ touch my amp.”

I feel like it’s a unwritten rules that you just don’t mess with other people’s gear.

El Gringo

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2015
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Shakedown Street
I have to ask, have you ever encountered the IDIOT who walks up and says, "Here, man, let me show you how to make this thing sound good," and starts tweaking knobs on your amp? I haven't personally had it happen to me, but I've been around plenty of presumptuous assholes who probably would.
Brings back memories from over 40 years ago when I was a kid and was playing Sweet Leaf (Sabbath ) and I guess I wasn't playing it right as a gent a couple years older rang my bell as he was walking on my street and heard , and me being naive opened up my door and this dude preceded to correctly show my how to play Sweet Leaf . Those were the days .


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2020
Reaction score
This wasn't "my" gear, but I was trying out a guitar at Guitar Center some years ago, and there were a couple of friends there with me. I'm ripping away, and this geek of an employee took it upon himself to walk over and start changing settings on the amp while I was playing.

Another time years before that, we played this open pavilion, just among friends, and a guy from my office shows up. There was a beer keg onsite and everyone was walking around with plastic cups full of beer. While on a break between songs, my coworker sat his open beer cup on top of my 4x12 (I always left the head sitting on the floor for better feedback control). I politely asked him not to do that, and he said I was being "belligerent." If one of the drunks got rowdy and knocked that cup over, it would have poured right down into the speakers.
I'm not that polite when it comes to my expensive gear , I would have took that cup and threw it in the trash , then asked him if there was a problem .


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 17, 2023
Reaction score
So I played a gig on Saturday and I brought out my heavy guns:

- Recently purchased brandnew Silver Jubilee Halfstack

- American Professional 2 75th Anniversary Commemorative Telecaster (what a mouthful)

- My Pedalboard with over 1000 Euros worth of pedals + the Strymon Zuma power supply

Looked like this:

View attachment 140854

Now I'm not rich, I work hard for my money, I save up for things and I collected lots of stuff over the years. Mostly used, traded, snagged some good deals etc.

We were the main act and had a band open up for us, they are friends with some of the other guys from my band.

First thing that was a bit weird was my guitarist approaching me 2 weeks ago and asking if I could borrow my amp to the openers guitar player so he could play. Basically share a backline. I was sceptical as I don't know the dude and also I thought to myself "Why don't you offer him your Kemper?".

Wanting to be a nice guy and all I agreed to let him use my BluGuitar Amp1 Iridium I was bringing as a backup anyway, but not the Jubilee since the amp and the cab are brand spanking new. Alright.

So we get to the place, set everything up perfectly, do a sound check, the levels are fine, I can hear myself and the rest of the band, the mix is great, all is good. I shut off my amp and look forward to the gig.

The other band shows up, the guitar player walks in, we talk and the conversation goes like this:

"So your guitarist told me I can use some amp of yours? Just not the Marshall?"

"Yeah I have an Amp 1 as a backup, you can use it as dedicated amp or as a poweramp, whatever you need. What gear are you playing?"

"I have a Boss GT 100."

"Oh ok, cool. Do you have your presets on that? If so you can give me your signal out into the FX return of the Amp1, it has a 100 watts and a recording out for the mixing console so we can amplify that no problem."

"I have no idea, I don't really know how that stuff works..."

Ok. So I play soundguy for the dude since he seems clueless. I plug his GT100 into my Amp1. I send a signal to FOH so he can hear himself through the monitor on stage. He plays and gets all kinds of feedback and squealing as he doesn't know how to adjust levels.

So I feel sorry for him and unplug my cab to amplify the Amp1 so my 412 is now his monitor. Same problems. Suddenly FOH gets wonky levels. I plug my Two Notes Cab M between the Amp1 and my 412. FOH has better signal now. He is still struggling to control his levels on stage. It was like watching a trainwreck.

In the end he brings his combo amp from the car and plugs the GT100 into that, we set up a microphone in front of his speakers. Again problems, problems, problems. Turns out his volume pot is scratchy and kills the guitars signal midway. So his guitars are also in terrible shape.

They took twice as long to soundcheck until they finally managed to get a halfway decent sound. In the end they played half as long as us and everyone in the audience agreed that we were the clearly better band.

Now here comes the thing that made me furious:

I had everything perfectly set up, I unplugged my stuff to help out and had to set up again before our set. I have no roadies, I do this all by myself.

The FUCKER puts his beer on the monitor box, right next to my pedalboard. He even jokes "let's hope I don't spill any". I tell him to move it away.

He puts it on the ledge ABOVE my Silver Jubilee, the monitor box and my pedalboard.

I move it myself.

I told him THREE FUCKING TIMES to keep his beer away from the gear. He didn't really care. So I tucked the amp away under the ledge and tried to move my stuff as far away from his beer as possible.

End of the night luckily nothing happened to my rig, but our mixing console that was used for the whole show got some spillage from a few drunken idiots. We probably need a new one which makes this whole deal a losing game financially even though the place was packed.

I can only imagine had he spilled his beer over my stuff, he would have eaten a knuckle sandwich.

It's pathetic that someone sees my gear I have saved up for over years and I'm happy to have and I worked my ass off to aquire and they do not even care enough to keep their fucking beer away from it. And here I am, the idiot trying to help and all I get is a big middle finger.

To sum up I learned a few things that night:

- I will never again bring my A rig to a gig where there is even the slightest possibility of a shared backline. If we're the only ones playing and I know my stuff is tucked away safely, sure.

- I will never again tear down my setup once I have checked levels and set up everything.

- I will never again say yes to my fellow guitar player in regards to borrowing my stuff to somebody I don't know. I am sure the sneaky fucker knew the idiot and that's the reason he wanted to give my rig away to share instead of his beloved Kemper.

- Keep an eye out on your stuff. Last open air gig I did I left only my Marshall cab on stage and when I came back to play our gig a couple of hours later somebody had ripped off my logo from the cab.

- I refuse to give a hand to people who don't even know the basic fundamentals of their gear, what an FX loop is, that scratchy volume pots need a shot of WD-40 or DeOxit and some wiggling to fix real fast or who think that liquids belong anywhere near electrical equipment.

The gig was great fun and I had an amazing sound. I don't do this for a living so it's not a tragedy the mixing console got damaged, it's still not exactly pleasant.

I don't mind lugging a 412 around if I get rewarded with great sound, but for future gigs I'll probably bring my cheaper stuff that's replaced more easily should something happen. I have a fucked up Marshall JCM 900 cab now with a missing logo anyway.

Watcha say guys? Ever had that shit happen to you? Share your stories.

Can't stand scumbags that don't respect other peoples possessions because they are jealous or can't manage to get their hands on better stuff. And no, I don't think you need a rig as expensive as mine. I could be playing a Harley Benton through an Orange Solid State combo, I still wouldn't put my beer anywhere near another dudes gear.
You're not wrong.
Your bandmate needs to be told don't ever mention me or my gear to any of your buddies again...they need something you take care of them, don't even ask me, because its a hard NO!

Next, the guy from the other band can get a TONEX pedal for $399.99 and a new guitar from GC or FB Marketplace dirt cheap... BTW, tell your bandmate that ToneX pedal makes his Kemper obsolete for a fraction of the price and even you might consider getting one instead of taking your nice gear out...you can take that and do everything your amp and pedalboard can do, and if something does happen to it, you're not out THOUSANDS of dollars. You can literally capture and clone all your gear with the ToneX Capture and then load it on that ToneX pedal board...and that doesn't include all the great amps and pedals that come with it and I'm sure someone has captured that same gear you have and uploaded it to ToneNET...also the load in and out is ALOT lighter than your A &B rigs. Check out Glenn Fricker's video on the ToneX Pedal.

Next question for you is, do you have insurance on your gear? If not you should.. the band is a business and should operate as one.. I don't know where you are in the world but if you can take an agreed value policy out for your gear and that way, you're protected...although, sometimes, you can not always find the same gear, especially as products are discontinued and go up in value, thus, the reason I'd capture it and load it on that pedal board and use that. Insurance company isn't going to shit their pants when you file a claim for $4-600.00 VS $4-7k.

But yeah, I'd definitely have a conversation with you bandmate and put him on notice...HELL NO!