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Don't Let This Happen To You!

  • Thread starter Analogman88
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Jan 1, 2015
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Small town West Virginia
I shipped an item to an Ebay buyer using UP$ and got REAMED.

Three weeks ago I listed a Marshall 1960AHW cabinet as "mint condition" without a blemish because I had babied it for 3 years, not allowing one single scratch on it. I wouldn't even set a head on top of it without a soft cloth in between. Here are some before shipping pics from the Ebay listing: (pics 9-11 in link below) To help attract buyers I decided to list it as free shipping...HUGE mistake.

The auction ended. Once I received payment in PayPal, I congratulated the buyer and told her the amp was boxed up and I was on my way to the UP$ hub. It was carefully packed in the ORIGINAL box it shipped in from England to the retail store I bought it from with 2 thick layers of heavy cardboard and cushioning under that. Without a single bump, jostle, or scrape, I carefully took it into the building and put it behind the counter as I was instructed. I paid them my money to ship it to MI and said, "We're all good here?" The woman patted the box and said, "We're all good here!" From here, it is no longer my responsibility, as I'd done my part, it was in there hands and they'd been paid to perform their services competently. It's their responsibility now, right? That's what I thought...

I get an email with pictures attached and learn of the condition of the amp as it arrived to my buyer. Here are the pictures I received: (pics 1-4 link below) I told her to take pics of the damage and the box and notify UP$ of the abuse and damage they'd inflicted through their negligence. She did. From there UP$ picked it up to do their little token "inspection" to see if they were liable to repair or replace the item. Through their self-granted authority, they deemed that they were not liable for any damages because the item was insufficiently packaged for transit by the sender and the sender (me) was liable for all damages incurred. This is a lie. I packed it in the ORIGINAL approved box with added protection and cushioning and it's my fault they damaged it? There was no mention it was insufficiently packed when they took my money to ship it. You pay them to ship it safely, and you pay them again to ensure its safe arrival-rephrase: you pay them a substantial additional fee to do the RIGHT thing in the likely case of their negligence, therefore indulging them in their greed, and taking the word of a dishonest and crooked organization. Then they just lie their way out of it to avoid paying for their incompetence to perform the service you already paid them twice for in the first place...

But wait, there's more: After they established that there would be no repair or replacement to the buyer or the sender, I refunded the buyer for the full Ebay list price including the slice Ebay took from the transaction because that was the right thing to do, Then UP$ denied my claim for compensation on the grounds that insurance doesn't cover damage due poorly packaged items, so because of their abuse the damage was "my fault" and I was "not eligible for any compensation" whatsoever. Then I get a bill to ship it BACK to ME from MI (buyer) to PA (inspection) to OH (IDKW) to my HOUSE in WV in its damaged state, already de-valued by half of my original asking price. Then I get it back and there are 6 additional tolex tears, abrasions, and dents-1 of them penetrating over 1/4" deep into the wood like this: (pics 5-8 link below) I don't even have the original box anymore because the delivering UP$ driver stopped at my dad's place of business while he was busy with a customer and demanded to drop it off there, not taking no for an answer. Dad called and told me and the UP$ driver told me over the phone he had a funeral to go to and going to the end of his route would make him late. I said alright but read the serial number off to me before you leave (I wanted to make sure the buyer didn't just want to swap an already damaged cab for a nice one on Ebay), so he set the phone down (my dad is out on the lot) and because the handles weren't easily accessible, he tears the box into pieces and destroys it to get to the serial number at the bottom.

Now I'm stuck with a damaged cabinet, no compensation for it whatsoever, not even a box to ship it in, and UP$ charged me substantial fees all along the way for all of this gracious service.

I'm pretty bummed out right now, but this is NOT a sob-story. It is a WARNING to all of my friends to not let this happen to you. ALWAYS AVOID USING UP$ whenever possible. When ordering anything, insist that they use another carrier if possible. So far, I have never had a bad experience with Fed Ex or USPS. I now cannot do anything about this except to warn my friends of what happend. DON'T USE UP$! http://s722.photobucket.com/user/Analogman88/library/?sort=3&page=1


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
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I had a similar exp. I shipped 4 speakers in excellent packing. Buyer sends me photos and all but 1 were destroyed.
I lost out all except what I could get locally for 1 speaker, and like you I was very meticulous about securing and packing as they were almost brand new and perfect. It's a bad feeling

John BNY

Well-Known Member
Silver Supporting Member
Jul 13, 2013
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New York
Whenever I ship anything I sell, I use FedEx Ground, because they tend to be the most reasonably priced. What a bummer. So now you are left with a damaged cabinet, and out of pocket for the cost of shipping and eBay fees? There must be a way for you to file a claim against the shipper.

jack daniels

Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
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Boy analogman88, I wouldn't have wished that on my worst enemy. What the UPS needs is more negative exposure of any kind when these things occur, as it seems to be the only recourse that customers have anymore.


Jan 1, 2015
Reaction score
Small town West Virginia
Yeah it is a downer alright. I thought I'd try being a "squeaky wheel" but every time I call now I get the runaround and get put on hold for 45 mins, well let me transfer you to so and so... So I've just given up. I'm gonna try one last time by filing a complaint with the BBB.

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
Unfortunately, it can happen w/ any company. I have my grievances w/ USPS & DHL as well...

I ordered some tubes off a guy on here. The ad was "paypal shipped" included in the price. Well, about 2 weeks into it, I asked him when I could expect my tubes. He said I should have got them already & the tracker says "delivered". For some reason, whenever I clicked on the tracking & w/ the # he sent, it never showed as shipped. After he said that it was delivered, he sent me the link & it worked this time & indeed said delivered. So, I inquire to the PO & they aks me, well, what does the box look like? How do I know, I never got it! What was in it? I knew that it had tubes, but, the guy also promised to "throw something in a little extra", but never to this day divulged what that little extra was supposed to be.

The PO was terrible to work w/. Basically, to them, I wasn't even a customer. The guy on the other coast was. I had to really pressure them & go down there a few x's. Finally, they got a statement from the carrier, that supposedly, he put it on top of my mailbox. I live on a busy street, where, the highschool, jr-hi & elementary school kids all walk by, so I get probably 300+ people walking by during the day. Once they got that statement from the carrier, they told me, "well, we did our job. We delivered it to you". Well, not really. You delivered it to my doorstep (maybe), but didn't even make an effort to let me know that it was there.

So, anyway, I never got my aNOS rarity tubes, I never tried paypal for a refund because by the time the PO got done telling to GFMS, it was getting on to the 45 day cutoff & besides that, the PO would side w/ the seller, saying that they "delivered" the package, so I doubt they would have done anything in my favor anyway...

I had a $5K camera lens that I ordered from Korea. I paid to have it overnighted through DHL. In my estimation, overnight means overnight. I ordered it on Saturday, so I figured that I'd get it Monday, right? Monday comes & goes & I call on Tues. They tell me that there is a screw up. The lens shipped, but the customs forms didn't get filed. They assured me that this is a semi-common mistake & all they have to do is send the paperwork on the next plane, match it up w/ the package & we're in business. Wed. comes & goes, so I call. They give me the LAX customs office, so they can track it down. They tell me that they lost it. They have record of it, all paperwork was good, but they can not locate the package. $5K, overnight...

They call me up 12 hours later, saying that they've located it & it will be on the next truck out on Thursday. Overnight from Saturday? Ok, let's get this thing. I had my Mother house sit for the package, because I was going to be at work. She waited, & waited, & waited. They never showed up, but... On their website, it said delivery attempted - nobody home. WTF! BS! The next day, I had taken off from work, because I had a friend of mine, who was working as a digital archivist at the Getty Museum. He put in his 10 days notice & told me that if I ever wanted the tour of a lifetime, let's do it. We had it scheduled for Friday. Well, now, I have to wait for this lens (that should have been delivered on Monday) to arrive. So, what happens? They never showed up. I waited in the front room, w/ the front door wide open, screen shut. I look online & it says "attempted delivery - no one home" again.

I called up a ripped the girl on the other side a new one. I told her what's going on & that I now have 2 people that have waited 2 days, for an item that should have been delivered 5 days ago. She ended up having to have a guy stop by & deliver it on his way home. He was pretty put out, until I explained to him everything. So, at 7:30 PM o9n a Friday, I got my Monday "overnighter" delivery. It was reported lost, paperwork wasn't filled out for customs & there were supposedly 2 attempted deliveries, when people were watching the front door for them to come. I missed the chance of a lifetime to have an all access tour of the Getty. After all, the President of DHL Korea, called me up & refunded all shipping fees & apologized.

The lens was a pretty rare lens. Canon had to discontinue mfgr, because the glass has lead in it, which got banned by the environmentalists. I bought it used & even used, the average going rate at the time was around $5K.

Needless to say, I've never used DHL again...

Carriers don't care, because for the most part, they deal w/ companies all the time. I had a package from UPS that was damaged. I called the vendor & she said: "oh, the monkeys at UPS manhandled it?" I told her yes & she said, "ok, no problem, we'll send you a new one right out". She didn't even need the old unit returned. So, for them, most damages, or lost items never get claimed on & the few that do, aren't worth them caring about all the ones that slip through...


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
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My friend loads for UPS, He said you wont believe what goes on, and I said, DONT TELL ME.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
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No doubt I will get my ass kicked for this but Im going to side with UPS here and say you havent packed it correctly.

A loaded speaker cabinet can weight between 45Kg and 50Kg. So cardboard alone is not going to protect it if it falls over in the van or gets dropped, or knocked about. You need a good inch or so of heavy duty packing material such as polystyrene that can take that kind of weight.

All the big name couriers will throw things around during the sorting process, whoever you use, this is not exclusive to UPS, DHL, Fedex, or any other courier company. It is unrealistic to expect them to baby it all the way to the door of the recipient. Also if you know "how bad they are" then that should make you think more carefully about your packing and using extra padding for protection and stronger boxes etc, rather than just looking for a different courier in the hope they are more careful at handling stuff. You will never win thinking like that.

I use UPS all the time for shipping 4x12 cabs and loose speakers into Europe and USA. The UPS guy is here almost every day. Ive never had any issues with them.

I also buy on ebay a lot and have had tonnes of stuff arrive damaged, but everytime it has been the sellers fault for packing it poorly, not the courier for mis-handling. This is the main reason I collect things myself if possible, even if it means driving for hours to get it, because I cant trust the seller to pack it properly. Actually considering the awful packing efforts of most ebay sellers I think couriers do a great job when they deliver those things safely.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
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How bout the time they used my new guitar I purchased as a step. footprints going in different directions and smashing the volume knob through the pickguard?
Guess that was the sellers fault.
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
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Shipping Cabinets is difficult, especially 4x12 cabs. I purchase 8 new 1960B cabinets awhile back from an online retailer. It took 16 cabinet shipments to get 8 good undamaged ones. It didn't matter, UPS or FedEx, both companies damaged the cabs. The only way I would consider shipping a cabinet anymore is to pad the hell out of it double box it if possible and put it on a pallet and shrink wrapped... I've had good luck with the pallet approach...


Well-Known Member
VIP Member
Apr 23, 2010
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On the back 9
It is obvious from your photos that the cab wasn't protected properly inside the box. It has to be cushioned on all eight corners with 50mm high density foam and then this doesn't happen. If you are going to ship you have to assume they are going the drag the box behind the van to it's destination.

I buy and sell for collection only. I am fortunate as I am within 4 hours driving of either London or Glasgow, so I will always take a road trip when buying gear. For me the trip is part of the deal, to meet the seller/buyer, have a brew, see their other gear (to get a feel for whether the item maybe stolen goods). Then insist on trying the item to make sure all is well. I also insist on this when selling, so the buyer can't claim it's broken later. Payment is always cash...no come backs either way. Shake hands and part company, both parties happy.
I realise this is tough to do in a country the size of the USA, but then if you ship you take a risk and if you mess up it costs you.

jack daniels

Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
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I'm presently listing items on Reverb.com for sale and the comments made have left me desirous of removing of said listing especially when it comes to having to deal with carriers such as UPS, USPS, Fed EX, or DHL. These issues need to be forwarded the the state attorney generals for the states that the items were sold in and the states for which they were delivered to. If it were up to me I'd have the case profiled on Channel 4 "In Your Corner".


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2015
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When I go UPS, my shipping charges are always higher than everyone else. The reason is because I take the item down there without any box and have them do it. The minute they take up the packaging, they are responsible for all damages regardless. It costs more, but I know they handle it better, and even if they don't, they pick up the tab. One of the amps I purchased (my JTM45, modded by FJA) arrived in pieces. It was in brand new condition. I had the seller take it to UPS and have THEM package it. The seller was no help (kind of a jerk - told me he has nothing to do with it), but when I called UPS, they just had me send them pictures (which I did). In 2 weeks, they had sent a check for the estimated repair costs from my tech and the price of a new head cabinet (based on the price I sent them from a well-known manufacturer). The ONLY runaround I got was they said it was the responsibility of the shipping UPS store, and insurance had to run through them. Besides that store trying to find a reason it wasn't their fault, when they found out THEY packaged it, they sent it through without hassle. Then I took it to my tech with cash in hand, and got it back in tip-top shape.


Senior Moderator
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Feb 5, 2009
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I always have expensive items packaged at the store these days so that they can never try and use that excuse w/me. That's basically my own insurance against the shipping company. I'm not delighted about it, but I can say that I've never had a complaint of even so much as a wrinkle in the packaging.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
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Some good points, but I can always pack something better than some stranger , if I put my mind to it, and I do.
Amp heads are packed to take a toss from hands raised.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Nashville, TN USA
Having the shipper package it is a great idea. Anything high dollar I use FedEx over night and insure it through Heritage. The less time it's getting kicked around in a distribution center The better.

You can have problems with any of them but I especially avoid UPS. They really do suck, bad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2015
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Some good points, but I can always pack something better than some stranger , if I put my mind to it, and I do.
Amp heads are packed to take a toss from hands raised.

Good point, but the bottom line is making sure you're not responsible for the damage when the occasional issue arises.

Having the shipper package it is a great idea. Anything high dollar I use FedEx over night and insure it through Heritage. The less time it's getting kicked around in a distribution center The better.

You can have problems with any of them but I especially avoid UPS. They really do suck, bad.

They do, but I have to interject that the worst to deal with on an insurance claim is USPS. Shipped a vintage Strat neck once, insured. It seemed to stay in Blue Bell California for what seemed like a week.

I was sent back a piece of the box with a letter saying "sorry the container was damaged in shipping and your item was lost. We're sorry for the inconvenience."
The buyer was understandably upset, and so was I. I filed the claim. They asked for so many items of proof it was ridiculous. They forwarded to like 3 departments. I called every other day as they would not reply to email inquiries, and was always told "that's been sent to [XXX] for review", so I'd call [XXX] to be told the same thing. At 61 days, I was sent an "insurance claim declined" letter because it had then exceeded the 60-day limit for claims. It took me another 3 months to get the claim worked out through repeated phone calls, letters, and a letter from a lawyer. Total BS.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Don't use USPS. Twice they've damaged and lost packages and refused to pay the insurance. I submitted receipts, documented values, etc. and they refused. I filed a dispute to their refusal and all I got was 6 months of headache with no results. They force you to walk away...

UPS damaged a package and they denied insurance payment, I fought them and within 4 months I won and they paid the $400 to repair the amp. I packed this thing so well, it said FRAGILE in big letters on every side and it was bolted to a pallet in the box but they still destroyed it.

Moral of the story - use FEDEX, I've never had a problem with them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2012
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They love it when it says FRAGILE.
I have a 50 watt tube head for sale, but just dont want to risk shipping it, guess it will sit on CL for a while.

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