Drop tuning

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Rocker, Roller
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 9, 2009
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Central Virginia
you my friend, get what I was talking about... That it is more often used as a dumbed down approach to guitar playing. we're not talking about the steve vai's and satriani's and all that stuff


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2009
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Getting a kick out of this thread. LOL Thanks for the laugh. :D


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
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The 540, Virginia
My band plays rock music and we tune in C# Drop tuning... like C#, G#, C#, F#, A#, D# ... and the only reason why is to have a different range with all the melodies and everything. a guitar def. sounds the best in E standard, they're made to be played in that. and idk... i just like it. i set all my guitars up for C#. But i hear you on the metal-core stuff... it's cookie cutter. people don't want to do their own thing with music anymore. they want to sound like everyone else. and who would want to tune down that low anyways? chances are that if you are tuning that low you have the gain cranked up all the way too... which means bad tone and loud noise. that's all that mess is. i like clarity in a guitar, not the sound of the strings hanging off the neck.


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Aug 27, 2009
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I Gotta be real with you cats.. These sound like the words of bitter, angry old men who can't let go of what they think of as "real" music. I grew up on Old School Metal- Sabbath, Maiden "Real Metallica" (b4 the black album, even though as a side note, Death Magnetic DOES kick ass, even if they are just ripping themselves off at this point-they're still the best), Slayer, Pantera.etc. I've been playing for 22 years- I'm 30 now. What I've learned is this-it doesn't matter how good you are if you can't write music that kicks ass. Don't hate on drop tunings. If you knew anything about distortion you'd know that the lower the note, the more distortion you'll get out of it. When you play, it's not just the note you're hitting that you hear, it's also the sympathetic vibrations from the other strings that are there in the background. That's why your guitar doesn't sound right if 1 string is out of tune, even if you don't happen to be playing on that string. When you apply distortion, all these characteristics of the guitar are altered. The lower the note, the more distortion. So....Grasshopper, the fact is that there are certain sounds you can't get if you don't tune down. Period. End of Debate. Dropped tunings are nothing more than a tool to get the music out of your head and into the world. You may not like hardcore, but you can't deny the ferocity of hatebreed's breakdowns. You may not like Nevermore, but Jeff Loomis can play his ass off. And If you don't have respect for Lamb Of God's axemen, then I have to question whether or not you still are in possesion of your testicles. True musicians WRITE music- anyone can take some lessons and read some tab, and play someone else's music. It takes an artist to create. Mark My Words..For I Speak Only The Truth.


Rocker, Roller
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 9, 2009
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Central Virginia
No, I don't have respect for Lamb of God's hack-men. We're from the same town, used to see them before they blew up and started sucking.

Like I said before just to get all you guys upset, there's no sound drop can get that a little stretching of the fingers can't get in standard.

This post was only made to piss people off. I'm glad it's still working.


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
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if this thread is only to piss people off then you must not have much else to do...


Rocker, Roller
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 9, 2009
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Central Virginia
I've got a great analogy...

Drop tuning (when relied on 100% of all song writing) compared to standard is like trying to tell Robert Plant, Ozzy, Freddy Mercury, and others that death metal growls take more talent than the way they sing.

It's two different animals, I'll give you that, but it's more often used as a crutch than as an expansive, alternate method of song writing.

Hatebreed and LoG are one trick ponies.


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Aug 27, 2009
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I'm from DC, So howdy neighbor! I'll admit that for a while, music lost a lot of it's musicianship (is this even a word). Regardless of what tuning it's in, it's nice to hear guitarists PLAYING again. Anyone who rips off a sick solo and makes another 8 year old kid want to be a musician is fine by me. Yeah, it's easier to play power chords, but it also changes the pattern of your playing, enabling you to use the C chord as a pedal more easily. Playing well is about economy of movement. If I can make it so my hand isn't as tired after 4 hrs pf playing, why wouldn't I? I've got nothing to prove. I'll also say this. The fact that for drop C you need to put heavier strings on the guitar actually slows you down a bit, meaning that if I were to pick up your guitar, I'd smoke you. I play A PRS Singlecut. I can play in any tuning, and I can transpose old school metallica into drop C on the fly-because I know my instrument. I also sing, and while most "Rock" Singers are Tenors, I'm a baritone. C Really compliments my vocal range-It's very comfortable, and that's important if you sing night after night. Does that mean I can't sing either? LOL And by the way...Metallica is the high gain, scooped mid sound. I bet you're one of those guys who goes from clean to dirty with the volume knob on your guitar.
And what about Maxwell From Nothingface? He's a sick guitarist, I know him personally. Most of NF's stuff was in drop tunings, but he'd play a hollowbody half the time. And most of his playing is downpicking. Try to play that fast in ANY tuning. Not to mention his new band Hellyeah..
What is the measure of the musician, How well and fast you play your scales, or the music you leave behind?


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
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hey blackwolfnine, what do you call someone who hangs out with musicians?

a drummer.


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
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isnt playing in only one tuning the definition of a one trick pony?



New Member
Aug 27, 2009
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And as for you're analogy, Randy Blythe from LoG, God Forbid, and several others are actually screaming correctly. This means they are actually using the "false" vocal chords to scream. These are NOT the same vocal chords used for talking or singing. These are the same vocal chords that the buddist monks use to sing two notes at the same time while they meditate. It is VERY difficult to do this correctly, the advantage being that screaming becomes almost efforless, AND CAUSES NO DAMAGE to the vocal chords. That means that these dudes can do it night after night, and never lose their voices. I can sing my ass off, and I STILL can't scream right, cause it still hurts. It actually requires a TREMENDOUS amount of talent and practice. Just thought you should know.


New Member
Jul 13, 2009
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says the guy taping himself doing covers.:naughty:

so what? i taped those covers to show the rest of my family which are out in california. i havent seen them for more than three months in the last six years since i live and work in europe. my father is a musician as well and was the one who taught me how to play when i was nine, so i'm happy to be able to show him what i can do now.

and if you like i have tons of more links to my music and projects that i have participated in.

GarageBand.com : john oden
john on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
Sonic Garden :: Snack
Inertia on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
Past Due on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads
YouTube - wasitthat's Channel


Rocker, Roller
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 9, 2009
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Central Virginia
And as for you're analogy, Randy Blythe from LoG, God Forbid, and several others are actually screaming correctly. This means they are actually using the "false" vocal chords to scream. These are NOT the same vocal chords used for talking or singing. These are the same vocal chords that the buddist monks use to sing two notes at the same time while they meditate. It is VERY difficult to do this correctly, the advantage being that screaming becomes almost efforless, AND CAUSES NO DAMAGE to the vocal chords. That means that these dudes can do it night after night, and never lose their voices. I can sing my ass off, and I STILL can't scream right, cause it still hurts. It actually requires a TREMENDOUS amount of talent and practice. Just thought you should know.

I wouldn't know. I've never opened my mouth for anything. I don't even play Marshall's because I'm a deaf mute.

This is the equivalent to arguing with a dining room table.


Rocker, Roller
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 9, 2009
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Central Virginia
The original post wasn't inviting you guys to whine about how wrong I am. It was for people that agree. You don't have to agree with me, it's my opinion.

You'd 'smoke me' on guitar? Grow up. You want to have a ball showing contest? On teh interwebs... jeesus.

Neither one of you two has helped any one out on this forum, so quit trying to pick fights with me and do something productive on here. When you contribute a fourth of what I have on here, then we can talk.
Don't try to make me out to be the asshole when I try my damndest to give people a hand on here and learn from others at the same time. I don't jump on your threads saying that you suck 'cause I don't share the same ideology of the guitar as you.

You guys are both adults and should know damn well by now, opinions are like assholes, every one's got one.


Rocker, Roller
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 9, 2009
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Central Virginia
I'm done here.

I'll let you know when I post the "I hate scooped-mids" thread and you guys can argue with me about that too.