Drugs and Rock n roll?

  • Thread starter ItsChrispyTv
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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New York, New York
Drugs are dangerous! Fact!

Some people enjoy and live for danger! Fact!

If they endanger only themselves, it's not my business! Fact!

Believing that Marijuana poses any bigger threat than alcohol it's the biggest hypocrisy ever! Fact!

Rock and roll is about sticking it back to "the man" as much as possible! Fact!

Only way to have real control and freedom in your life is being responsible for the consequenses of your actions! Fact!

You should set your own limits and know how far to push yourself! Fact!

Addicted self-destructive nihilist people you meet are just "Darwinism in Action"! Fact!

Discovery, contemplation, experimentation and wonderment are the keys to experiencing your own life! Fact!

When you're grown up and have lived a little come back and re-read this post!


Moose Coghill

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Aug 19, 2010
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Moose Hut Studio - Amherst, VA 24521 - USA
While I can appreciate the philosophy in some of your statements, after having been around for 57 years; in and out of courtrooms; and viewing many conversations and debates - the word 'fact' has come to mean this to me:

Fictional Assertion of Cognitive Theory

The only true 'fact' in the classical sense that I am aware of, is that one day we will all die... and hopefully not too soon from abusing our bodies. I've been trying since the late '60s to figure out just who the man is... but I prefer sticking it to women. To each his own - not to be confused with to eat his own. I like pot; think it should be legalized, but can't smoke anymore. I still don't think young people whose minds and bodies are in the formative stage should experiment with drugs. Fact!


Well-Known Member
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Mar 9, 2011
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Drugs are dangerous! Fact!

Some people enjoy and live for danger! Fact!

If they endanger only themselves, it's not my business! Fact!

Believing that Marijuana poses any bigger threat than alcohol it's the biggest hypocrisy ever! Fact!

Rock and roll is about sticking it back to "the man" as much as possible! Fact!

Only way to have real control and freedom in your life is being responsible for the consequenses of your actions! Fact!

You should set your own limits and know how far to push yourself! Fact!

Addicted self-destructive nihilist people you meet are just "Darwinism in Action"! Fact!

Discovery, contemplation, experimentation and wonderment are the keys to experiencing your own life! Fact!

When you're grown up and have lived a little come back and re-read this post!


Not everyone knows the danger and how destructive alcohol can be, only becuase it is a legal drug but its just as dangerous and addictive like many illegal drugs. Alcohol CAN kill you. You can actually overdose on alcohol.

Weed is still a drug, and like all drugs (actually like ALL things): in excess is bad.
Weed won't kill you, but you become dependant and you just stop caring about things and people around you if you're stoned all the time.

I think McDonald's is more dangerous than weed, but going back to what I said, everything in excess is bad.

Another thing, 15 years old is pretty young to be doing drugs, your brain is not even fully developed. If you smoked a couple of times I don't think there will be permanent damage, but you gotta be in good condition to allow your development and understand what you're doing.
Once your older and have a better understanding of life and what surrounds you, you'll know what to do. You have to know about yourself as well, at age 15, you're still in developent as a person and finding yourself and who you are.
Thats why I NEVER touched coke.
Cuz I know for a fact I would be hooked (I have a nicotine addiction, and I realize I have a "addictive personality, so I will never touch the stuff).

The only drugs I tried are shrooms, and I currently smoke weed (I try to avoid smoking on a daily basis)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2008
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Lakeland, TN
Let's not forget one of the worst drugs - smoking cigs! The one drug I wish I had never started. It started back in the 80 's when a local bar had free cigs all over the place. Then, I mainly quit when my kids were yound but it kicked back in after the divorce. And now I have cut back to 3 packs a week of the shorts. Not bad but I really don't want to quit. It's quite pathetic, really. Actually now, I only smoke at work, golf and fishing. Oh and the casinos...and when i am stressed, after jamming...

Just don't start!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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New York, New York
While I can appreciate the philosophy in some of your statements, after having been around for 57 years; in and out of courtrooms; and viewing many conversations and debates - the word 'fact' has come to mean this to me:

Fictional Assertion of Cognitive Theory

The only true 'fact' in the classical sense that I am aware of, is that one day we will all die... and hopefully not too soon from abusing our bodies. I've been trying since the late '60s to figure out just who the man is... but I prefer sticking it to women. To each his own - not to be confused with to eat his own. I like pot; think it should be legalized, but can't smoke anymore. I still don't think young people whose minds and bodies are in the formative stage should experiment with drugs. Fact!
We'll all die! Truest fact ever!

If by now you don't know what "stick it to the man" means (and i guess you were around during the birth of rock and roll) you'll never get it. Maybe because of apathy and engrossment in the meniality of the daily routine or maybe you belong to society's upper crust who benefits from the status quo...

Anyway all i tried to say was:

"If you can't handle a drink and a smoke that's fair, no one forces you to do it. Let those who do it enjoy it. If you never start you don't have to quit. If you want to quit is because you chose to, without coercion"

Where were these kid parents when they were dabbling with drugs? Have Chrispy talked to his parents about how he feels or just asking advice here 'cause no one else listens?

I agree that most teenagers doing drugs are robbed of their potential forever...there's a time and place for everything, it's called college:)

Saddest thing ever is to get to old age just to end up paying the ass for prescription drugs...

80's Rocker

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May 4, 2009
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KISS Army Base!
Don't do any of that crap. It has tore apart some amazing bands over the years, and it never leads to anything good.


"Sex, drugs and Rock 'n Roll...take out the middle one and I can live longer to enjoy the other two"-Steven Tyler.


New Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Larsen WI.
i can't say much about drugs, but i will say this, cigarettes are gross.

never smoked one in my life. 3 of the guys i work with a pack a day smokers. they take a break ever 2-3 hours to have a cigarette.

here in wisconsin, it's illegal to smoke in a work establishment, so they have to go outside, which is good, but that crap follows em in, and stinks up the whole fuckin 3000 square foot shop. and they do this... 4 or 5 times during the work day. it only takes about 10 minutes for the stench to clear but still.

40 to 50 minutes a day that i have to endure their smoke.

Moose Coghill

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Moose Hut Studio - Amherst, VA 24521 - USA
If by now you don't know what "stick it to the man" means (and i guess you were around during the birth of rock and roll) you'll never get it. Maybe because of apathy and engrossment in the meniality of the daily routine or maybe you belong to society's upper crust who benefits from the status quo...

:lol: Pfffft... I guess my dry old wit missed the mark. I was a folk singer turned rocker who attended protest marches, smoke-ins in D.C. & lobbied for change. Upper crust I ain't. I just have a knee-jerk reaction to the word 'fact'... it's a tool of 'the man'. ;) Hell, I'm livin' proof why you shouldn't do drugs when you're young. :hippie:

Sorry if I threw you a curve bro... carry on and speak your mind.
:cheers: Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
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New York, New York
Yeah man, i'm chill! I understand is all about personal choice and making the right decisions for yourself.

Knee jerk reaction, tell me about it. I feel the same way when people offer cautionary tales based just on their own fears and prejudices and hearsay. (Not talkin' about you, my friend).

So yeah, drugs (addiction) have ruined lots of lives, but so do wars and financial speculation amongst other things... you know? even LOVE can lead one down the path to ruin...

Now let's talk some Amplifier talk!!!



Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I'm 45 years old. I have only had beer and weed.

Then I snorted some rat poison and invented a time machine.

Best build I ever did, the soldering was awsome. It took me three times as long to do it but that doesn't matter because it's a fucking time machine... and I can build it without rat poison too.

Sure, if I was drunk, on Coke or Heroin I would have never even got in the dam thing.

I wouldn't advise everyone to this, it's just me. And remember, letting a 4 year old snort rat poison is about the same as running them over with a tank.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
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Sex, Liquor and Rock n' Roll!!! Fuck drugs... start using drugs in your 20's/30's if you want but I'd stay away from it!


New Member
Mar 21, 2011
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Hiya man!
I started drinking and taking drugs when I was your age. If I could go back and change things I would. I'm not saying that I didn't have some great times but it takes away your ability to focus on the important things in life like your family and your career and most importantly music! Don't give in to bullshit peer pressure.
Anyways if I was you I'd keep the head down and work on where you want to be in a few years. If I didn't get messed up on drugs I could have gone to college which is something I'm only looking into now 16 years later. By the way cigarettes & alcohol kill more people than anything else in the world. If you do decide to drink or anything else moderation is the key and try to be informed about how it can affect you.

Anyway like you said think of all the cool guitars or equipment you could get your hands on if you don't waste your money on booze and drugs.

Peace and keep rocking man!


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2009
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South East England.
I tried weed a couple of times as a kid and it did nothing for me. My mates used to buy it and get off their tits most of the time. I never saw the attraction and saved my money to buy amps and guitars. I just drank beer me!

Now grown up I have seen too many friends lose their friends/ familes and lives through drug use. I've seen dead drug users with needles hanging out their arms and the aftermath they leave behind. I also have a close family member who is now a paranoid fuck head due to years of cannabis abuse.

I'm not saying alcohol is any better but drugs seem to suck you in a lot quicker and fuck your life when you're not looking when compared to alcohol.