DSL40C having problems


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2018
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OK. This is not where I wanted this to go. It's not worth it.

That was just meant to be a friendly dig at @scozz :shrug:

I originally posted that the OP had put clues in his original post that pointed to either version. We all wanted clarification. The OP has now stated that in light of having MVs and MIDI, his DSL40 is the CR.

@Rick in HB, my advice is that your amp is too new to screw the warranty by doing home repairs. Get it to an authorised dealer or back to whoever sold it to you. Some of the fixes on these amps have been long winded and frustrating for people.
But first, check out a thread for DSL40CR faults (usually foot switching) and make sure yours doesn't have any of them. If it does, I would probably ask for a new one.
And don't be put off by the 40CR, they are great amps, and most owners have perfect working ones. (But the emulated out is universally crap!).

Here's a thread to start you off: http://www.marshallforum.com/threads/it-sucks-to-be-right-dsl40cr.102814/