DSL50H vs DSL100HR

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Feb 10, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic.

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2018
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There is no DSL50H. It's a JCM 2000 DSL 50. The DSL 100H and DSL 100HR are not JCM 2000 amps, but there is a JCM 2000 DSL 100. The JCM 2000 amps debuted I think in 1997, and the other DSL amps came after the JCM 2000 amps were discontinued. There were JCM 2000 DSL and TSL amps. Marshall kind of made a mess with all the DSL naming.


Well-Known Yinzer
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 7, 2020
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The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.
The 100HR is a master volume amp, it should get what you're looking for at any volume.
The 20HR only has channel volumes, and I'd say might not keep up with a loud band.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic.
Get a DSL100HR and a 2x12 cab, you will be happy. And welcome to the forum!

If by chance youre in the NJ area, a friend is downsizing and has a DSL100 and 2x12 cab for sale.

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Kinkless Tetrode

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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The DSL100HR can be operated at 50 watts. However, I think it does this by operating the output tubes in triode which is a slightly different tone. It's not necessarily a bad tone. It's good for going for a slightly spongy, "browner," tone. However, the DSL amps sound great with the master volume turned down so its not really a problem controlling volume with the 100 watt. There's not a huge difference in volume between 50 watts and 100 watts.

There is a 50 watt DSLHR in the form of the DSL40CR combo amp. ( It's really a 50 watt amp with two EL34 at 460 volts). Some have created a DSL40HR by having a head cab built for the chassis.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2023
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Melbourne, Australia.
The DSL100HR can be operated at 50 watts. However, I think it does this by operating the output tubes in triode which is a slightly different tone.

I'll correct you here, this was how some of older amps did it, the DSL HR units do it better. They have two different power supplies built in operating at different voltages to get different output from the same valve configuration. There is also a switching attenuator just before the phase inverter. Ideally it would be after the PI, but I honestly don't think it matters in the DSL range as there's clean headroom in the power stage at all volumes, all the grit comes from the preamp.

OP, if you already have a 1x12 then a DSL40CR might be a good fit. Personally I love the extra cab with mine and the combo does a fairly good impression of a Fender style unit on the Classic Clean channel. And frankly, with some efficient speakers 40W of Marshall is plenty.
Of course, you can also convert the combo into a head, there are products around to do just that.
All that said, many people prefer the 20HR tonally even of it's not quite as flexible. Add some efficient speakers and you might be very pleased.

Finally, have you considered a Studio series, or Victory amp?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
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"I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head"

Can't imagine getting happy with a DSL after playing that. Any DSL.

Why not go the Ceriatone route again? Chose a 50w model. It'll be plenty loud enough and just more pleasant than a(ny) DSL.


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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"I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head"

Can't imagine getting happy with a DSL after playing that. Any DSL.

Why not go the Ceriatone route again? Chose a 50w model. It'll be plenty loud enough and just more pleasant than a(ny) DSL.
I agree but Ceriatone will be more money(50 watts)and waiting period. Some of us(me)find waiting, traumatic.:ohno:

Plus the thread will drag on with everyone offering other choices.

I’d rather have a JCM52 all access. That suits my playville. I could have fun with a 100 watt DSL too. Finding the right speakers to stuff in a 212 is going to be a whole nuther thread.:naughty:


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2023
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There is a 50 watt DSLHR in the form of the DSL40CR combo amp. ( It's really a 50 watt amp with two EL34 at 460 volts). Some have created a DSL40HR by having a head cab built for the chassis.

I have a 40cr in a converted head. I barely play it but it's a damn flexible amp and in the head form it's only 37lbs. I bought it as a spare in case my other amp stops working.

The Vietnam amps are selling cheap used. Amazing because they are highly regarded in reviews and shootouts, even by some amp techs who have become famous on YouTube.

I've seen 100hr heads selling for under 700 on FB marketplace. The amps are fine but now the emphasis seems to be on buying "made in England" Marshalls.

Antti Heikkinen

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2020
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Since you're using pedals for dirt, how about an Origin 50 head? Stock it doesn't do very good drive sounds, has to be modded for those, but it's a loud 50w and takes pedals well, it's clearly lighter and a little smaller to haul than a full size head and it's way cheaper too.

I've modded both an Origin 20 and 50 and with the mod to make it have two preamp tubes it's a helluva rock amp indeed, I like it better than I ever did my numerous JCM800s.

Even if they were the same price I might go to Origin instead of a dls100. Not that it's any worse, it's just heavier and certainly so loud that it'll blow the roof off room with modern 102dB efficient speakers. The 50 should be plenty loud but probably also start getting some power amp sweet tone going at your playing levels. And you could get a backup one as well and still be at the same price range as a single Dsl.

Here you can get used Origin 50 heads at circa 350€.

I'd say it's worth checking out, at least.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2010
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Halifax, NS. Canada
The 100HR is a master volume amp, it should get what you're looking for at any volume.
The 20HR only has channel volumes, and I'd say might not keep up with a loud band.
I can run my DSL (UK) 100 just fine at bedroom levels.

Get the 50W (UK) DSL.


Active Member
Jun 22, 2019
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It's great for a loud band I use it in my band and are bass player has an SVT with 810s I can keep up no problem I run it A little less than halfway up and with a boost the leads come out killer


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Karl Brake

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2018
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Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic.
The HR works great at lower volumes, and no way feels choked at the half power setting. It's the best DSL, sound and feature wise, they've made IMHO. A solid rock machine. Just has a wimpy reverb.


Feb 10, 2024
Reaction score
I appreciate the responses. Please forgive my simple questions, as mentioned there a no DSL or JCM amps around here to check out or demo.

Regarding the The JCM2000 , is it considered a Master Volume type amp? I see volume and gain knobs for each channel. I do appreciate the Made In England touch.

The DSL40CR converted into a head is a cool idea. Something to consider.


New Member
Jan 1, 2024
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Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic.
There is another reason to buy new as you never know if the ohms were matched to a tube amp which can cause issues with transformer. Also I have bought a used Marshall before that sounded good when I got it and a few months did not sound good any more.

Cal Nevari

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic.
Greetings and welcome to forum! You're gonna love the Marshall sound irrespective of what you end up getting.

Having had the DSL100HR it should answer your needs. You can also use the 50W mode to play a bit quieter if you need to, so the 100W DSL offers you the best of both worlds. It will be plenty loud for you either way in the setting you describe so keep wearing those earplugs! I've not played a DSL50H and cannot comment on that but surely others on the forum have and will offer guidance.

Even though it's a two-channel amp and sounds great in its own right, it also takes pedals really well. Just a few bits of advice, though. First, you'll probably want to get the six-button foot switch to access all of the features of the amp. The two-button one that comes with the amp does not let you access all four modes, just the two channels. Second, you'll also probably want to get a 4x12 matching cab to get the full range of sound that you're looking for. Good to know this ahead of time.

Let us know what you decide on and how you like it!

Cal Nevari

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
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Since you're using pedals for dirt, how about an Origin 50 head? Stock it doesn't do very good drive sounds, has to be modded for those, but it's a loud 50w and takes pedals well, it's clearly lighter and a little smaller to haul than a full size head and it's way cheaper too.

I've modded both an Origin 20 and 50 and with the mod to make it have two preamp tubes it's a helluva rock amp indeed, I like it better than I ever did my numerous JCM800s.

Even if they were the same price I might go to Origin instead of a dls100. Not that it's any worse, it's just heavier and certainly so loud that it'll blow the roof off room with modern 102dB efficient speakers. The 50 should be plenty loud but probably also start getting some power amp sweet tone going at your playing levels. And you could get a backup one as well and still be at the same price range as a single Dsl.

Here you can get used Origin 50 heads at circa 350€.

I'd say it's worth checking out, at least.
This is excellent advice. Having played an Origin 50H for some time now it's my favorite "loud" amp. This post already lists the advantages but I should like to add that this head is going to be way lighter than a DSL100HR, about 25 pounds to 50. Dunno if that's a consideration but as I get older, lighter amps are nicer! True, you don't get two channels, but many find the Ultra Drive channel on the DSL 100HR and 40CR amps to be of minimal use. Even when I had both amps, I still used pedals out front to get dirty tones. That said, Crunch mode on the Classic Gain channel is magical. That's why people love these amps. If you get a 50W amp, then a 2x12 should be adequate. And you can get two Origin 50H amps for the price of one DSL100HR!


New Member
Feb 10, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.
Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic I bought DSL 2050 watt used about 20 years ago and it's the best sounding amp I have ever owned
I bought a DSL 2050 water about 20 years ago used and it's the best amp I have ever owned, hands down. good luck!

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