DSL50H vs DSL100HR

  • Thread starter DSL100HR-
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Jul 8, 2013
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Mountain Ranch Ca
Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic.
The DSL100HR has a 40W switch on it so you can play at 40W or 100W.

I bought mine for metal and I do not like it (it's for sale)

It is amazing though for classic rock. I think it will work well for what you have in mind.

Hope this helps.

Kinkless Tetrode

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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I'll correct you here, this was how some of older amps did it, the DSL HR units do it better. They have two different power supplies built in operating at different voltages to get different output from the same valve configuration. There is also a switching attenuator just before the phase inverter. Ideally it would be after the PI, but I honestly don't think it matters in the DSL range as there's clean headroom in the power stage at all volumes, all the grit comes from the preamp.
Thank you for the correction. That's good to know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2023
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Melbourne, Australia.
I bought mine for metal and I do not like it (it's for sale)

It is amazing though for classic rock. I think it will work well for what you have in mind.

Interesting. The 'Classic' players would say the DSL is great for high-gain but not so much for classic tones. Trying to be too many things to too many people, perhaps?


May 24, 2022
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Hi everyone. I am new here, and new to Marshall amps. I have owned countless amps over the years, (mostly vintage Fender) but its time for a Marshall.
I did own a Ceriatone 18W clone head about 10 years ago. Was pretty good but I let it go. I am back playing with some buddies in a garage again. We're a pretty loud buch. I have been wearing -25db molded earplugs. Full drum kit. Fellow guitarist has a 50W EVH combo. Upto this point when we jam, I have been micing a 12W Fender head with 1x12cab that I built myself. It sounds pretty sweet, yet I'm not 100% happy with it. I have little volume and gain control. I am using pedals for dirt. It has no balls and just 1 single tone knob. (Fender 6G2 circuit)

I am thinking I want to try a Marshall finally. For now I'll use a 1x12 cab until I get some more gig cash saved up! I do play and gig in a different acoustic based band. It pays for my sins. I have been doing some reading and watching YT videos. I was kinda leaning toward a 50W size, but I can hear the 100W indeed has more bottom end. It sounds fuller, thicker, warmer to my ears. Yet, these are just YT videos so the sound quality is questionable. I'm not particularly wanting to dive-in and pay a premium for a JCM 800 or 900. The JCM2000 has no master volume so that sorta drives me away. The current prices for a DSL100 is about the right budget number that I have in mind.

The DSL100 caught my attention. So did the DSL20. I think I prefer the latest HR version with the extra features. The main question I have is around volume. Is the DSL100HR tame-able, sounding decent at reasonable levels? I'm not talking bedroom levels here. In the garage with the boys, we can get pretty loud. I am considering the 20W, yet suspect the DSL20HR will leave me wanting more volume and bottom end.

I'm not into a combo. I prefer heads and cabs. I will seek out a 2x12 cab for use with whatever Marshall head I purchase. The DSL50 is tempting. I don't think there is DSL50HR offered? I have not seen one. Just a DSL50H. I believe I can run the DSL100HR at 50% power. I could experiment. I like the master volume feature. Yet if it sounds anemic when choked down to 50W, I'll be disappointed. I went to my two local music stores today with an itchy trigger finger. There were no DSL heads in stock of any size. I did give a DSL40CR a try, it sounded alright but the staff seemed a bit uptight about me cranking it up. Seeking local used options, there are no DSL heads around here to check out. I could be waiting a while for something to come up for sale. Bad GAS right now. Lol. I'll probably go brand new so I know the amp has fresh new caps and tubes.

We jam and play classic and modern hard rock type stuff. Van Halen, Green Day, Steve Miller, Blink 182, some of our own songs too. I'm pretty well versed with a soldering iron, amp building, repairs and maintenance.

I look forward to your comments and experience on this topic.
FYI, the DSL100H has a 50w setting. That's what I use and the volume is plenty loud. I get good bottom, mid and treb out of this head. I bought it used for $500 from a guitar center. Last time I looked they were still plentiful.
I run a 1960A cab I bought off a friend. Got a good deal on it too.
If I were gonna gig clubs or outdoors I'd use this one.
I do have 2 DSL20 Combos with ext cabs I practice with in my studio. Set up for stereo and they are plenty loud as well. I do think the DSL100 has a more full sound and is definitely more powerful.
The DSL20 comes in a head / cab set up as well. A friend has one and it's pretty impressive.
Still, I'd lean toward the DSL100 with a 2 or 4x12 cab for gigs.
This way there's no question about the sound. It's there!
Just my opinion and my experience with Marshall tube amps. Rock on!


Feb 10, 2024
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Seems like I can't go wrong with any of the models I listed. All have positive comments. Splitting hairs it seems on the various Marshall models.

I did bump into a Stock JCM900 50W 2x12. All stock with Celestion G12T-75 speakers. Its the Hi Gain Dual Reverb model with EL34 power tubes. About a 2 hr drive each way to even hear it. Difficult to know what to buy. So many models and none around here to test. Not a big deal, I do tend to go through amps over the years. Buy one, try one, try another. Sell one. Ya'll get it I'm sure.

Ken Bob

Active Member
May 18, 2019
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Seems like I can't go wrong with any of the models I listed. All have positive comments. Splitting hairs it seems on the various Marshall models.

I did bump into a Stock JCM900 50W 2x12. All stock with Celestion G12T-75 speakers. Its the Hi Gain Dual Reverb model with EL34 power tubes. About a 2 hr drive each way to even hear it. Difficult to know what to buy. So many models and none around here to test. Not a big deal, I do tend to go through amps over the years. Buy one, try one, try another. Sell one. Ya'll get it I'm sure.
Hi @DSL100HR- ,

I currently have a DSL100HR, as well as other Marshalls (and non-Marshalls). I bought it for rehearsals and gigging with a rock band I was in a few years ago. For your purposes it will be a great choice. If it were me, I'd pair it with a 4x12 cab, but I guess that's up to you. It's the most jack-of-all trades Marshall they've ever made, so whatever you're wanting to do with it, it'll work fine. In contrast, the JCM900 you mentioned will likely do one or two tones well, but won't cover all bases as well as the DSL. The master volumes work really well, so there's honestly zero need to worry about high/low power or any of that business. For the price, and for what you're wanting, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better choice.

I suppose the combos, or smaller DSLs will save you a few bucks, but if it were me, I'd just get the 100 watter and any decent 4x12 cab and be done with it.


Dec 30, 2023
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Regarding the The JCM2000 , is it considered a Master Volume type amp? I see volume and gain knobs for each channel. I do appreciate the Made In England touch

I think you should go with the DSL100HR. Very versatile amps. It has a 50watt mode and master volumes so it should be easier to tame.

I have the jcm2000 100 head which only has volumes per channel as you noticed... and it is really hard to tame (if you wanna play it on the switch spot) until I got a proper attenuator.. that cost me half the price of the amp, but now I am very happy with it.

Should it fail me one day, I will replace it with the DSLHR in a heartbeat. The master volumes addition on this latest version is really useful in order to drive the powertubes while lowering the channel volume to save your ears... I wish mine had that feature but as I said, I am happy with the attenuator now. My old combo DSL401 does have master volume for some reason (I wonder why the dsl heads didn't) and it is so much easier to achieve creamy OD sounds without the need of attenuator...


Feb 10, 2024
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I'm feeling like I am heading towards stagnation from too much information. Analysis paralysis on Marshall Amps.

After lots of JCM900 DR research I'm moving on from that option. Op-amp driven reverb, clipping diodes, brighter tone. It seems to be negatively viewed. The weakest of the JCM900 line.

Today at a local Pawn Shop I found a 2013 year JVM210H. With the original programmable footswitch. Looks good. Has the Marshall branded EL34 tubes. Asking price is about $888 US funds + tax. (I'm in Canada). They agreed to let me drop by an hour before closing this week, with my guitar and cab to demo it in store. I'm liking the YT demos I've watched on the JVM210H. A serious contender it seems,

Then there's a JCM2000 DSL100 I am tentatively booked to go view next week. I'm quite interested in trying it as there have been so many good comments. Asking price $750 USD. No tax. Private sale. I am ranking this one high currently.

I think I am ranking the latest DSL100HR in 3rd place at this moment. The reason is, I cannot locate any used options within a 3-4 hr drive one way. New-only seems to be my option here. A new one here in my town is about $1,125 USD + tax. It sounds like a great amp, yet I rarely buy any gear as new. Always shopping the used gear for deals.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2023
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Melbourne, Australia.
Sounds like a solid plan to me. The JVM210H is everything the DSL100HR is and then a little something more, I'd love to have one myself, just not prepared to spend twice what the DSL40CR cost me on a head... I'm a cheapskate.

Go get 'em.


Active Member
Oct 31, 2022
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100W DSL offers you the best of both worlds. It will be plenty loud for you either way in the setting you describe so keep wearing those earplugs! [..]
you'll also probably want to get a 4x12 matching cab to get the full range of sound that you're looking for.
I second the advice to absolutely wear earplugs.

...But I also wonder: where does the "Mystic Holy Grail Tone" that everybody searches go ?
We spend hours and hours chatting and rapping around "thump", "low end", "high end" and everything in between ... and at the end we put corks in our ears !? 😮


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I'm feeling like I am heading towards stagnation from too much information. Analysis paralysis on Marshall Amps.
This is where you either try the amp in person at store or demo it bought and delivered, knowing that you may send it back. Some of us have tight schedules and work at night, sleep during the day. Ya do it how you need too.

Look forward to hearing about the amps you put your hands/ears on. Solid way to know.

If I didn't own a 5150 Iconic 80 watt head(think hot rodded 800 using green od channel)for hard rock already, I'd get a DSL100HR. Especially for garage jams.

I have love/hate relationships with DSL's from the JCM 2000 DSL50(board took a shit after a year and some), to my DSL40C. Some days they good, some nah. Never had an amp irritate me as much tone wise. Including tube and speaker changes.lol It could be my ears get buggered and the amps are slick every time.:shrug: I do play loudly.

Put your hands and ears on the amp. Unstagnate!
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2018
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You might look up the JCM 2000's runaway bias problems. JVM210 has independent channels
I'm feeling like I am heading towards stagnation from too much information. Analysis paralysis on Marshall Amps.

After lots of JCM900 DR research I'm moving on from that option. Op-amp driven reverb, clipping diodes, brighter tone. It seems to be negatively viewed. The weakest of the JCM900 line.

Today at a local Pawn Shop I found a 2013 year JVM210H. With the original programmable footswitch. Looks good. Has the Marshall branded EL34 tubes. Asking price is about $888 US funds + tax. (I'm in Canada). They agreed to let me drop by an hour before closing this week, with my guitar and cab to demo it in store. I'm liking the YT demos I've watched on the JVM210H. A serious contender it seems,

Then there's a JCM2000 DSL100 I am tentatively booked to go view next week. I'm quite interested in trying it as there have been so many good comments. Asking price $750 USD. No tax. Private sale. I am ranking this one high currently.

I think I am ranking the latest DSL100HR in 3rd place at this moment. The reason is, I cannot locate any used options within a 3-4 hr drive one way. New-only seems to be my option here. A new one here in my town is about $1,125 USD + tax. It sounds like a great amp, yet I rarely buy any gear as new. Always shopping the used gear for deals.

Maybe helpful in deciding. Some of the JCM 2000 amps have had runaway bias issues requiring a new main board or creative repair to fix it. Especially (but not exclusively) the DSL 100's. And a JVM210H has full independent channels, where the JCM 2000 DSL 100 has shared eq. And the shared eq requires heavy tweaking when switching channels on the DSL 100/50.
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Jan 28, 2022
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I can tell you from experience that the DSL20HR absolutely cannot hang with a band playing at proper levels. My little guy got swallowed up instantly and sounded pretty crap running wide open, compared to the channel volumes backed off a bit. Probably just the nature of being designed for a more pre-amp driven gain and quieter playing than getting dirty from sending the power section into fission.

As noted above DSL != DSL != DSL. Marshall has royally muddied those waters. The modern lineup of DSL20/100HR (or combo) and DSL40C are very separate animals than the JCM200 DSLs. I'm a staunch defender of the modern DSLs (especially the 40 and 100) because they do a lot of things very well at a decent price point, and have really good control options with midi implementation, which is a must for me. That said, the JCM2000 amps are going to sound a little more straightforward and open, in my experience. Just different flavors.

Either way, don't get a 20W amp for this gig. Buy used, and I'd you find a JCM2000 TSL for the same or similar price, get it! TSLs absolutely rule.

Edit: just saw the comment about the JVM. For $888 either buy it and keep it or turn around and sell at a profit, those are amazing amps. My rig has been a JVM205H and a Carvin 4x12 for a few years now and I've tried lots of things to see if I can beat it, and just can't. There's been maybe one amp that beat it on raw tone, but just a singular tone, and had no reasonable options to be as easily controllable as the JVM. If you're doing covers and need/desire to hit multiple tones easy, that's your ticket. Especially if you pair it with something like an HX Effects.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2017
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I second the advice to absolutely wear earplugs.

...But I also wonder: where does the "Mystic Holy Grail Tone" that everybody searches go ?
We spend hours and hours chatting and rapping around "thump", "low end", "high end" and everything in between ... and at the end we put corks in our ears !? 😮
That's what flat response musicians earplugs are for. Sounds the same just quieter.


Feb 10, 2024
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Today I demo'd the JVM210H at the Pawnshop. I just had my 1x12 cab. It sounded very good. It roared and ike a Lion King squealed like a his Queen. Clean, crunch, classic Rock, Hard rock, and Metal tones all in one it seems. My ears are not dialed in to Marshalls yet but, day-um that amp sounded great. The Reverb was considerably better than a new DSL40CR that I tried at the music store last weekend. Much better. We came to a very favourable agreed sell price. I decided to sleep on it. The seller was a real decent, good guy to deal with.

Whatever I purchase, I'll build my own 2x12 replica Marshall cab.


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