Fedex is a joke

  • Thread starter Maggot Brain
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Karl Brake

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2018
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Their workers don't have a union, and notoriously brutal in their demands for productivity.
O.k. b**mer ... Sorry guys I had too!

To reiterate, my displeasure with FedEx isn't because one package is late, it's the fact the last 4 of 5 Fedex deliveries have been while 9 other packages shipped via other services (USPS, Amazon and DHL) had not only arrived in a mere 2.5-4 days but all arrived on the scheduled delivery date. It's not that the FedEx deliveries were a mere few days late but 3 of them pushing 2 weeks total between shipping and delivery. The one I am waiting on has only been in transit 8 days which isn't the end of the world but when all other services deliver my packages consistently at half the time and/or providing more information on whats going on when late, I think it's worth mentioning.

Late packages is not a big deal but when you pay for a service and repeatedly get sub par results, it's definitely disappointing and worth mentioning imo. If it isn't made known that a particular company/brand provides poor service for a paid premium, how could we, the customers, keep them "honest"


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
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These companies move a lot of shit.
For the amount of shit they move, I think they do very good.

With all the used junk sold on ebay type websites, we as a nation have found a way to sell and send our trash in the mail accross the country.

I order a 4x12 Marshall cab from GC.
Manager told me that they would not use UPS. Sending by truck is his stores choice. He claims too many problems with UPS in the past with big items.

I paid $36.47 for shipping a cab worth $180. Seems very fair. $227 Total price for VS412

Now........ what he hell does a truck shipment cost?
Not sure the cab doesn't cost them money to get rid of.

No worries here.
They will call when it gets to the local store.

Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Seattle, Washington
Their workers don't have a union, and notoriously brutal in their demands for productivity.

I don't doubt some if not all the employees work hard, with unobtainable quota but my issue lies in the incompetence of the company as a whole. Their system is obviously broken and it's pretty obvious it's a consistent issue. You can take 15 minutes and look over the FedEx sub-reddit and see a pattern. Packages routinely get stuck at one location on their poor shipping infrastructure AND it's usually the same hubs that this issue happens. The Redmond facility being one of the worse along with Tracy CA and Troutsdale OR... All west coast and these are the most consistent trouble hubs. With some time and research it's obvious they have a major issue with ground shipping on the west coast of the USA.

As I stated, a late package is no biggie and in a sense is to be expected time to time BUT why I voice my opinion is because this isn't happening on the scale or constancy with the other big shippers. This is a issue that I've experienced time and time again when an item is shipped via FedEx which leaves me wondering why does anyone use them and how are they staying alive as a business? Most likely because people don't vote with their doller in large scale and THIS is why it continues to be a problem. If this is consistently happening and no way says a word about it then why should FedEx or any company raise their standards? If they can get away with providing a sub par service for a premium price and no one calls it out then what motivation do they have to improve? If anything they will continue to provide the least amount of service they can still profit off of and continue to drop their quality to maximize profits. If no one does anything about it or says anything about it then why should they care?

Should we pay money for poor service and just deal with it simply because standards were lower 40+ years ago? If that was the case then we would NEVER progress as a society.

"Spoiled rotten kids today complaining when they pay a premium for bus fair and the bus driver continously misses their stop... Back in my day we didn't even have horse and carriages! We had to walk 17 days into town bare foot in the snow!... Up hill! Both ways! Ungrateful spoiled kids!"

That's b00m3r logic if I've ever seen it.

Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Seattle, Washington
Fedex & UPS just merged to become one single company, called "FedUp".
That's exactly how I'm feeling too!

No package and no update, 7 days past the scheduled delivery date.

I'm considering it gone at this point as I spoke to them again and all I got was "wait until January 3rd before you have a lost package filed" so eh... pretty annoying.

Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Seattle, Washington
So Wednesday it updated briefly and said "Tendered to authorized agent for final delivery" which generally means it's handed off to a 3rd party for the "last mile" and briefly said had a scheduled delivery date of "Friday 12/30" but then reverted back to pending.
Today it had another arrival scan back to the same Redmond facility (wtf?) Then shortly after that updated with "On FedEx vehicle for delivery" and giving my a scheduled delivery date of today.

I have no idea why it updated on Wednesday and said "Tendered to authorized agent for delivery" then seems to return back to the facility. The update came the day after I called CS so maybe it had something to do with that (forcing or faking a scan? To "show" movement?)

Crossing my fingers it arrives.

Scumback Speakers

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2016
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Los Angeles, Ca
Well, it says it's out for delivery as of 8:20 MST...crossing my fingers for you! Make sure to check the box for damage, etc since it's been handled for a week longer than it should have been, ok?

Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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Seattle, Washington
It arrived safe and sound this afternoon.

I'm not sure what's up with some of these FedEx facilities but there is definitely issues. My sister who lives in Oregon works for Intel and has use of the FedEx account for occasional person shipping. She sent a package to a friend up in Washington (probably 2 hours from her) and it took 8 days to arrive... So FedEx is definitely struggling.


Well, it says it's out for delivery as of 8:20 MST...crossing my fingers for you! Make sure to check the box for damage, etc since it's been handled for a week longer than it should have been, ok?
Yes I checked it over first thing and once in the car opened it and inspected the speaker. The box was pretty much in perfect condition, no dents or dings etc so I do give FedEx props in that regard.

Spending the evening with my son and going to load it in my cab. It will now he loaded with 2 H55-PVCs and 2 Eminence Wizards, can't wait!

Thanks Jim, your speakers always impress me!

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
Say it isn't so!

Please don't tell me that FedEx is just another American conglomerate of people who want to do the least amount of work for the most money. :eek:

That would just be shocking. :ohno:

IDK why DHL isn't more popular. I never had a bad experience with them. UPS & FedEx however, do tend to deliver my items in crushed boxes.
I had the worst experience w/ DHL...

Hopefully never have to use them again.
cringe... I just bought something & guess who they are using...


It does show that they will deliver it to USPS & they will actually do the delivery...

Well, I just hope for the best... :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
It's the whole world fellas. Most people are shitheads anymore, and don't care about anything. Including FedEx and ups.

"F you for making me work" type attitude is abundant. It's like they don't make the connection that if you weren't using the service they wouldn't have that job.

It used to be people took pride in what they did, and providing good service was the goal, and the source of that pride. No more. It's pathetic. It's everywhere.
That's it in a nutshell.

It's too bad about Fedex, they used to be the best.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
I generally stick with USPS. I know they are not perfect but overall I give them high marks still.
Never really had a problem with any of them though...but then again I don't order that much stuff.
Some people are constantly getting stuff delivered.