UPS sucks (slight return)

  • Thread starter Maggot Brain
  • Start date
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Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
that sounds similar to what happened to me. Is it waiting to ship from the EU? or is it somewhere local & just not showing movement?

that 's BS/sucks.

I'd call & bitch a bit.

I'm going to call by Monday, I just recieved an update that the delivery date is now unknown again and that the package is awaiting final release from "clearing agency" which I imagine is some form of customs. It does not say if it's state side customs or not, knowing my luck it's clearing export customs... One week since it was shipped and appears to not have even left the origin country.

UPS sucks

I like the carrier pigeon idea, I would not doubt it would he much more reliable.

Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
Big update!!!!

It just arrived in Cologne, Germany after one week.... This is being shipped UPS "expedited":facepalm:

I'm just baffled, this is comically slow, one week to exit the origin country? This will be the last time I ever accept UPS. I've received 2 packages from northeast UK before this has even made it to the next country.:erk:


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
Reaction score
I usually have worse service w/ FedEx & DHL was the worst. Seems like last time though UPS took forever delivering a pedal. Maybe they don't like pedals... or... they like them & have to play w/ them for a few days before moving them along... :shred:

I had ordered a specialty lens from So Korea. The lens by today's standards, would be around $5K (used). I paid for overnight from SoKo.

1st thing that happened, the guy shipped it out, but DHL forgot to include the customs papers on the flight. So, the lens arrived into LAX, but, no paperwork, so, either it had to be confiscated, or stored by DHL & the paperwork flown over next available flight to catch up to the package.

So much for overnight. I paid $100 for shipping. So, now, they ship the customs forms over & theoretically, the lens would continue it's progress.

It ended up causing more confusion & now it got stuck in customs. Now being Friday (it was supposed to be delivered on Wed), it was going to sit in customs over the weekend. I figure, ok, Mon or Tues. Nope...

I end up calling on Wed., & am livid. But, that wasn't the end of it. When I called, they informed me, that they lost my package & can't locate it, which is why I hadn't received it yet.

I ended up having to call the seller in SoKo, he got on the phone & the next day, the President of DHL SoKo called me personally & apologized profusely. He said that he rattled some cages, they located the package & it was on it's way (Thurs). He then told me, that he'd refund my shipping, since overnight turned into a week plus, plus a cacophony of errors & apologized again...

Ok, so, I'm not around, & I tell my Mother to watch out for it for me, so she goes over & babysits the house specifically watching for my package.

It never came. I look online & it says "delivery attempt #1 made - no one home", which was BS, because she was there, w/ her knitting, watching for them to come & they never came.

The next day, I took off work, because a buddy of mine, worked at the Getty Museum. He has put in his 2 weeks notice & this Friday would be his last day. He set up a once in a lifetime tour for me, to come & get a behind the scenes tour, that would give me all access, w/ my camera, that the public have no access to.

I called Thursday & bitched, so they said that I'd get the lens 1st thing in the AM. I didn't want to have my Mother come over & babysit again, so I figured, I'd wait, until the lens got here & then go out to the tour.

I wait, & wait, & no one shows up. It's now around noon & I go look at their site & it says "delivery #2 attempted - no one home".

Now, I'm pissed & am feeling like violent rage. They tell me that, the driver might be in the area & they'll get back to me. I wait... & wait... a couple hours go by & now, it's getting too late to do the tour. I call again & ask WTF?

The girl says she'll look into it. I never heard back, so at around 5 PM, I called again, this time yelling at the girl.

They ended up having a guy, come by, after work, deliver it on his way home.

He seemed put out & thought that I was a drama queen, until I told him the story, then he apologized & understood.

Not too long after that, there was a news story that DHL weren't going to be operating for business in So CA any longer.

IDK what the deal was, but, I see them around now days.

But, this was the most frustrating ordeal I have ever had. Whenever ordering from overseas, I always tell them not to use DHL...

My problem w/ FedEx, is that they do so much BS w/ the USPS, that you never know if it's coming through them, or the USPS & it causes a lot of delays...

They all suck... :shrug:

I might have said that the door cam never recorded anyone delivering. Even if you don't have one, they don't know that, plus they lied about it being delivered.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
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I'm sure you've all heard the old joke that goes like this: UPS and FedEx are merging - the new company will now be called FedUp !


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
Reaction score
Brace yourself

In Transit 03/12/2021 6:12 P.M. Lummen, Belgium
Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/12/2021 5:48 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/11/2021 6:04 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/11/2021 5:55 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/10/2021 6:35 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/10/2021 6:34 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/09/2021 6:09 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/09/2021 6:03 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/08/2021 6:08 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/08/2021 6:05 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/05/2021 6:10 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/05/2021 6:06 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/04/2021 6:18 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/04/2021 6:18 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

03/04/2021 6:17 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/03/2021 6:25 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/03/2021 6:25 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

03/03/2021 6:25 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/02/2021 5:44 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/02/2021 5:44 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

03/02/2021 5:39 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/01/2021 6:38 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/01/2021 6:38 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

03/01/2021 6:30 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/26/2021 6:32 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/26/2021 6:30 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/26/2021 6:25 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/25/2021 6:42 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/25/2021 6:35 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/24/2021 6:19 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/24/2021 6:09 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/23/2021 6:34 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/23/2021 6:33 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/23/2021 6:26 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/22/2021 5:52 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/22/2021 5:52 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

02/22/2021 5:50 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/19/2021 5:48 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

02/19/2021 5:44 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/18/2021 10:03 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/18/2021 10:02 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

02/17/2021 7:23 P.M. - Your package was released by the customs agency.

02/17/2021 6:13 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Origin Scan

02/17/2021 1:42 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Pickup Scan

02/17/2021 11:51 A.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is currently at the UPS Access Point™ and ready to be returned to UPS.

02/17/2021 11:51 A.M. Lummen, Belgium Drop-Off
Past Event Shipped 02/16/2021 7:14 P.M. -
Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.

Past Event Label Created 02/16/2021 7:14 P.M. Belgium
Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
Reaction score
Sometimes it's best just to walk away for a day or so. Planes, trains, and ships don't move until they are loaded.

You can't make it go any faster than it already is, plus the world still isn't back to normal, whatever that is !

Maggot Brain

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
Brace yourself

In Transit 03/12/2021 6:12 P.M. Lummen, Belgium
Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/12/2021 5:48 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/11/2021 6:04 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/11/2021 5:55 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/10/2021 6:35 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/10/2021 6:34 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/09/2021 6:09 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/09/2021 6:03 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/08/2021 6:08 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/08/2021 6:05 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/05/2021 6:10 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/05/2021 6:06 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/04/2021 6:18 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/04/2021 6:18 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

03/04/2021 6:17 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/03/2021 6:25 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/03/2021 6:25 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

03/03/2021 6:25 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/02/2021 5:44 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/02/2021 5:44 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

03/02/2021 5:39 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

03/01/2021 6:38 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

03/01/2021 6:38 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

03/01/2021 6:30 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/26/2021 6:32 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/26/2021 6:30 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/26/2021 6:25 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/25/2021 6:42 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/25/2021 6:35 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/24/2021 6:19 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/24/2021 6:09 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/23/2021 6:34 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/23/2021 6:33 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/23/2021 6:26 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/22/2021 5:52 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/22/2021 5:52 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

02/22/2021 5:50 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/19/2021 5:48 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

02/19/2021 5:44 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Warehouse Scan

02/18/2021 10:03 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is delayed due to a Brexit related disruption. We are adjusting delivery plans as quickly as possible.

02/18/2021 10:02 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package has cleared customs and will be placed on the next available departure.

02/17/2021 7:23 P.M. - Your package was released by the customs agency.

02/17/2021 6:13 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Origin Scan

02/17/2021 1:42 P.M. Lummen, Belgium Pickup Scan

02/17/2021 11:51 A.M. Lummen, Belgium Your package is currently at the UPS Access Point™ and ready to be returned to UPS.

02/17/2021 11:51 A.M. Lummen, Belgium Drop-Off
Past Event Shipped 02/16/2021 7:14 P.M. -
Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.

Past Event Label Created 02/16/2021 7:14 P.M. Belgium
Shipper created a label, UPS has not received the package yet.

Is this for real??? Haha sounds about right tho!

My pedal finally arrived in Seattle this morning so perfect timing for the weekend, Monday is estimated delivery date.

FedUp is right, almost 2 weeks, I guess it ain't too horrible but the fact my packages of varying sizes arrive from U.K. in days by a seperate company is what boggles me.