Getting Older Sucks (at times)!

  • Thread starter Derek S
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Cheyenne, Wyoming
Getting old does suck Derek, you are right about that.
For most of my life I have been 6 foot tall & weighed 185 pounds.
Nowadays...5' 11" & 153 pounds.
Being forgetful about whatever I'm doing is one of my biggest worries.
My eyes still work good when I can find my glass'.
I still eat good when my teeth fit tight.
I can probably only run a 1/4 mile at full speed but, full speed is alot slower & I know I'd fall over dead at the end.
On a better note, during this past year I have beaten a stage 4 cancer & have realized the wisdom of taking time to stop & smell the roses.
All of us old rockers must remember this:
Youth & exuberance is no match for age & treachery!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2015
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I'm in pretty good physical shape, I guess. I went to my 50th HS reunion last summer and while a lot of us looked pretty OK, a lot of us - maybe I should say "a lot of THEM" - looked like they had one foot in the grave. Since that reunion, two of my classmates have passed. One of them was a former bandmate. Reality keeps it real.

I notice parts of me seem much older than others. Back and knees, for example. One thing that causes me some frustration and resentment is that it's very obvious any dings or nicks take a lot longer to heal. I fell on some ice last winter and the impact points still ache at times.

Another thing that bugs is when the doctor says something like "You're doing well... for a guy your age." Please, Doc, I want to know about doing well without it being in relative terms. Couldn't you have just shut up after "You're doing well"?

Matthews Guitars

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Testosterone Replacement Therapy. I highly recommend it. It's been important to my fitness program.

The twig and berries are working quite well again, too. Not that I was having any functional problems with them,
it was just a matter of there being less desire to make them function. Interested, but less often.

That's no longer the case. :naughty:

Biff Maloy

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2019
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I've noticed I've started doing old man things. Little shit where my attention and in tune to my surroundings are not quite as good as they used to be. One example: While watching my dogs play after i got home from work. They were excited and happy. I was laughing at them.....hahahahaha. The problem was I was standing right in the middle of a fire ant bed for several minutes.

Gene Ballzz

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2013
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Las Vegas, NV
I've noticed I've started doing old man things. Little shit where my attention and in tune to my surroundings are not quite as good as they used to be. One example: While watching my dogs play after i got home from work. They were excited and happy. I was laughing at them.....hahahahaha. The problem was I was standing right in the middle of a fire ant bed for several minutes.

I guess my "olds timers" disease started kicking in years ago. About 40-ish years ago at an outdoor Blue Oyster Cult concert, my best friend kept shouting at me (couldn't hear what he was saying do to the volume and being well inebriated) while standing for several minutes in the middle of a smoldering campfire! I thought he was shouting something about the band being "ON FIRE" but instead, it was me! :wow:
Ahhh, Youth!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
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Calgary, Alberta
I've just turned 70.

Last year I bought an SV20C because it was lighter than my DSL40CR. Shit man, when did my back get that bad?

After a lifetime of playing in rock bands, shooting, riding loud motorcycles, I knew my hearing was kinda shot, but wasn't willing to admit how shot. Soon after I got the SV20, I rolled the knobs up just for fun (at band practice). It was attenuated so not stupid loud. But, everyone is staring at me. "What?". 'Don't you hear that loud squeal?'. "Nope". Rolled back the presence and that fixed it. But, seriously, I didn't hear it at all.
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Dean Swindell

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2017
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There's a handful of aging/seasoned rockers here, thought it might be fun to share any getting older sucks anecdotes you may have (not the "I spend just as much time shaving my nose and ears hair these days as my chin" but the embarrassing variety.

In the last few weeks I've had a couple vision goofs. Yesterday my gf went to the zoo, I couldn't get off work but she took her daughter anyway. She texted me a few pics (she knew I really wanted to go), the first shot was a baby giraffe sitting at attention, I replied to her "awww, it's cute, but wtf is wrong with its skin?" She answers back "Dummy! Put your glasses on...that's a statue, we're just entering the exhibit!" :eek: :lol:

A few weeks ago I guess I thought I could pay for a movie in Best Buy with my Kroger's shoppers card (it's the same color as my debit card)...the young guy at the register had a good laugh so I gave him the "just wait, sonny" bit lol.
Getting old. Life is that second week of November and we are the jack-o-lanterns. Now, whenever I'm not in a band or a pandemic forces me into lockdown my vocal chops go straight to hell and t's so damn much work to get it back.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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A healthy life is nothing else than the slowest way of dying. Can't remember who said that, but it's a good excuse for pretty much everything.

Reminds me of an interview with Keith Richards I saw once. The interviewer asked him something to the tune of "So, Keith, we've seen that Mick is in great shape for this tour. He's doing a lot of running, cardio workouts, fitness, healthy lifestyle and it shows. What do you do to keep up?". Keith: [looks around almost embarassed] "I ... just show up. I play guitar with the Rolling Stones, isn't that enough?".


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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My eyes still work good when I can find my glass'.

I keep losing my glass. In fact, I skip the glass unless I need to mix the drink. The problem is when you lose the bottle. ;)

I must say, I chuckled lightly when I read your comment. I re-read your signature and laughed wholeheartedly! WTAF :thumb:

Norfolk Martin

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Jan 29, 2013
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What I've noticed about being an old musician/sound guy (63 in my case)

[1] You care more about the weight of your gear, and less about how cool it looks
[2] When someone says " who's going on first" you volunteer so you won't end up playing at 1:30 am
[3] When a young musician friend asks if you'll help with some wiring in his studio, but looks at you like you're crazy when you reply "sure, I'll be around tomorrow morning between 8:30 and 9. "
[4] when you are sure that if it's too loud, it's not because you're too old... it's just too loud.
[5] Being unable to show up with the correct picks, pedals, cables etc., unless you made a list beforehand.
[6] When someone suggests that you need a new gizmo for the PA, you respond " Look....this PA has been working perfectly well for 20 years without one of those, and I don't see why it suddenly needs one now."
[7] Realising that younger musicians regard most of the gear you bought brand new as "vintage."
[8] After 40 years of owning a "Les Paul," the name suddenly slips you mind, and you have to tell someone to try "the other guitar" on a take.
[9] never being able to find you beer during rehearsal
[10] Forgetting what number 10 on the list was going to be. ........


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2021
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Auburn, CA
I'm 54. Like Don said years of loud motorcycles, guitars, concerts, shooting guns + working in a machine shop have taken a serious toll on my hearing. The motorcycles and other activities have left me with twelve broken bones, two metal plates, thirteen screws and numerous torn ligaments. I feel all of them now.

That last Thrash Metal concert I went buddy is 39 and he wanted to be up front in the pit. It was a like being in a rugby scrum for 5 hours. I felt like I was thrown from a moving car the next day. Not doing that again. And I forgot my ear plugs. My ears were ringing all day.

I look in the mirror and go "who's this old guy?"

That said, I'd do it all over again and wouldn't change a thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
There's a handful of aging/seasoned rockers here, thought it might be fun to share any getting older sucks anecdotes you may have (not the "I spend just as much time shaving my nose and ears hair these days as my chin" but the embarrassing variety.

In the last few weeks I've had a couple vision goofs. Yesterday my gf went to the zoo, I couldn't get off work but she took her daughter anyway. She texted me a few pics (she knew I really wanted to go), the first shot was a baby giraffe sitting at attention, I replied to her "awww, it's cute, but wtf is wrong with its skin?" She answers back "Dummy! Put your glasses on...that's a statue, we're just entering the exhibit!" :eek: :lol:

A few weeks ago I guess I thought I could pay for a movie in Best Buy with my Kroger's shoppers card (it's the same color as my debit card)...the young guy at the register had a good laugh so I gave him the "just wait, sonny" bit lol.

Shaving your nose/ear hair isn't embarrassing? :shock:

Thankfully, that's one old guy thing I don't have to deal with! At least not yet..:lol:


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
Testosterone Replacement Therapy. I highly recommend it. It's been important to my fitness program.

The twig and berries are working quite well again, too. Not that I was having any functional problems with them,
it was just a matter of there being less desire to make them function. Interested, but less often.

That's no longer the case. :naughty:
I'm on the cusp of doing that..If I might ask, what kind of therapy are you doing? I had started one before we went to Scotland, and it was a vitamin-based thing. I stopped in May because we went overseas and I didn't want the possible hassle from customs for carrying a buttload of pills and capsules in my luggage..Time to get back on track.

But I was wondering if there is other alternative replacement therapies other than vitamin-based?

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