I hate my DSL40C

  • Thread starter cecil1
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2011
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OP - You bought the wrong amp!

It's not junk; return it and get one that is right for you.

End of story.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2011
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Considering this post is from last year, I wonder whatever happened to the OP? He left us hanging.

His hyper-reactionary posts were pretty funny, though.


New Member
May 12, 2013
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You guys are starting to piss me off. I KNOW when something sounds good, and when is doesn't. The damn things sounds muffled and mudddy, and any other changes I make to clean it up give it a tinty sound. I mean Jesus Christ, get off I haven't been playing long, ears adjusting to tube amp, etc. The things sounds like shit. Period!

You know what? Some guys on here have that amp and like it. I doubt they agree with you when you talk shit about it, and you may even be offending them. If you want their help, don't be an asshole.

You catch more flies with sugar, darling.


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Apr 29, 2010
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Haters gonna hate. the OP hasn't been back, so it may have just been an attention-seeking troll, maybe not. No sense in propagating negative threads...

Lets just let this one die.


Sep 5, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia
I had this amp for 5 weeks now. My first tube amp. Was super excited to get it. I for the life on me cannot get the sound I like. I have spent countless hours adjusting, and readjusting. I keep hearing about Marshall tones, great sound, etc. Well it isn't coming from this amp. I just can't seem to get rid of the muddy, muffled sound. Go the other way, and I get the hated tinty sound. I had 3 different people try to adjust this thing and we are all scratching our heads. Bought a Metal Muff pedal, hoping this would help. Nope. My nephews damn Line Six sounds better than this Marsahll. I play a Gibson Les Paul and like classic rock. Shouldn't be that hard to come up with the sound I like. Well it is.

I think most people on this forum are waaay to polite. With 19 posts its obvious this guy is a troll. Inflammatory comments like "liking a a Line 6 better" should make it bleeding obvious. Who gets three different people to adjust an amp and what in the dickens is "tinty".

The fact is that there is no situation where someone buys a new amp and finds it sounding like shit and is not able to take steps to return it or have it repaired. I can think of no new amp on the market that sounds as bad as this poster has made this amp sound. You don't just cry like a baby in a Marshall forum you get something fixed.

The fact is the Marshall DSL 40c is one of the nicest sounding amps you can buy. I have one. When I heard it in the store I couldnt wait to pay for it and bring it home. Four months after buying it I have an even higher opinion of it. From what I hear it is actually in short supply because of the amazing demand for it. So it appears that lots of other people agree with me.

So to the original troll, here is what I wish to say to you. I dont believe you. I don't believe you even own this amp. In fact I believe you barely know how to play. You do however take pleasure in trolling. Maybe if you spent more time practicing you would get more enjoyment from your instrument.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Don't agree with that last post at all. I have heard many 100 watt Amps with good master volumes that sound far superior to the 15 watt stuff at low volume. Many of these high gain amps today aren't even built for power amp distortion. It's simpy not true that you can't get a good LOUD amp that also sounds good at low volume. That hasn't been the case for a long time.

Of course there's exceptions to that...my 100w egnater sounds pretty good at low volumes....but it sounds MUCH better when its pushed hard. The point is...if you want good tones at low volumes, buy a low wattage amp. Either that or buy an attenuator.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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New England
Red flag... long gone OP is using the ultra channel with a metal pedal looking for a classic tone? I really don't think he knows how to use an amp. He made an impulse buy, did not do the necessary research and deserves what he thinks he hears. I played thru one and stuffed a SD-1 in front of the classic channel and it sounded good. Ultra gain ch is best when the gain is trimmed down as mentioned. This also hold true on the older DSL's. He's better off with a Line 6 modeling amp.


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I know this is an old thread but I'm convinced the OP got a bad one out of the box.

I just got one without demoing it first from Sweetwater and it sounds like my DSL50 out of the box. I got useable tones with no issues stock.

I can get rock out of all 3 channels. I hate modern gain voicings and this will do it but it will do more vintage tones too. I like how others took a shit on the model, others stated it must be the wrong amp or it's too modern for what you want. I think he got a bad one.

I made this clip using the ultra lead 2 dialed for Classic Marshall rock. This is the heaviest channel doing Classic Marshall rock tone...at 1 on the volume knob hehe. I'm not saying its awesome. I'm saying its far from shit and I would be happy using this tone anywhere.

Cecil got a turd and should have taken it back for one that works or a refund. Muffled should have been the clincher. What DSL sounds muffled unless phucked up or running a totally shit EQ setting...none that I've ever played/owned. Were the 2012's a shit run cause I see some issues with them?

Anyways I did this so any one who comes across this thread can listen to a working DSL40C stock out of the box.

[ame=http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=G1LpXmlarw0]DSL 40c straight in to lead 2 gain low. - YouTube[/ame]


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
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I too had a bad experience when I first tried a new DSL. I tried one of the DSL15 heads at the local Guitar Center. Sounded awful, no matter how it was tweaked. Plus, all of the controls didn't seem all that dynamic. Almost all the way off between 0-5, or all the way on between 5-10. Lots of people seem to love them...I wasn't impressed. But, since they didn't have another one in stock to compare it to, I'm just going to say that maybe that particular one was made at 3:30 on a Friday. However, after that experience, I wouldn't chance dropping that kind of money on one without playing it first.
If it's not too late to return it (most of the reputable online guys have a 45 day return policy), I'd send it back. Again, alot of people like them, but if you don't, then why keep it?
If it's a true classic rock sound you're after, might I suggest (cringing because I know my computer is going to burst into flames from the negative comments) an Orange OR15? Same money, and a classic rock tone monster, in my opinion.
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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I too had a bad experience when I first tried a new DSL. I tried one of the DSL15 heads at the local Guitar Center. Sounded awful, no matter how it was tweaked. Plus, all of the controls didn't seem all that dynamic. Almost all the way off between 0-5, or all the way on between 5-10. Lots of people seem to love them...I wasn't impressed. But, since they didn't have another one in stock to compare it to, I'm just going to say that maybe that particular one was made at 3:30 on a Friday. However, after that experience, I wouldn't chance dropping that kind of money on one without playing it first.
If it's not too late to return it (most of the reputable online guys have a 45 day return policy), I'd send it back. Again, alot of people like them, but if you don't, then why keep it?
If it's a true classic rock sound you're after, might I suggest (cringing because I know my computer is going to burst into flames from the negative comments) an Orange OR15? Same money, and a classic rock tone monster, in my opinion.

This thread is too old for any advice for the OP. He been and gone. Totally agree if a person doesn't like it they don't like it. Simple. Judging an experience from using a lemon though is a whole other matter. If my DSL 40 sounded muffled I would have called Sweetwater and told my guy it was defective. I would have been taken care of at their cost.

I have lots of experience with the DSL's though so I would know straight away. Hopefully OP got an amp he is happy with. Having a dud or shit sounding amp can taint ya.:mad:

The OR15's a great amp. I have one. I see lots of people dismiss it has meh too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
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This thread is too old for any advice for the OP. He been and gone. Totally agree if a person doesn't like it they don't like it. Simple. Judging an experience from using a lemon though is a whole other matter. If my DSL 40 sounded muffled I would have called Sweetwater and told my guy it was defective. I would have been taken care of at their cost.

I have lots of experience with the DSL's though so I would know straight away. Hopefully OP got an amp he is happy with. Having a dud or shit sounding amp can taint ya.:mad:

The OR15's a great amp. I have one. I see lots of people dismiss it has meh too.

Yep, there are some pretty good dudes over there at Sweetwater. But, in the past two years, I've given my business almost exclusively to Zzounds.com. The guys over there are awesome, and their no interest- 12 payment plans rock out loud!


Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I use Zzounds every now and then when Sweetwater doesn't have what I need. Always came through for me. Bought my ESP VB EC1000 there. These are the 2 online chains I use. Musicians Friend I have to pay tax online here in Washington so I don't use them.


New Member
Jan 21, 2013
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Shepardsville Kentucky
I you did not like the amp after you bought it. Why didn't you take it back. I not trying to a smartass but to get that" Marshall Sound" takes more than an amp & guitar. It takes talent and an ear for music. legend has it Jimmy Page recorded led zep one with a really chessy amp that slips my old brain here. Look don't dis the forum there is a lot good of info. Just take what you can us and leave the rest.


Active Member
Mar 11, 2008
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To be fair, the OP was a statement, not a question so I totally get his frustration with some of the responses. He wasn't asking for advice he was just giving his opinion because he's disappointed. I get that, I am, too.

I do believe it could have to do with the it being an open back combo. I for one bought this amp because I read so much about the DSL sounding good at low volume. Well it turns out (at least the combo) does not. I cranked it again today and it's much better loud, but I can't always crank it so it's not what I want.

I knew when I bought mine I didn't need 40 watts, but at that price with the features it has over the 15 watter it was a no brainer. I'm still turned off on the 15s features so I'm going a different route.

First off, what "route" do you think you might head in? Another brand or still with Marshall? You may have hit on what many discover and that is these amps and Marshall's in general do sound so much better and authentic when at higher volume. In wonder how many of us buy one and end up using it for home use and can only on a few occasions jack the volume up and most of the time have to keep it throttled down. Maybe this is the reason that is behind posts from unhappy Marshall owners.



Gold Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
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First off, what "route" do you think you might head in? Another brand or still with Marshall? You may have hit on what many discover and that is these amps and Marshall's in general do sound so much better and authentic when at higher volume. In wonder how many of us buy one and end up using it for home use and can only on a few occasions jack the volume up and most of the time have to keep it throttled down. Maybe this is the reason that is behind posts from unhappy Marshall owners.


After trials and tribs DS built himself a fine vintage Marshall variant. Sounds tits too.

Good points on the Marshall and volume.:yesway:


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I tried real hard to like the DSL40 but hey, a 40 watt combo wasnt giving me what I wanted tonally so I moved on. No harm done right?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Funny thing about the 40c is it does have a lot of different sounds. I found again that the ultra gain 2 is useful but more volume than gain must be used. I barely give it enough gain to hear it and then adjust volume and eq ( close to straight up). To me it sounds a little 800ish with no pedals at all.

I just did a recording with the classic channel and gain in the set low with my line 6 pod in front so I can get a more mesa type tone.I had a bit to much drive and volume so it crushed the sound in to clipping but I'll mess with it. It's not perfect but it tightens up the bass. This will give me 3 tone options because I can use the floor switch to go to clean and the amp switch to go to the ultra channel. Not that I need it for a live setting.
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New Member
Jul 12, 2013
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Funny thing about the 40c is it does have a lot of different sounds. I found again that the ultra gain 2 is useful but more volume than gain must be used. I barely give it enough gain to hear it and then adjust volume and eq ( close to straight up). To me it sounds a little 800ish with no pedals at all.

I just did a recording with the classic channel and gain in the set low with my line 6 pod in front so I can get a more mesa type tone.I had a bit to much drive and volume so it crushed the sound in to clipping but I'll mess with it. It's not perfect but it tightens up the bass. This will give me 3 tone options because I can use the floor switch to go to clean and the amp switch to go to the ultra channel. Not that I need it for a live setting.

I find I really can't use enough volume to get power tube break up (on that channel), its too damn loud for the house. :lol: So I use the preamp break up instead using about 7.5 for gain and 4 on the volume on that channel mind you I'm playing a lot of modern rock. I've also found it sounds really good when its on that same setting but you turn down the volume on the guitar, sounds a lot like a JCM800 combo. The classic gain channel is a different story though because there is less voume on that channel I can turn up the volume a lot higher and use my Big Muff to really push it over the edge, something like gain at 6, volume at 7.5. Its enough to piss off the neighbors but not deafening loud to play at, plus I get some really nice sustain at those levels.


New Member
Jul 12, 2013
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I tried real hard to like the DSL40 but hey, a 40 watt combo wasnt giving me what I wanted tonally so I moved on. No harm done right?

If you play a lot of classic rock I could see why it may not be your cup of tea (can take some modding to really make it shine, tubes and speaker ect.) however if you play a lot of 90's or modern rock, this and the 100h are the best amps for the money right now IMO. I've found its perfectly fine the way it currently stands for these types of applications. The only thing I plan to do is hook it up to a ext. cab to achieve additional tone dynamics.