JCM 2555SL Disappointed Owner

  • Thread starter rmh
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Blue Floyd

Jan 31, 2015
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You have a serious disorder and I have obviously really struck a nerve with you..

Yes, I have had access to other Jubilee heads, and it's been confirmed the one I originally was using is indeed healthy. Secondly, I never claimed they are mine. Thirdly, I get out of the house. I live in a big city. I know people. In fact, the owner of these Jubilees in question is an amp builder at a major amp company. I play and gig A LOT. I've spent a considerable amount of time tweaking and tampering with the Jubilee heads I've been using. You see, it doesn't take a PhD to dial in an amp. I can walk up to any amp and get usable sounds out it. My problem with the Jubilee is that it takes longer to do so, and even then they're just not that spectacular. I know these revelations may infuriate your stalker insecure trolling ass even further, but that's just how it is sometimes.

I stand by my original assertions - the Jubilee is indeed way overrated..

The fact of the matter is that not much time has elapsed from the post that I cited to now, yet, you claim your experiences have grown exponentially since. Bullshit. You're were trolling then, and you're trolling now. The only difference is that, when people earnestly suggested that you might have had a bad amp - and there are bad Jubilees out there - your story grew to now include experiences with a number of amps. Bullshit.

Further, what you first described as your "experience" with Jubilees as being piercing and grainy then, in a later post, changed to an issue of it being to flat and dull. Then in yet another separate post, you claimed that they all sounded the same. So which is it, because it can't be both. Also, if you can't get a good a clean with full gain accessible with a click of the footswitch, or from the guitar's volume knob, then yes - it's you and not the amp.

Seriously, go crawl back under your rock and work on your GED. I'm tired of seeing your name pop-up, and the BS you spew, each time the Jubilee is mentioned. Let me guess, jealousy issues with the friend?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
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The fact of the matter is that not much time has elapsed from the post that I cited to now, yet, you claim your experiences have grown exponentially since. Bullshit. You're were trolling then, and you're trolling now. The only difference is that, when people earnestly suggested that you might have had a bad amp - and there are bad Jubilees out there - your story grew to now include experiences with a number of amps. Bullshit.

Further, what you first described as your "experience" with Jubilees as being piercing and grainy then, in a later post, changed to an issue of it being to flat and dull. Then in yet another separate post, you claimed that they all sounded the same. So which is it, because it can't be both. Also, if you can't get a good a clean with full gain accessible with a click of the footswitch, or from the guitar's volume knob, then yes - it's you and not the amp.

Seriously, go crawl back under your rock and work on your GED. I'm tired of seeing your name pop-up, and the BS you spew, each time the Jubilee is mentioned. Let me guess, jealousy issues with the friend?

You have a vast and gaping misunderstanding of everything I've ever said, my friend. Take your hate glasses off and try again. Your rage and hurt feelings have clouded your judgement and caused an error in your reading comprehension. And the simple fact that you are literally stalking me is proof enough that you truly have some kind of agenda and more than a few screws loose.

If you don't like my posts, please just don't read them. The last thing I want or need is some psychopath following me around.

Blue Floyd

Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
You have a vast and gaping misunderstanding of everything I've ever said, my friend. Take your hate glasses off and try again. Your rage and hurt feelings have clouded your judgement and caused an error in your reading comprehension. And the simple fact that you are literally stalking me is proof enough that you truly have some kind of agenda and more than a few screws loose.

If you don't like my posts, please just don't read them. The last thing I want or need is some psychopath following me around.

This is a message board. Your posts, presuming you don't edit them, last for posterity. You can't sit there spewing garbage, and then take offense when others point out the contradictions in what you say.

You deserve calling out since you're trying to present uninformed "opinions" as fact, particularly to those looking for help. We can be diplomatic and say all experiences and opinions vary, and they do, but your posts are so self-contradictory and inapposite to peoples' general experiences that they scream of bullshit. You don't help, you hurt.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
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Not true at all. My opinions are my opinions, and they are indeed very well formulated, and shock and awe, some others agree with me. You see, that's how personal experiences work. Sometimes people agree, sometimes they don't. I could easily say that you must have no ear for tone if you think the jubilee actually sounds good, but I'm not going there because I don't really feel that way. I believe that you think it's a great amp, and I'm okay with that. I'm not so emotionally stunted that I'd get angry by you disagreeing with me. I'm definitely not going to fly into a rage and go through your post history just to try to take you down like some kind of lunatic. All of this because I don't like your amp. So sad.

So yeah, keep chipping away if you want to, but you'd do better to just grow up and ignore my posts if you don't like them.

Blue Floyd

Jan 31, 2015
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Not true at all. My opinions are my opinions, and they are indeed very well formulated, and shock and awe, some others agree with me. You see, that's how personal experiences work. Sometimes people agree, sometimes they don't. I could easily say that you must have no ear for tone if you think the jubilee actually sounds good, but I'm not going there because I don't really feel that way. I believe that you think it's a great amp, and I'm okay with that. I'm not so emotionally stunted that I'd get angry by you disagreeing with me. I'm definitely not going to fly into a rage and go through your post history just to try to take you down like some kind of lunatic. All of this because I don't like your amp. So sad.

So yeah, keep chipping away if you want to, but you'd do better to just grow up and ignore my posts if you don't like them.

No one agrees with you, Stalefish. While others might not like the Jubilee, no one is agreeing with you.

Would you like to know why? Because you are talking out of your ass. You got called out and your contradictions were made evident. You know what happens when you get caught in a lie right, you lose credibility. You know what happens when you talk about something you have no clear experience with, Mr. Bagsofsand (if anyone catches that reference), you lose credibility. You have no credibility, so your "opinions" don't really matter.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
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They obviously matter some. Look at how you're losing your mind over this.

There are no contradictions, I've explained everything you asked about. I haven't lied about anything at all. I've been open and honest from day one. You are really grasping at straws now.

Blue Floyd

Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
They obviously matter some. Look at how you're losing your mind over this.

There are no contradictions, I've explained everything you asked about. I haven't lied about anything at all. I've been open and honest from day one. You are really grasping at straws now.

Losing my mind over this? Hardly. It's actually amusing watching you squirm in your responses. What will he post next? A straw-man argument? A defense of a person's right to an opinion, regardless of how baseless? Explanations as to how your contradictory posts aren't really contradictory (although they are)? Pointless and evasive rambling? Rest assured, it will contain some element of BS though.

You purposefully fail to respond to the direct points I make, instead relying on the "subjectivity" of tone. You're being evasive, particularly since you previously made factual accusations that can be verified by others and their experiences.

So again, don't confuse your ability to post and my interest in responding as indicating that your opinions "matter." They don't, I'm just enjoying this as sport and have a hope you'll develop some semblance of integrity in your postings.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
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Lake Charles, LA
Warning! Babies fighting. All self-respecting, intelligent people should evacuate this thread and stay away. Let the fighting children work it out by themselves.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
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Losing my mind over this? Hardly. It's actually amusing watching you squirm in your responses. What will he post next? A straw-man argument? A defense of a person's right to an opinion, regardless of how baseless? Explanations as to how your contradictory posts aren't really contradictory (although they are)? Pointless and evasive rambling? Rest assured, it will contain some element of BS though.

You purposefully fail to respond to the direct points I make, instead relying on the "subjectivity" of tone. You're being evasive, particularly since you previously made factual accusations that can be verified by others and their experiences.

So again, don't confuse your ability to post and my interest in responding as indicating that your opinions "matter." They don't, I'm just enjoying this as sport and have a hope you'll develop some semblance of integrity in your postings.

Ah, the typical cowardly keyboard-warrior defense that you are "just having fun with this". And you call me a troll? That's textbook trolling 101. You are just posting nonsense to mess with people. If this is fun for you, then you seriously need to get a life.

I answered every question posed to me. Yours and others. I explained myself clearly. Hell, you went through every post I've ever made. How do you keep misunderstanding everything? And you've not once tried to engage in civil, meaningful conversation about this. You've only attacked because you are an insecure blowhard. My opinions of the Jubilee are not baseless. Your raging personal attacks are baseless though, and your stalking is pitiful. All of this because I don't like your amp. You truly are a small-minded person.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2009
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I genuinely appreciate your post and your willingness to discuss without making it personal, but this comment here is why I try to be a "voice" for the other side of the Jubilee fence. There is this general assumption that someone that doesn't like the Jubilee must have something wrong with them. We must be broken. We're "missing something". We don't know what we're doing. That's just not the case. Some people just don't jive with some amps.

And again, not liking a Jubilee should not be taken as an insult to anyone's personal preference. All this pushback is unnecessary. I personally don't think any less of anyone for loving their Jubilee, or JCM 900, or *gasp* Mesa Dual Rec. Whatever. Play what you like. I just don't appreciate being called dumb or inexperienced by anonymous nobodies simply because I don't love the shit out of one certain amp. I certainly get along with tons of other amps. And also like I've mentioned already, I've softened up on the Jubilee as well. It's just not my favorite.

Agreed. Too many take it personal because someone doesn't like their favorite amp.
I don't care.
I have plexi's, JMP metal panels, 2204's, etc...and the 2555sl half stack I just sold sounded killer.
It was all in NOS condition with original tubes, and sounded really, really good, I just prefer the tone and dynamics of the older circuits, that is all.

I also recently sold a YJM100, which sounded really good, too...but didn't sound like my 60's and 70's JMP's,
it was just a nice sounding lesser beast. Great...until you compare to the real deal.

Many don't like pulsonic coned greenbacks....considered the holy grail of speakers, pretty much...and I don't care.
I like them fine, but also like the later blackbacks, G12 65's, etc, depending on the amp being used.
I don't care if someone else has a bad, worn out set of 1970 greenbacks that they don't like, or if they like vintage 30's better. I have had them all. They all sound good with the right setup.

My two cents.
Don't take it personal.:D


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
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Agreed. Too many take it personal because someone doesn't like their favorite amp.
I don't care.
I have plexi's, JMP metal panels, 2204's, etc...and the 2555sl half stack I just sold sounded killer.
It was all in NOS condition with original tubes, and sounded really, really good, I just prefer the tone and dynamics of the older circuits, that is all.

Many don't like pulsonic coned greenbacks....considered the holy grail of speakers, pretty much...and I don't care.
I like them fine, but also like the later blackbacks, G12 65's, etc, depending on the amp being used.
I don't care if someone else has a bad, worn out set of 1970 greenbacks that they don't like, or if they like vintage 30's better. I have had them all. They all sound good with the right setup.

My two cents.
Don't take it personal.:D

Well said. :applause::yesway:

It's refreshing that most of the people in this thread can be reasonable adults.

Blue Floyd

Jan 31, 2015
Reaction score
Ah, the typical cowardly keyboard-warrior defense that you are "just having fun with this". And you call me a troll? That's textbook trolling 101. You are just posting nonsense to mess with people. If this is fun for you, then you seriously need to get a life.

I answered every question posed to me. Yours and others. I explained myself clearly. Hell, you went through every post I've ever made. How do you keep misunderstanding everything? My opinions are not baseless. Your raging personal attacks are baseless though, and your stalking is pitiful. All of this because I don't like your amp. You truly are a small-minded person.

I don't believe you did. Nonetheless, since others are voicing their displeasure about this conversation, let's adjourn until the next time you voice your "opinion" on the Jubilee. Unless, of course, you get the chance to actually play a working one by then. :wave:


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
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I don't believe you did. Nonetheless, since others are voicing their displeasure about this conversation, let's adjourn until the next time you voice your "opinion" on the Jubilee. Unless, of course, you get the chance to actually play a working one by then. :wave:

I've already told you several times that I've been playing two perfectly working but unfortunately terminally mediocre sounding Jubilees, but as you've repeatedly shown yourself to do, you only understand what you want to understand. And then you use your self-imposed ignorance as fuel for your blind, dumb rage. That's your problem, not mine. If you want to keep following me around, be my guest. Maybe you'll learn something. Good luck. :yesway:

Last word is yours, now go!


New Member
Mar 9, 2015
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While I'm glad you found my posts helpful, it's a shame that you place any value on stalefish's opinion since he clearly doesn't know what he is talking about.

Valuing an opinion doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with that opinion. I ask for peoples opinions on lots of different issues but doesn't mean I agree with them all but I still value their individual options no the less


*** Canceled ***
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Repent and ask Slash for his forgiveness immediately.
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