JCM900 vs JMP

  • Thread starter khan
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Active Member
Oct 2, 2010
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United States
both 2x12 both 50watts combo amps.

JCM900 is a '93 vintage and the JMP is '79ish.

Price diff is relatively negligible though, the JMP is a tad higher asking price.

I'm new to Marshalls and am asking is there anything I should be looking at (besides tweeking the knobs) in comparing the two. Maybe a couple of things to test when I go to play them (later this week).

Thanks to the threads here about caps, I'm assuming I'll just have those switched out as soon as I get one or the other.

Thanks in advance!

mike mike

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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what model 900 is it? is it a dual reverb or a MKiii? what is the model number?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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both 2x12 both 50watts combo amps.

JCM900 is a '93 vintage and the JMP is '79ish.

Price diff is relatively negligible though, the JMP is a tad higher asking price.

I'm new to Marshalls and am asking is there anything I should be looking at (besides tweeking the knobs) in comparing the two. Maybe a couple of things to test when I go to play them (later this week).

Thanks to the threads here about caps, I'm assuming I'll just have those switched out as soon as I get one or the other.

Thanks in advance!

JMP 2203 or 2204? Get it. Its a no brainer. They have balls like no other Marshall that came after them, they are simple, well constructed and will last a lifetime.

If you need more overdrive, just push it with a boost or OD in front. Killer tone!


Aug 27, 2009
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Northern Ohio
Are you saying the JMP is about the same asking price as the 900?? This can't be right...either he's asking way too much for the 900 or you could get a steal on the JMP


Jul 29, 2009
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Birmingham Al area
Even though I own a DR JCM 900... get the JMP... like was stated above... it's a no brainer... JMP all the way... he must be practically giving it away...



New Member
Dec 2, 2009
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JMP in the end you will be happier


Active Member
Oct 2, 2010
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United States
Thanks for all of the emphatic direction! You've got me leaning. The difference is a couple of hundred dollars more for the JMP. While not a pitance, I consider that close enough to call a toss-up. I will be using pedals with the amp (various modulation and overdrive, Dyna Drive to be specific).
The JCM 900 is a 4502 has reverb and two channels. I'm not very familiar with the 900's at all so, and the JMP's only through testamonial as I've never played one but have played the JCM 800's (though don't own one) which are supposedly very close in tone etc.

Thanks again. Your input is very meaningful.


In Memorandum
VIP Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Are you saying the JMP is about the same asking price as the 900?? This can't be right...either he's asking way too much for the 900 or you could get a steal on the JMP

That was my line of thought too. I like the 900 series but, as was previously put, get the JMP. Knowing what model in the two different series would still help though and of course what you are looking to get out of it but, as for overall quality the JMP should be the candidate.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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Thanks for all of the emphatic direction! You've got me leaning. The difference is a couple of hundred dollars more for the JMP. While not a pitance, I consider that close enough to call a toss-up. I will be using pedals with the amp (various modulation and overdrive, Dyna Drive to be specific).
The JCM 900 is a 4502 has reverb and two channels. I'm not very familiar with the 900's at all so, and the JMP's only through testamonial as I've never played one but have the JCM 800's which are supposedly very close in tone etc.

Thanks again. Your input is very meaningful.

Just so you know, the JCM900 DR has a solid state front end, diode clipping with a CF tube stage... not that that's a bad thing or anything. They're not for everyone.


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Oct 2, 2010
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United States
Did not know this. Thanks! I'll keep my ears open for that to help judge the sound.

Just so you know, the JCM900 DR has a solid state front end, diode clipping with a CF tube stage... not that that's a bad thing or anything. They're not for everyone.


Well-Known Member
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Jan 27, 2009
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both 2x12 both 50watts combo amps.

JCM900 is a '93 vintage and the JMP is '79ish.

Price diff is relatively negligible though, the JMP is a tad higher asking price.

I'm new to Marshalls and am asking is there anything I should be looking at (besides tweeking the knobs) in comparing the two. Maybe a couple of things to test when I go to play them (later this week).

Thanks to the threads here about caps, I'm assuming I'll just have those switched out as soon as I get one or the other.

Thanks in advance!

What type of music do you play?? If you play classic rock you will love the JMP......but if you like shredding and heaver music like me you will like the 900DR.......the DR has more gain and attack then the JMP ......its plug and play.......I have borrowed my friends 1979 JMP 2203 and one of the bands I play in we play classic rock..........the JMP was prefect for that style of music ........so it all depends on the style of music .........the JMP your going to have to drive the front of the amp no FX loop.......so thats some thing to think about.....the DR has a FX loop

Wycked Lester

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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667 Neighbor of the Beast
What type of music do you play?? If you play classic rock you will love the JMP......but if you like shredding and heaver music like me you will like the 900DR.......the DR has more gain and attack then the JMP ......its plug and play.......I have borrowed my friends 1979 JMP 2203 and one of the bands I play in we play classic rock..........the JMP was prefect for that style of music ........so it all depends on the style of music .........the JMP your going to have to drive the front of the amp no FX loop.......so thats some thing to think about.....the DR has a FX loop

My vote would be JMP, but M/RT has the best answer. you should try both to see which comes closer to your needs ...for one thing, they sound WAY different.

.......little story for ya'all.....

Back many years ago when i was starting out i wanted a better guitar so i saved up some dough, and i asked both people i knew played guitar what i should get. They both carried on and on about strats, and how great they were, and how gibsons sound like shit....so i bought a strat. I tried, and i tried, and i tried, and i bought pedals, and i bought a different amp,....but i could not make that damn thing sound like Van Halen or Metallica to save my ass....
....see my point? The guys i asked were biased because they were country players,...i didn't know it made a difference, and they didn't tell me. They just told me what "sucked" and what was "best". When i figured out that i needed a humbucker guitar then, i hated strats and thought they sucked untill years later when i learned their place.

Wycked Lester

Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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667 Neighbor of the Beast
"the discovery of the humbucker" is another cute lil story ill tell ya'all real quick.

so anyway, i spent a shit load for this new strat (see above post) and couldn;t make it sound like VH or metallica, ...and i couldn't figure it out, .....and people kept telling me "well, they can do anything in a studio" and dumb shit like that. Finally, one day this guy from school came over to jam and he pulls out this Peavey T40 guitar and a little Peavey Decade amp and as soon as he hit one chord I about shit my pants THERE IT WAS the sound i was looking for (vaguly) I was ready to trade all my shit for that dudes peavey stuff,......oh yea, i forgot to mention that i'd also bought a fucking twin reverb for the same reason.....Thank god my dad was there to stop me....I was gonna trade a new strat (usa) and a twin reverb for a peavey t40 and a 15 watt amp!!!! But i didn't give a fuck, i just knew i want that sound.

I soon sold the strat and got a new 81 les paul and a marshall mosfet 100 and its been on ever since....i actually still have both,...the les paul is my baby and the mosfet just sits and looks pretty on a shelf in my studio.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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What type of music do you play?? If you play classic rock you will love the JMP......but if you like shredding and heaver music like me you will like the 900DR.......the DR has more gain and attack then the JMP ......its plug and play.......I have borrowed my friends 1979 JMP 2203 and one of the bands I play in we play classic rock..........the JMP was prefect for that style of music ........so it all depends on the style of music .........the JMP your going to have to drive the front of the amp no FX loop.......so thats some thing to think about.....the DR has a FX loop

Malmsteen shreds though a JMP. Randy Rhoads use to play through one too.
I have no issues playing metal like Sabbath, Metallica (They used JMPs too), Halen (Didn't he use a non master volume 1959), Dokken, Dio, Jake E Lee, Extreme through a non-master volume Marshall ( I now use a 2204)

Michael is right though, try 'em and see which you like best but if you're unsure, perhaps you should look into something else like a 2203/2204, a DSL or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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up-state New York
There's around a six hundred dollar difference in amps here; without question, no matter what you play, the smart money is on the JMP.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2010
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United States
Excellent consult folks. Glad I asked here. I do play more classic styled rock. It's not shred anyway (don't mean that as a negative in case it comes across as such). I grew up on Deep Purple and Black Sabbath in the 70's so, this is kind of a return to roots, if you will. You've all got me pretty much leaning to the JMP. I don't have a chance to play either til Wednesday so, I've got to be patient.
I can't tell you the number of amps and guitars I wish I'd hung onto from "the day." I played bass for several years and did the same there too. Just traded one classic for another +$50 until I wanted to switch again. I'm sure you all have similar stories too.
Thanks again for all fo the advice. You've all been very helpful and informative.

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